《国际商务英语阅读》专门为英语专业培养复合型外语人才或商贸类各专业提高专业英语阅读水平而精心设计编写,选用纯正的英语国家出版物的英语语料,内容涵盖国际贸易、国际营销、国际金融、国际物流、商务谈判、国际人力资源、商务环境等多个国际商务领域。全书共分11个单元,内容丰富,每单元有Text A(细读)和Text B(泛读)两部分。Text A(细读)让读者边读边思考,边读边提问,读懂,读透,掌握核心语言规律、重要词汇、特殊词语表达模式。Text B(泛读)设计检验读者的主题篇章阅读能力。书后还提供了练习参考答案。
Unit 1 Business Negotiation & Export Contract
Text A
1.0 Preparation before Business Negotiation
1.1 Business Negotiation Itself
1.1.1 Inquiry
1.1.2 Offer
1.1.3 Counter-Offer
1.1.4 Acceptance
Exercise 1
1.2 The Form of a Sales Contract
1.2.1 Preparation for Shipment
1.2.2 Prepare Goods for Shipment
1.2.3 Make Overall Examination
1.2.4 Examine Individual Clauses
Exercise 2
1.3 Amendment of the L/C
1.4 Outward Notice and Insurance
1.5 Consignment Bill
1.6 Required Documents and Settlement of Payment
1.7 Methods of Payment
1.8 Financing Receivables
Exercise 3
Text B
Passage 1 Negotiating
Passage 2 Step-by-Step Guide to Exporting
Unit 2 Marketing and Target Markets
Text A
2.0 Introduction
2.1 The Four Eras of Marketing
2.2 The Value of Marketing
Exercise 1
2.3 Marketing Environment
2.3.1 Controllable Factors
2.3.2 Factors Directed by Marketing
Exercise 2
2.3.3 Uncontrollable Factors
2.3.4 Political Environment
2.3.5 Cultural and Social Environment
Exercise 3
2.4 Target Market
2.4.1 What Consumers Prefer to Buy
2.4.2 A Market Is A Group of Customers
Exercise 4
2.5 Targeting the Market
2.5.1 Undifferentiated Marketing
2.5.2 Concentrated Marketing
2.5.3 Differentiated Marketing
2.6 Selecting Target Markets
2.6.1 Developing the Marketing Strategy
2.6.2 Sales Forecasting
2.6.3 Type of Opportunities to Pursue
Exercise 5
Text B
Passage 1 Common Marketing Mistakes
Passage 2 Common-Sense E-Mail Marketing Rules
Unit 3 Price Planning & Marketing Planning
Text A
3.0 Introduction
3.1 Factors Affecting Pricing Decisions
3.1.1 Consumers
3.1.2 Costs
3.1.3 Government
3.1.4 Competition
3.2 Pricing by Wholesalers and Retailers
Exercise 1
3.3 Pricing by Producers
3.4 Pricing According to Demand
3.5 List Price Variations
3.6 Allowance off List Prices
Exercise 2
3.7 Marketing Planning
3.7.1 How Important Is Good Planning?
3.7.2 Tactical Marketing Planning
Exercise 3
3.7.3 Organization
3.8 Marketing Control
3.8.1 Sales Volume Analysis
3.8.2 Marketing Cost Analysis
3.8.3 The Marketing Audit
Exercise 4
Text B
Passage 1 Pricing
Passage 2 Determining a Product Price
Unit 4 Balance of Payments & Trade
Text A
4.0 Introduction
4.1 Theories of Balance of Payments
4.1.1 Hume's Price-Species-Flow Mechanism
4.1.2 Elasticity Approach
4.1.3 Absorption Approach and Others
Exercise 1
4.2 Some Balance of Payments Concepts
4.2.1 Current Account
4.2.2 The Capital Account
4.2.3 Errors and Omissions
4.2.4 Official Reserve Transactions
4.3 Balance of Payments Equilibrium and Adjustment
4.3.1 Measures for Settlement
Exercise 2
4.4 Balance of Trade and Exchange Rates
4.4.1 American-Canadian Trade and Exchange Analysis
4.4.2 American Mexican Trade and Exchange Analysis
Exercise 3
4.4.3 American-Japanese Trade and Exchange Analysis
4.4.4 American-Chinese Trade and Exchange Analysis
