English for decision-makers: a course in modern management
Chapter 1 Management in a Changing World
Notes:Demographic changes.The Changing role of managers.
Changes in customer expectations.Changing social values.
Reading:“The Manager as Coach.”
Language Elements:Comparing.
Analyzing Data:Regional population projections.
Chapter 2 International&Cultu ral Dimensions of Management.
Notes:The global economy.Cultural elements.The multinational corporation(MNCs).Economic blocs.
Readings:“Central America Opens for Business.”“An African Success Story(The Southern African Development Community:SADC).”
Language Elements:Adding information.
Analyzing Data:Changes in merchandise trade.1913-1996.
Chapter 3 Motivation.
Notes:Job satisfaction.Pay practices.other types of compensation?
Language Elements:Nouns as modifiers。Pronunciation.
Analyzing Data:Manufacturing labor cOsts.
Chapter 4 Hiring and Managing Employees’Performance.
Notes:Internal or External source of recruiment.Job Drofile.
Description of company.Training.Performance appraisals.
Readings:“How well are you doing?‘Trading places:Break.
ing down barriers between workers and management.”
Language Elements:Asking questions:Opinion questions and probes.
Analyzing Data:Secondary school aaendance in East and Southeast Asia.
Chapter 5 Job Design&Work Arrangements.
Notes:Job analysis and job description.Process reengineering.
Process-oriented.Playscript procedure.
Reading:“The Process is the Product.”“Playscript procedure.”
Language Elements:Pronunciation.
Analyzing Data:Information technology and employment growth.
Writing:Short reports
Chapter 6 The Nature of Groups.
Notes:Different types of groups.Roles in groups.Tyes of
meetings.Group decision-making.
Reading:“Which Role are You?”
Language Elements:Verbal modifiers.
Chapter 7 Teamwork&Workgroup Design.
Notes:Benefits of teams(TQM).Major types of teams.Strategies for building teams.
Reading:“The Discipline of Teams.”
Language Elements:Connectors of reason,purpose and contrast.
Writing:Business letters.
Chapter 8 The Structure of Organizations.
Notes:Vertical specialization(Chain of command and span of
contro1.Line units and staff units).Virtual organization(outsourcing).Boundaryless organization.
Readings:“Dell Computers-the Completely Outsourced
Company.”“The Coming ofthe New Organization.”
Language Elements:The USe of examples.
Analyzing Data: Levels of management and use of quality circles in different countries.
Chapter 9 Organizational Design & Learning.
Notes : Environments of business ( Publics. Suppliers. Distribution channels). Reactions to downturns. Organizational learning.
Readings: " Building a Core Competence. " " Knowledge Is Everybody's Business. "
Language Elements: Pronunciation.
Analyzing Data: Trends inMergers & Acquisitions.
Chapter 10 Corporate Culture.
Notes: Corporate culture. Observing corporate culture (Founding stories. Cultural symbols. Rituals). Status symbols.
Readings: "Values: The Key to a Strong Corporate Culture. ""Merger Mania. "
Language Elements: Connectors of restatement and result.
Chapter 11 Politics, Power, & Leadership.
Notes: Kinds of power. Empowering people. Leadership styles. Levels of control. High-performance teams.
Readings: "The Lines Are Changing. " " More Power to You. "
Language Elements: Connectors of suggestions and opinions.
Analyzing Data: Revenues from alliances.
Chapter 12 Communication.
Notes: Communication channels (org. charts, grapevine.e-mall). Barriers to communication. Cultural elements (for-
mality, connotations). Ways to reduce communication problems (paraphrase, reflecting back, examples, clarifying).
Language Elements: Connectors of lists or series.
Chapter 13 Decision-Making.
Notes: Conditions for making decisions (certainty. risk. uncertainty). Types of decisions (routine. nonroutine). Cultural
differences in making decisions (individual. consultative.group).
Reading : "Country Analysis. "
Language Elements: The language of probability.
Analyzing Data: Trends in oil production, 2000- 2010.
Chapter 14 Innovation &Change.
Notes: Some reasons for change. Kinds of change (Radical & incremental, planned & unplanned ). Resistance to change.
Strategies for change. Innovation (product/process).
