Computer Graphics:Principles and Practice Second Edition in C
By uniquely combining current concepts and practical applications in computer graphics, four well-known authors provide in Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice the most comprehensive, authoritative, and up-to-date coverage of the field. The important algorithms in 3D and 3D graphics are detailed for easy implementation, including a close look at he more subtle special cases. There is also a thorough presentation of the mathematical principles of the mathematical principles of geometric transformations and viewing.
In this book, the authors explore multiple perspectives on computer graphics: the user's, the application programmer's, the package implementer's, and the hardware designer's. For example, the issues of user-centered design are expertly addressed in three chapters on interaction techniques, dialogue design, and user interface software. Hardware concerns are examined in a chapter, contributed by Steven Molnar and Henry Fuchs, on advanced architectures for real-time,high-performance graphics.
chapter 1
l.l image processing as picture analysis
l.2 the advantages of interactive graphics
l.3 representative uses of computer graphics
l.4 classification of applications
l.5 development of hardwar and softwar for computer graphics
1.6 conceptual framework for interactive graphics
l.7 summary
chapter 2
programming in the simple raster
graphics package (srgp)
2.l drawing with srgp
2.2 basic interaction handling
2.3 raster graphics features
2.4 limitations of srgp
2.5 summary
chapter 3
.basic raster graphlcs algorithms
for drawing 2d primitives
3.l overview
3.2 scan converting lines
3.3 scan converting circles
3.4 scan converting ellipses
3.5 filling rectangles
3.6 filling polygons
3.7 filling ellipse arcs
3.8 dettem filling
3.9 thick primitives
3.l0 line style and pen style,
3.11 clipping in a raster world
3.l2 clipping lines
3.l3 clipping circles and ellipses
3.l4 clipping poygons
3.15 generating charaters
3.l6 srgp_xopypixel
3.l7 antialiasing
3.l8 summare
chapter 4
graphlcs hardware
4. l hardcopy wnologies
4.2 display technologies
4.3 raster-scan display systems
4.4 the video controler
4.5 random-scan disp1ay processor
4.6 input devices for operaor interaction
4.7 image scanners
chapter 5
geometrical transformations
5. l 2d transformations
5.2 homogcneous coordinates and matrix representation of
2d transformations
5.3 composition of 2d transformations
5.4 the window-to-viewport transformation
5.5 efficiency
5.6 matrix repreentation of 3d transformations
5.7 composition of 3d transformations
5.8 transformations as a change in coordinate system
chapter 6
viewing in 3d
6.l projections
6.2 specifying an arbitrary 3d view
6.3 examples of 3d viewing
6.4 the mathematics of planar geometric projections
6.5 implementing planar geometric proections
6.6 coordinate systems
chapter 7
object hierarchy and simple phlgs (sphigs)
7.l geometric modeling
7.2 characteristics of retained-mode graphics forkages
7.3 defining and displaying structures
7.4 modeling transformations
7.5 hierarehical structure netwnrks
7.6 matrix composition in display traversal
7.7 appearance-attribute handling in hierarchy
7.8 screen updating and rendering modes
7.9 structure network editing for dynamic etttcts
7.l0 interaction
7.ll additional output features
7.l2 implementation issues
7.l3 optimizing display of hierarhical models
7.l4 limitations of hierarchical modeling in phigs
7.l5 alternative forms of hierarchical modeling
7.16 summary
chapter 8
input devices. interaction techniques,
and interaction tasks
8.l interaction hardwar
8.2 basic interaction tasks
8.3 composite interaction tasks
chapter 9
dlalogue deslgn
9.1 the form and content of user-computer dialogues
9.2 user-interface styles
9.3 important design considerations
9.4 modes and syntax
9.5 visua1 deign
9.6 the design methodology
chapter 1o
user interface software
l0.l basic interation-handling models
l0.2 window-management systems
10.3 output handling in wndow systems
l0.4 input handling in window systems
l0.5 interaction-tpehnique toolkits
l0.6 m-interface management systems
chapter 11
representing curves and surfaces
ll.l polygon meshes
ll.2 metric cubic curves
ll.3 metric bicubic surfaces
ll.4 quadric surfaces
ll.5 summary
chapter 12
solid modellng
l2.l representing solids
l2.2 regularized boolean set operations
l2.3 primitive instancing
l2.4 sweep representations
l2.5 boundary representations
l2.6 spatial-pwtitioning representations
l2.7 constructive solid geomeny
l2.8 comparison of representatinns
12.9 user interfaccs for solid modeiing
l2.l0 summary
chapter 13
achromatic and colored light
13.l achromatic light
l3.2 chromatic color
l3.3 color models for raster graphics
l3.4 reproducing color
l3.5 using color in computer graphics
l3.6 summary
chapter 14
the quest for visual reallsm
l4.l why realism?