4.4.5 Further Explanation of U.S. Trade Deficit
Exercise 4
Text B
Passage 1 U.S. Trade Deficit with China Hits High
Passage 2 Causes of the U.S. Trade Deficit
Unit 5 Efficiency and Cost in Logistics
Text A
5.0 Understanding Logistics
5.1 The New Marketing Concept
5.2 The Last Frontier for Cost Economies
5.2.1 Physical Distribution Costs
5.2.2 The Total Cost of Performing the Physical Distribution
Exercise 1
5.3 Organizational Structure and Functional Decisions
5.4 The Function of Inventories
5.4.1 Service vs.Costs
5.4.2 Inventory Problems
5.4.3 Alternatives
Exercise 2
5.5 Tools to Facilitate Physical Distribution
5.5.1 Operation Research
5.5.2 Electronic Data Processing
5.5.3 Airfreight
5.6 The Raytheon Case
5.7 Implications
Exercise 3
Text B
Passage 1 Warehouse Replenishment Time
Passage 2 Distribution Ideas in a Changing Market
Passage 3 Transportation:A Part of the Distribution System
Unit 6 Changing Channels in Logistics
Text A
6.0 Introduction
6.1 Channel Classification
6.1.1 Channel Classification from Different Perspectives
6.1.2 Examples
6.1.3 Significance of the Classification
Exercise 1
6.2 Channel Functions of Exchange
6.3 The Exchange Network
6.4 Objective of Exchange Channels
Exercise 2
6.5 Distribution Channel Structure
6.5.1 Postponement
6.5.2 Speculation
6.5.3 The Combined Principle
6.6 Conclusion
Exercise 3
Text B
Passage 1 The Concept of Substitutability
Passage 2 Distribution Channels in China
Passage 3
Unit 7 International Business Diplomacy
Text A
7.0 Overview
7.1 Needs and Alternatives for Fulfillment
7.1.1 Nature of Assets
7.1.2 Strengths of the Parties
7.1.3 Other External Pressure
7.2 Negotiations in International Business
7.2.1 Acceptance Zones
7.2.2 Provisions
Exercise 1
7.3 Home-Country Involvement in Asset Protection
7.3.1 The Historical Background
7.3.2 The Use of Bilateral Agreements
7.3.3 Home-Country Aid as A Weapon
7.4 Multilateral Settlements
7.5 Consortium Approaches
7.5.1 Arab Boycott
7.5.2 Codes of Control
Exercise 2
7.6 External Relations Approaches
7.6.1 The Need by Countries
7.6.2 Company Approaches
7.6.3 Allies Through Participation
7.7 Protection of Intellectual Property Rights
7.7.1 Patents
7.7.2 Trademarks
Exercise 3
Text B
Passage 1 Company Bargaining Strength
Passage 2 Behavioral Characteristic Affecting Outcome
Unit 8 Export Strategy
Text A
8.0 Introduction
8.1 Factors Favoring Exportation
8.2 Building an Export Strategy
8.2.1 Potential Pitfalls
8.2.2 Strategy Design
Exercise 1
8.3 Export Functions and Facilitating Intermediaries
8.3.1 Direct Selling
8.3.2 Indirect Selling
8.3.3 Export Trading Companies
Exercise 2
8.3.4 Japanese Trading Companies
8.3.5 Foreign Freight Forwarders
8.4 Governmental Role in Exporting
8.4.1 Eximbank
Exercise 3
Text B
Passage 1 PepsiCo in India
Passage 2 Black & Decker
Unit 9 Human Resource Management
Text A
9.0 Overview
9.1 Foreign Managerial Transfers
9.1.1 Mobility
9.1.2 Technical Competence
9.1.3 Adaptiveness
9.1.4 Local Acceptance
Exercise 1
9.2 Management Recruitment and Selection
9.2.1 Adaptability Assessment
9.2.2 The Help of Local Companies
