1. Chicken Out 临阵退缩
2. As Happy as a Clam 开心得不得了
3. Have One's Hands Full 分身乏术
4. Jump the Gun 过早行动
5. Get out of Hand 失去控制
6. Behind Someone's Back 背着某人
7. Wake up and Smell the Coffee 认清事实
8. On the Spur of the Moment 一时兴起
9. There Are Plenty of Fish in the Sea 天涯何处无芳草
10. The Straw That Breaks the Camel's Back 压垮骆驼的最后一根稻草∕已到忍无可忍的地步
11. Hit a Home Run 成功出击
12. Hear Something through the Grapevine 从小道消息得知
13. Touch Base with Someone 与某人联络
14. Like Looking for a Needle in a Haystack 大海捞针
15. Read Someone's Mind 知道某人在想什么∕深知某人的心
16. Be Stressed Out 压力过大
17. Twist Someone's Arm to Do Something 强迫某人做某事
18. Chicken Feed 微薄的钱
19. Pitch In 出一份力
20. Nip Something in the Bud 防患于未然
21. Can't Make Heads or Tails of Something 一头雾水
22. The Apple Doesn't Fall Far from the Tree 有其父必有其子
23. Drop Someone/Something like a Hot Potato 甩掉烫手山芋
24. Not Sleep a Wink 辗转难眠
25. Keep a Straight Face 忍住不笑
26. Hit the Books K 书
27. Be on Cloud Nine 兴奋无比
28. Have Ants in Someone's Pants 坐不住
29. One Rotten Apple Spoils the Barrel 一粒老鼠屎,坏了一锅粥
30. The Best Thing Since Sliced Bread 有史以来最棒的事
31. Dish the Dirt 聊八卦
32. Play the Field 脚踏多条船
33. Roll out the Red Carpet 隆重欢迎
34. Blackmail 勒索
35. Like a Chicken with Its Head Cut Off 像无头苍蝇一样
36. Pop into One's Head 突然想到
37. The Final Nail in the Coffin 最后致命的一击
38. Not Have a Penny/Cent to One's Name 某人一文不名
39. A Dog's Life 真是悲惨的生活
40. Have Someone's Name on It 注定是某人的
41. Skip Class 逃课
42. In Black and White 以白纸黑字写下
43. Get into the Swing of Things 进入状况
44. Put on One's Thinking Cap 仔细思考
45. Spill the Beans 泄密
46. A Ballpark Figure 大约的数目
47. Whisper Sweet Nothings in Someone's Ear 对某人说情话
48. Draw a Blank 脑中一片空白
49. It's All Greek to Me 我完全不懂
50. I Could Eat a Horse 我饿扁了
51. Slack Off 摸鱼打混
52. Be out of the Running 淘汰出局∕没有胜算
53. Break Even 收支打平
54. Get One's Feet Wet 初试身手
55. Be in the Red 出现赤字
56. Cut Corners 节省开支
57. Get a Break 获得良机∕走好运
58. Give Someone the Green Light 允许某人做某事
59. 19Fit the Bill 符合需要
60. Cover All the Bases 滴水不漏∕面面俱到
61. Knock the Socks off Someone 令某人刮目相看
62. Dive into Something 潜心研究∕一头栽进
63. Jack Up 提高
64. Strike While the Iron Is Hot 打铁趁热/趁胜追击
65. The Grass Is Greener on the Other Side 这山望着那山高
66. Move the Goalposts 朝令夕改
67. The Ball Is in Someone's Court 该某人行动了
68. Cover a Lot of Ground 涉及的范围很广
69. Keep One's Nose Clean 明哲保身∕远离是非
70. Get Mixed Signals from Someone 从小道消息得知
71. Bottom Out 跌到谷底
72. Come to Light 显露∕为人所知
73. Spring for Something 请客
74. A Big Cheese 大人物
75. The Bottom Line 最重要的事
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