Reading: "Singapore —— A study in change. "
Listening Scripts
Chapter 1 Management in a Changing World
Notes:Demographic changes.The Changing role of managers.
Changes in customer expectations.Changing social values.
Reading:“The Manager as Coach.”
Language Elements:Comparing.
Analyzing Data:Regional population projections.
Chapter 2 International&Cultu ral Dimensions of Management.
Notes:The global economy.Cultural elements.The multinational corporation(MNCs).Economic blocs.
Readings:“Central America Opens for Business.”“An African Success Story(The Southern African Development Community:SADC).”
Language Elements:Adding information.
Analyzing Data:Changes in merchandise trade.1913-1996.
Chapter 3 Motivation.
Notes:Job satisfaction.Pay practices.other types of compensation?
Language Elements:Nouns as modifiers。Pronunciation.
Analyzing Data:Manufacturing labor cOsts.
Chapter 4 Hiring and Managing Employees’Performance.
Notes:Internal or External source of recruiment.Job Drofile.
Description of company.Training.Performance appraisals.
Readings:“How well are you doing?‘Trading places:Break.
ing down barriers between workers and management.”
Language Elements:Asking questions:Opinion questions and probes.
Analyzing Data:Secondary school aaendance in East and Southeast Asia.
Chapter 5 Job Design&Work Arrangements.
Notes:Job analysis and job description.Process reengineering.
Process-oriented.Playscript procedure.
Reading:“The Process is the Product.”“Playscript procedure.”
Language Elements:Pronunciation.
Analyzing Data:Information technology and employment growth.
Writing:Short reports
Chapter 6 The Nature of Groups.
Notes:Different types of groups.Roles in groups.Tyes of
meetings.Group decision-making.
Reading:“Which Role are You?”
Language Elements:Verbal modifiers.
Chapter 7 Teamwork&Workgroup Design.
Notes:Benefits of teams(TQM).Major types of teams.Strategies for building teams.
Reading:“The Discipline of Teams.”
Language Elements:Connectors of reason,purpose and contrast.
Writing:Business letters.
Chapter 8 The Structure of Organizations.
Notes:Vertical specialization(Chain of command and span of
contro1.Line units and staff units).Virtual organization(outsourcing).Boundaryless organization.
Readings:“Dell Computers-the Completely Outsourced
Company.”“The Coming ofthe New Organization.”
Language Elements:The USe of examples.
Analyzing Data: Levels of management and use of quality circles in different countries.
Chapter 9 Organizational Design & Learning.
Notes : Environments of business ( Publics. Suppliers. Distribution channels). Reactions to downturns. Organizational learning.
Readings: " Building a Core Competence. " " Knowledge Is Everybody's Business. "
Language Elements: Pronunciation.
Analyzing Data: Trends inMergers & Acquisitions.
Chapter 10 Corporate Culture.
Notes: Corporate culture. Observing corporate culture (Founding stories. Cultural symbols. Rituals). Status symbols.
Readings: "Values: The Key to a Strong Corporate Culture. ""Merger Mania. "
Language Elements: Connectors of restatement and result.
Chapter 11 Politics, Power, & Leadership.
Notes: Kinds of power. Empowering people. Leadership styles. Levels of control. High-performance teams.
Readings: "The Lines Are Changing. " " More Power to You. "
Language Elements: Connectors of suggestions and opinions.
Analyzing Data: Revenues from alliances.
Chapter 12 Communication.
Notes: Communication channels (org. charts, grapevine.e-mall). Barriers to communication. Cultural elements (for-
mality, connotations). Ways to reduce communication problems (paraphrase, reflecting back, examples, clarifying).
Language Elements: Connectors of lists or series.
Chapter 13 Decision-Making.
Notes: Conditions for making decisions (certainty. risk. uncertainty). Types of decisions (routine. nonroutine). Cultural
differences in making decisions (individual. consultative.group).
Reading : "Country Analysis. "
Language Elements: The language of probability.
Analyzing Data: Trends in oil production, 2000- 2010.
Chapter 14 Innovation &Change.
Notes: Some reasons for change. Kinds of change (Radical & incremental, planned & unplanned ). Resistance to change.
Strategies for change. Innovation (product/process).
Reading: "Singapore —— A study in change. "
Listening Scripts
English for decision-makers: a course in modern management
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