l4.2 fundamental difficulties
l4.3 rendering techniques for line drawings
l4.4 rendering techniques for shaded images
l4.5 improved object models
l4.6 dynamics
l4.7 stereopsis
l4.8 improved displays
l4.9 interating with our other senses
14.l0 aliasing and antialiasing
l4.ll summny
chapter 15
visible-surface determlnatlon
l5.l functions of twn variables
l5.2 techniques for efficient visible-surface algorithms
15.3 algorithms for visible-line determination
l5.4 the z-buffer algorithm
l5.5 list-priority algorithms
l5.6 scan-line algorithms
l5.7 area-suixlivision algorithms
l5.8 algorithms for octrees
l5.9 algorithms for curved surfaces
l5.l0 visibie-surface ray tracing
l5.l1 summny
chapter 16
illumlnation and shading
l6.l illumination models
l6.2 shading models for polygons
l6.3 surface detail
l6.4 shadows
l6.5 wsparency
l6.6 interobect reflections
l6.7 physically based illumination models
l6.8 extended light sources
l6.9 spectral sampling
l6.l0 improving the camera model
l6.ll global illumination algorithms
l6.l2 recursive ray tracing
l6.l3 radiosity methods
l6.l4 the rendering pipeline
l6.l5 summary
chapter 17
image manlpulation and storage
l7.l what is an image?
l7.2 filtering
l7.3 image processing
l7.4 geometric transformations of images
l7.5 multipass transformations
i7.6 image compositing
l7.7 mechanisms for image storage
l7.8 special effects with images
l7.9 summary
chapter 18
aovanced raster graphlcs archltecture
l8.l simpie raster-disp1ay system
18.2 display-processor systems
l8.3 standard graphics pipeline
l8.4 introduction to multiprocessing
l8.5 pipeiine front-end architectures
l8.6 paraliel front-end architectures
l8.7 multiprocessor rasterization architectures
l8.8 image-parallel rasterization
l8.9 object-parallel rasterization
l8.l0 hybrid-parallel rasterization
l8.ll enhanced display capabilities
l8.12 summary
chapter 19
advanced geometrlc and raster algorit
l9.l clipping
19.2 scan-converting primitives
l9.3 antialiasing
l9.4 the special problems of text
i9.5 fil1ing algorithms
19.6 making copypixel fast
l9.7 the shape data structure and shape algebra
19.8 managing windows with bitblt
19.9 page-description languages
l9.10 summary
chapter 2o
advanced modeling techniques
20.l extensions of previous techniques
20.2 procedural models
20.3 fractal models
20.4 grammar-based models
20.5 particle systems
20.6 volume rendering
20.7 physically based modeling
20.8 special models for natural and synthetic objects
20.9 automating object placement
20.l0 summary
chapter 21
2l.l conventional and computer-assisted animation
2l.2 animation languages
2l.3 methods of controlling animation
2l.4 basic rules of animation
2l.5 mlems peculiar to animation
2l.6 summary
appendix: mathematics for computer graphics
a.l vector spaces and affine spaces
a.2 some standard constructions in vector spaces
a.3 dot mucts and distances
a.4 matrices
a.5 linear and affine transformations
a.6 eisenvalues and eigenvectors
a.7 newton-raphson iteration for root finding
l.l image processing as picture analysis
l.2 the advantages of interactive graphics
l.3 representative uses of computer graphics
l.4 classification of applications
l.5 development of hardwar and softwar for computer graphics
1.6 conceptual framework for interactive graphics
l.7 summary
chapter 2
programming in the simple raster
graphics package (srgp)
2.l drawing with srgp
2.2 basic interaction handling
2.3 raster graphics features
2.4 limitations of srgp
2.5 summary
chapter 3
.basic raster graphlcs algorithms
for drawing 2d primitives
3.l overview
3.2 scan converting lines
3.3 scan converting circles
3.4 scan converting ellipses
3.5 filling rectangles
3.6 filling polygons
3.7 filling ellipse arcs
3.8 dettem filling
3.9 thick primitives
3.l0 line style and pen style,
3.11 clipping in a raster world
3.l2 clipping lines
3.l3 clipping circles and ellipses
3.l4 clipping poygons
3.15 generating charaters
3.l6 srgp_xopypixel
3.l7 antialiasing
3.l8 summare
chapter 4
graphlcs hardware
4. l hardcopy wnologies
4.2 display technologies
4.3 raster-scan display systems
4.4 the video controler
4.5 random-scan disp1ay processor
4.6 input devices for operaor interaction
4.7 image scanners
chapter 5
geometrical transformations
5. l 2d transformations
5.2 homogcneous coordinates and matrix representation of
2d transformations
5.3 composition of 2d transformations
5.4 the window-to-viewport transformation
5.5 efficiency
5.6 matrix repreentation of 3d transformations
5.7 composition of 3d transformations
5.8 transformations as a change in coordinate system
chapter 6
viewing in 3d
6.l projections
6.2 specifying an arbitrary 3d view
6.3 examples of 3d viewing
6.4 the mathematics of planar geometric projections
6.5 implementing planar geometric proections
6.6 coordinate systems
chapter 7
object hierarchy and simple phlgs (sphigs)
7.l geometric modeling
7.2 characteristics of retained-mode graphics forkages