9.3 Labor Market Differences
9.3.1 Appropriate Technology
9.3.2 International Labor Mobility
9.3.3 Work-Force Stability Problem
9.3.4 Employment Adjustments
Exercise 2
9.4 Comparative Labor Relations
9.4.1 Sociopolitical Environment
9.4.2 Union Structure
9.4.3 Protection from Closures and Redundancy
9.4.4 Codetermination
Exercise 3
Text B
Passage 1 Dow's International Management Development
Passage 2 The Office Equipment Company
Unit 10 The American Business System
Text A
10.0 Introduction
10.1 Elements of American Business Enterprise System
10.1.1 Business:A Key Social Institution
10.1.2 Constitutional Democracy
Exercise 1
10.1.3 American Capitalism
Exercise 2
10.2 Economic Theories of Capitalism
10.2.1 Classical Theory
10.2.2 Keynesian Theory
Exercise 3
10.3 Basic American Values
10.3.1 Traditional Man
10.3.2 Economic Man
10.3.3 Social Man
Exercise 4
Text B
Passage 1 Business Responsibility
Passage 2 Forms of Business Ownership
Unit 11 Business and You
Text A
11.0 Introduction
11.1 Factors to Consider in Career Planning
11.2 Aids to Occupational Selection
Exercise 1
11.3 Planning A Job Campaign
11.3.1 Sources of Information on Job Opportunities
11.3.2 Sources of Informationon Prospective Employers
11.3.3 Writing the Letter of Application
Exercise 2
11.3.4 Preparing a Resume
11.3.5 Preparing for An Interview
Exercise 3
11.4 Distinctions between Small Businesses and Large Businesses
11.4.1 Differences in Marketing
11.4.2 Differences in Personnel
11.4.3 Differences in Production
11.4.4 Differences in Finance
Exercise 4
Text B
Passage 1 Franchising
Passage 2 Employment Opportunity
Keys to the Exercises
Text A
1.0 Preparation before Business Negotiation
1.1 Business Negotiation Itself
1.1.1 Inquiry
1.1.2 Offer
1.1.3 Counter-Offer
1.1.4 Acceptance
Exercise 1
1.2 The Form of a Sales Contract
1.2.1 Preparation for Shipment
1.2.2 Prepare Goods for Shipment
1.2.3 Make Overall Examination
1.2.4 Examine Individual Clauses
Exercise 2
1.3 Amendment of the L/C
1.4 Outward Notice and Insurance
1.5 Consignment Bill
1.6 Required Documents and Settlement of Payment
1.7 Methods of Payment
1.8 Financing Receivables
Exercise 3
Text B
Passage 1 Negotiating
Passage 2 Step-by-Step Guide to Exporting
Unit 2 Marketing and Target Markets
Text A
2.0 Introduction
2.1 The Four Eras of Marketing
2.2 The Value of Marketing
Exercise 1
2.3 Marketing Environment
2.3.1 Controllable Factors
2.3.2 Factors Directed by Marketing
Exercise 2
2.3.3 Uncontrollable Factors
2.3.4 Political Environment
2.3.5 Cultural and Social Environment
Exercise 3
2.4 Target Market
2.4.1 What Consumers Prefer to Buy
2.4.2 A Market Is A Group of Customers
Exercise 4
2.5 Targeting the Market
2.5.1 Undifferentiated Marketing
2.5.2 Concentrated Marketing
2.5.3 Differentiated Marketing
2.6 Selecting Target Markets
2.6.1 Developing the Marketing Strategy
2.6.2 Sales Forecasting
2.6.3 Type of Opportunities to Pursue
Exercise 5
Text B
Passage 1 Common Marketing Mistakes
Passage 2 Common-Sense E-Mail Marketing Rules
Unit 3 Price Planning & Marketing Planning
Text A
