Introduction to financial accounting
作 者:(美)查尔斯·T. 霍恩格伦(Charles T. Horngren)[等]著
1 Accounting;The Language of Business
Chapter Opner:Starbucks
The Nature of Accountign
The Balance Sheet
Balance Sheet Transactions
Types of Ownership
Accounting Differences Between Proprietorships,Partnerships,and Corporations
Stockholders and the Board of Directors
Credibility and The Role of Auditing
The Accountign Profession
Career Opportunities for Accountants
Highlights to Remember
2 Measuring Income to Assess Performance
Chapter Opner:General Mills
Introduction to Income Measurement
Measuring Income
The Income Statement
Accounting for Dividends and Retained Earnings
Some Basic Concepts
Four Popular Financial Ratios
Highlights to Remeber
Appendix 2:Cost-Benefit Criterion and Accounting Regulation
3 Recording Transactions
Chapter Opner:Gap Inc.
The Double-Entry Accounting System
Debits and Credits
4 Accrual Accounting and Finacial Statements
5 Statement of Cash Flows
6 Accounting for Sales
7 Inventories and Cost of Goods Sold
8 Long-Lived Assets and Depreciation
9 Liabilities and Interest
10 Stockholders' Equity
11 Intercorporate Investments and Consolidations
12 Financial Statement Analysis
Chapter Opner:Starbucks
The Nature of Accountign
The Balance Sheet
Balance Sheet Transactions
Types of Ownership
Accounting Differences Between Proprietorships,Partnerships,and Corporations
Stockholders and the Board of Directors
Credibility and The Role of Auditing
The Accountign Profession
Career Opportunities for Accountants
Highlights to Remember
2 Measuring Income to Assess Performance
Chapter Opner:General Mills
Introduction to Income Measurement
Measuring Income
The Income Statement
Accounting for Dividends and Retained Earnings
Some Basic Concepts
Four Popular Financial Ratios
Highlights to Remeber
Appendix 2:Cost-Benefit Criterion and Accounting Regulation
3 Recording Transactions
Chapter Opner:Gap Inc.
The Double-Entry Accounting System
Debits and Credits
4 Accrual Accounting and Finacial Statements
5 Statement of Cash Flows
6 Accounting for Sales
7 Inventories and Cost of Goods Sold
8 Long-Lived Assets and Depreciation
9 Liabilities and Interest
10 Stockholders' Equity
11 Intercorporate Investments and Consolidations
12 Financial Statement Analysis
Introduction to financial accounting
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