7.3 defining and displaying structures
7.4 modeling transformations
7.5 hierarehical structure netwnrks
7.6 matrix composition in display traversal
7.7 appearance-attribute handling in hierarchy
7.8 screen updating and rendering modes
7.9 structure network editing for dynamic etttcts
7.l0 interaction
7.ll additional output features
7.l2 implementation issues
7.l3 optimizing display of hierarhical models
7.l4 limitations of hierarchical modeling in phigs
7.l5 alternative forms of hierarchical modeling
7.16 summary
chapter 8
input devices. interaction techniques,
and interaction tasks
8.l interaction hardwar
8.2 basic interaction tasks
8.3 composite interaction tasks
chapter 9
dlalogue deslgn
9.1 the form and content of user-computer dialogues
9.2 user-interface styles
9.3 important design considerations
9.4 modes and syntax
9.5 visua1 deign
9.6 the design methodology
chapter 1o
user interface software
l0.l basic interation-handling models
l0.2 window-management systems
10.3 output handling in wndow systems
l0.4 input handling in window systems
l0.5 interaction-tpehnique toolkits
l0.6 m-interface management systems
chapter 11
representing curves and surfaces
ll.l polygon meshes
ll.2 metric cubic curves
ll.3 metric bicubic surfaces
ll.4 quadric surfaces
ll.5 summary
chapter 12
solid modellng
l2.l representing solids
l2.2 regularized boolean set operations
l2.3 primitive instancing
l2.4 sweep representations
l2.5 boundary representations
l2.6 spatial-pwtitioning representations
l2.7 constructive solid geomeny
l2.8 comparison of representatinns
12.9 user interfaccs for solid modeiing
l2.l0 summary
chapter 13
achromatic and colored light
13.l achromatic light
l3.2 chromatic color
l3.3 color models for raster graphics
l3.4 reproducing color
l3.5 using color in computer graphics
l3.6 summary
chapter 14
the quest for visual reallsm
l4.l why realism?
l4.2 fundamental difficulties
l4.3 rendering techniques for line drawings
l4.4 rendering techniques for shaded images
l4.5 improved object models
l4.6 dynamics
l4.7 stereopsis
l4.8 improved displays
l4.9 interating with our other senses
14.l0 aliasing and antialiasing
l4.ll summny
chapter 15
visible-surface determlnatlon
l5.l functions of twn variables
l5.2 techniques for efficient visible-surface algorithms
15.3 algorithms for visible-line determination
l5.4 the z-buffer algorithm
l5.5 list-priority algorithms
l5.6 scan-line algorithms
l5.7 area-suixlivision algorithms
l5.8 algorithms for octrees
l5.9 algorithms for curved surfaces
l5.l0 visibie-surface ray tracing
l5.l1 summny
chapter 16
illumlnation and shading
l6.l illumination models
l6.2 shading models for polygons
l6.3 surface detail
l6.4 shadows
l6.5 wsparency
l6.6 interobect reflections
l6.7 physically based illumination models
l6.8 extended light sources
l6.9 spectral sampling
l6.l0 improving the camera model
l6.ll global illumination algorithms
l6.l2 recursive ray tracing
l6.l3 radiosity methods
l6.l4 the rendering pipeline
l6.l5 summary
chapter 17
image manlpulation and storage
l7.l what is an image?
l7.2 filtering
l7.3 image processing
l7.4 geometric transformations of images
l7.5 multipass transformations
i7.6 image compositing
l7.7 mechanisms for image storage
l7.8 special effects with images
l7.9 summary
chapter 18
aovanced raster graphlcs archltecture
l8.l simpie raster-disp1ay system
18.2 display-processor systems
l8.3 standard graphics pipeline
l8.4 introduction to multiprocessing
l8.5 pipeiine front-end architectures
l8.6 paraliel front-end architectures
l8.7 multiprocessor rasterization architectures
l8.8 image-parallel rasterization
l8.9 object-parallel rasterization
l8.l0 hybrid-parallel rasterization
l8.ll enhanced display capabilities
l8.12 summary
chapter 19
advanced geometrlc and raster algorit
l9.l clipping
19.2 scan-converting primitives
l9.3 antialiasing
l9.4 the special problems of text
i9.5 fil1ing algorithms
19.6 making copypixel fast
l9.7 the shape data structure and shape algebra
19.8 managing windows with bitblt
19.9 page-description languages
l9.10 summary
chapter 2o
advanced modeling techniques
20.l extensions of previous techniques
20.2 procedural models
20.3 fractal models
20.4 grammar-based models
20.5 particle systems
20.6 volume rendering
20.7 physically based modeling
20.8 special models for natural and synthetic objects
20.9 automating object placement
20.l0 summary
chapter 21
2l.l conventional and computer-assisted animation
2l.2 animation languages
2l.3 methods of controlling animation
2l.4 basic rules of animation
2l.5 mlems peculiar to animation
2l.6 summary
appendix: mathematics for computer graphics
a.l vector spaces and affine spaces
a.2 some standard constructions in vector spaces
a.3 dot mucts and distances
a.4 matrices
a.5 linear and affine transformations
a.6 eisenvalues and eigenvectors
a.7 newton-raphson iteration for root finding
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