3.0 Introduction
3.1 Factors Affecting Pricing Decisions
3.1.1 Consumers
3.1.2 Costs
3.1.3 Government
3.1.4 Competition
3.2 Pricing by Wholesalers and Retailers
Exercise 1
3.3 Pricing by Producers
3.4 Pricing According to Demand
3.5 List Price Variations
3.6 Allowance off List Prices
Exercise 2
3.7 Marketing Planning
3.7.1 How Important Is Good Planning?
3.7.2 Tactical Marketing Planning
Exercise 3
3.7.3 Organization
3.8 Marketing Control
3.8.1 Sales Volume Analysis
3.8.2 Marketing Cost Analysis
3.8.3 The Marketing Audit
Exercise 4
Text B
Passage 1 Pricing
Passage 2 Determining a Product Price
Unit 4 Balance of Payments & Trade
Text A
4.0 Introduction
4.1 Theories of Balance of Payments
4.1.1 Hume's Price-Species-Flow Mechanism
4.1.2 Elasticity Approach
4.1.3 Absorption Approach and Others
Exercise 1
4.2 Some Balance of Payments Concepts
4.2.1 Current Account
4.2.2 The Capital Account
4.2.3 Errors and Omissions
4.2.4 Official Reserve Transactions
4.3 Balance of Payments Equilibrium and Adjustment
4.3.1 Measures for Settlement
Exercise 2
4.4 Balance of Trade and Exchange Rates
4.4.1 American-Canadian Trade and Exchange Analysis
4.4.2 American Mexican Trade and Exchange Analysis
Exercise 3
4.4.3 American-Japanese Trade and Exchange Analysis
4.4.4 American-Chinese Trade and Exchange Analysis
4.4.5 Further Explanation of U.S. Trade Deficit
Exercise 4
Text B
Passage 1 U.S. Trade Deficit with China Hits High
Passage 2 Causes of the U.S. Trade Deficit
Unit 5 Efficiency and Cost in Logistics
Text A
5.0 Understanding Logistics
5.1 The New Marketing Concept
5.2 The Last Frontier for Cost Economies
5.2.1 Physical Distribution Costs
5.2.2 The Total Cost of Performing the Physical Distribution
Exercise 1
5.3 Organizational Structure and Functional Decisions
5.4 The Function of Inventories
5.4.1 Service vs.Costs
5.4.2 Inventory Problems
5.4.3 Alternatives
Exercise 2
5.5 Tools to Facilitate Physical Distribution
5.5.1 Operation Research
5.5.2 Electronic Data Processing
5.5.3 Airfreight
5.6 The Raytheon Case
5.7 Implications
Exercise 3
Text B
Passage 1 Warehouse Replenishment Time
Passage 2 Distribution Ideas in a Changing Market
Passage 3 Transportation:A Part of the Distribution System
Unit 6 Changing Channels in Logistics
Text A
6.0 Introduction
6.1 Channel Classification
6.1.1 Channel Classification from Different Perspectives
6.1.2 Examples
6.1.3 Significance of the Classification
Exercise 1
6.2 Channel Functions of Exchange
6.3 The Exchange Network
6.4 Objective of Exchange Channels
Exercise 2
6.5 Distribution Channel Structure
6.5.1 Postponement
6.5.2 Speculation
6.5.3 The Combined Principle
6.6 Conclusion
Exercise 3
Text B
Passage 1 The Concept of Substitutability
Passage 2 Distribution Channels in China
Passage 3
Unit 7 International Business Diplomacy
Text A
7.0 Overview
7.1 Needs and Alternatives for Fulfillment
7.1.1 Nature of Assets
7.1.2 Strengths of the Parties
7.1.3 Other External Pressure
7.2 Negotiations in International Business
7.2.1 Acceptance Zones
7.2.2 Provisions
Exercise 1
