Computational analysis of dynamic behavior of the ornstein-uhlenbeck process and its applications in financial engineering
作 者:金辉著
《ornstein-uhlenbeck 过程动态指标的计算分析及其在金融工程中的运用(英文版)》的内容由三部分组成。首先,建立用ehrenfest过程序列逼近o-u过程的理论基础。然后,开发有效的数值计算方法来掌握ehrenfest过程的动态变化,包括时间依存转移概率、首次到达时间和最大历史值等,并对这些数值方法进行修正使其适用于具有边界限制的过程。最后,新的数值计算方法被应用于解决金融工程领域的难题,对具有阶梯回归函数和波动率函数的利率过程下零息票债券和相关欧式期权进行了定价计算。
《ornstein-uhlenbeck 过程动态指标的计算分析及其在金融工程中的运用(英文版)》以我的博士论文为基础整理而成,主要章节已经发表在“journal of the operations research society of japan”、“methodology and computing in applied probability”、“the ournal of derivatives”等sci/ssci收录的国际著名杂志。
《ornstein-uhlenbeck 过程动态指标的计算分析及其在金融工程中的运用(英文版)》
chapter 0 introduction and summary
0.1 convergence of the ehrenfest process to the o-u process
0.2 probability generating function of the ehrenfest process
0.3 first passage time structure of the ehrenfest process
0.4 uniformization procedure of keilson
0.5 dynamic behavior of modified o-u processes with various boundaries
0.6 applications of o-u processes in financial engineering
chapter 1 first passage time structure of the ehrenfest process
1.1 spectra] representation of transition probability matrix of the ehrenfest process
1.1.1 definition of the ehrenfest process
1.1.2 probability generating functions of transition probabilities of the ehrenfest process
1.1.3 spectral representation of the ehrenfest process
1.2 first passage times and the historical maximum of the ehrenfest process
1.2.1 definition of the first passage time and historical maximum
1.2.2 first passage time structure of a general birth-death process
1.2.3 first passage time structure of the ehrenfest process
chapter 2 convergence in law of the ehrenfest process to the ornstein-uhlenbeck process
2.1 convergence of a sequence of ehreufest processes to
.the o-u process
2.1.1 definition of the o-o process
2.1.2 convergence of transition probabilities
2.1.3 convergence of first passage times and historical maximum
2.2 development of algorithms and numerical results
2.2.1 transition probabilities and tail probabilities
2.2.2 first passage times and the historical maximum
chapter 3 dynamic behavior of modified ornstein-uhlenbeck processes with various boundaries
3.1 keilson's uniformization procedure
3.1.1 uniformization procedure
3.1.2 transition probabilities of a general birth-death process
3.2 first passage times and historical maximums for o-u processes with absorbing boundaries
3.2.1 first passage times and historical maximums of markov chains
3.2.2 o-u processes with absorbing boundaries
3.3 tail probabilities of o-u processes with replacement and reflection boundaries
3.3.1 o-u processes with two replacement boundaries
3.3.2 o-u processes with two reflection boundaries
3.4 numcerical results
3.4.1 o-u processes with one absorbing boundary
3.4.2 o-u processes with two absorbing boundaries
3.4.3 o-u processes with two replacement and reflection boundaries
chapter 4 applications of ornstein-uhlenbeek processes in financial engineering
4.1 the o-u process in the hull-white model and the proposed approach
4.1.1 the vasicek model and associated shift function
4.1.2 the hun-white model with stepwise reversion and volatility functions
4.2 modification of the hull-white trinomial tree approach
4.2.1 the original hull-white trinomial tree approach
4.2.2 modified trinomial tree approach
4.3 development of computational procedures for evaluating
prices of discount bonds and european options for the vasicek model
4.3.i discount bond and european option pricing with constant reversion and volatility functions
4.3.2 numerical comparison and accuracy check
4.4 pricing discount bonds and associated european options with stepwise reversion and volatility functions
4.4.1 discount bond pricing with stepwise reversion and volatility functions
4.4.2 european option pricing with stepwise reversion and volatility functions
4.4.3 numerical results
chapter 5 concluding remarks
appendix a laguerre transform
a.1laguerre functions and laguerre coefficients
a.2 extended laguerre functions
a.3 accuracy and utility
a.4 application for normal distribution
chapter 0 introduction and summary
0.1 convergence of the ehrenfest process to the o-u process
0.2 probability generating function of the ehrenfest process
0.3 first passage time structure of the ehrenfest process
0.4 uniformization procedure of keilson
0.5 dynamic behavior of modified o-u processes with various boundaries
0.6 applications of o-u processes in financial engineering
chapter 1 first passage time structure of the ehrenfest process
1.1 spectra] representation of transition probability matrix of the ehrenfest process
1.1.1 definition of the ehrenfest process
1.1.2 probability generating functions of transition probabilities of the ehrenfest process
1.1.3 spectral representation of the ehrenfest process
1.2 first passage times and the historical maximum of the ehrenfest process
1.2.1 definition of the first passage time and historical maximum
1.2.2 first passage time structure of a general birth-death process
1.2.3 first passage time structure of the ehrenfest process
chapter 2 convergence in law of the ehrenfest process to the ornstein-uhlenbeck process
2.1 convergence of a sequence of ehreufest processes to
.the o-u process
2.1.1 definition of the o-o process
2.1.2 convergence of transition probabilities
2.1.3 convergence of first passage times and historical maximum
2.2 development of algorithms and numerical results
2.2.1 transition probabilities and tail probabilities
2.2.2 first passage times and the historical maximum
chapter 3 dynamic behavior of modified ornstein-uhlenbeck processes with various boundaries
3.1 keilson's uniformization procedure
3.1.1 uniformization procedure
3.1.2 transition probabilities of a general birth-death process
3.2 first passage times and historical maximums for o-u processes with absorbing boundaries
3.2.1 first passage times and historical maximums of markov chains
3.2.2 o-u processes with absorbing boundaries
3.3 tail probabilities of o-u processes with replacement and reflection boundaries
3.3.1 o-u processes with two replacement boundaries
3.3.2 o-u processes with two reflection boundaries
3.4 numcerical results
3.4.1 o-u processes with one absorbing boundary
3.4.2 o-u processes with two absorbing boundaries
3.4.3 o-u processes with two replacement and reflection boundaries
chapter 4 applications of ornstein-uhlenbeek processes in financial engineering
4.1 the o-u process in the hull-white model and the proposed approach
4.1.1 the vasicek model and associated shift function
4.1.2 the hun-white model with stepwise reversion and volatility functions
4.2 modification of the hull-white trinomial tree approach
4.2.1 the original hull-white trinomial tree approach
4.2.2 modified trinomial tree approach
4.3 development of computational procedures for evaluating
prices of discount bonds and european options for the vasicek model
4.3.i discount bond and european option pricing with constant reversion and volatility functions
4.3.2 numerical comparison and accuracy check
4.4 pricing discount bonds and associated european options with stepwise reversion and volatility functions
4.4.1 discount bond pricing with stepwise reversion and volatility functions
4.4.2 european option pricing with stepwise reversion and volatility functions
4.4.3 numerical results
chapter 5 concluding remarks
appendix a laguerre transform
a.1laguerre functions and laguerre coefficients
a.2 extended laguerre functions
a.3 accuracy and utility
a.4 application for normal distribution
Computational analysis of dynamic behavior of the ornstein-uhlenbeck process and its applications in financial engineering
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