7.3 Home-Country Involvement in Asset Protection
7.3.1 The Historical Background
7.3.2 The Use of Bilateral Agreements
7.3.3 Home-Country Aid as A Weapon
7.4 Multilateral Settlements
7.5 Consortium Approaches
7.5.1 Arab Boycott
7.5.2 Codes of Control
Exercise 2
7.6 External Relations Approaches
7.6.1 The Need by Countries
7.6.2 Company Approaches
7.6.3 Allies Through Participation
7.7 Protection of Intellectual Property Rights
7.7.1 Patents
7.7.2 Trademarks
Exercise 3
Text B
Passage 1 Company Bargaining Strength
Passage 2 Behavioral Characteristic Affecting Outcome
Unit 8 Export Strategy
Text A
8.0 Introduction
8.1 Factors Favoring Exportation
8.2 Building an Export Strategy
8.2.1 Potential Pitfalls
8.2.2 Strategy Design
Exercise 1
8.3 Export Functions and Facilitating Intermediaries
8.3.1 Direct Selling
8.3.2 Indirect Selling
8.3.3 Export Trading Companies
Exercise 2
8.3.4 Japanese Trading Companies
8.3.5 Foreign Freight Forwarders
8.4 Governmental Role in Exporting
8.4.1 Eximbank
Exercise 3
Text B
Passage 1 PepsiCo in India
Passage 2 Black & Decker
Unit 9 Human Resource Management
Text A
9.0 Overview
9.1 Foreign Managerial Transfers
9.1.1 Mobility
9.1.2 Technical Competence
9.1.3 Adaptiveness
9.1.4 Local Acceptance
Exercise 1
9.2 Management Recruitment and Selection
9.2.1 Adaptability Assessment
9.2.2 The Help of Local Companies
9.3 Labor Market Differences
9.3.1 Appropriate Technology
9.3.2 International Labor Mobility
9.3.3 Work-Force Stability Problem
9.3.4 Employment Adjustments
Exercise 2
9.4 Comparative Labor Relations
9.4.1 Sociopolitical Environment
9.4.2 Union Structure
9.4.3 Protection from Closures and Redundancy
9.4.4 Codetermination
Exercise 3
Text B
Passage 1 Dow's International Management Development
Passage 2 The Office Equipment Company
Unit 10 The American Business System
Text A
10.0 Introduction
10.1 Elements of American Business Enterprise System
10.1.1 Business:A Key Social Institution
10.1.2 Constitutional Democracy
Exercise 1
10.1.3 American Capitalism
Exercise 2
10.2 Economic Theories of Capitalism
10.2.1 Classical Theory
10.2.2 Keynesian Theory
Exercise 3
10.3 Basic American Values
10.3.1 Traditional Man
10.3.2 Economic Man
10.3.3 Social Man
Exercise 4
Text B
Passage 1 Business Responsibility
Passage 2 Forms of Business Ownership
Unit 11 Business and You
Text A
11.0 Introduction
11.1 Factors to Consider in Career Planning
11.2 Aids to Occupational Selection
Exercise 1
11.3 Planning A Job Campaign
11.3.1 Sources of Information on Job Opportunities
11.3.2 Sources of Informationon Prospective Employers
11.3.3 Writing the Letter of Application
Exercise 2
11.3.4 Preparing a Resume
11.3.5 Preparing for An Interview
Exercise 3
11.4 Distinctions between Small Businesses and Large Businesses
11.4.1 Differences in Marketing
11.4.2 Differences in Personnel
11.4.3 Differences in Production
11.4.4 Differences in Finance
Exercise 4
Text B
Passage 1 Franchising
Passage 2 Employment Opportunity
Keys to the Exercises
English reading for international business
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