Design of Machinery:An Introduction to the Synthesis and Analysis of Mechanisms and Machines
作 者:(美)R.L.诺顿(Robert L. Norton)著
Robert L.Norton:Design of Machinery An Introduction to the Synthesis and Analysis of Mechanisms and Machines ISBN 0-07-242351-x Copyrihgt @ 2001,1999,1992 by the McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.Originla languag published by The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.All Rights reserved.No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means ,or stored in a database or retrieval system,wishout the prior written permission of the publisher.
Authorized English language reprint edition jointly published by McGraw-Hill Education Co. and China Machine Press.This edition id authorized for sale in the People's Rebublic of china only,excluding Hong Kong ,Macao SAR and Taiwan. Unauthorized export of this edition is a violation of the Copyright Act.Veilation of this Law is subjict to Civill and Criminal Penalties.
Part Kinematics of Mechanisms
Chapter Introduction
Chapter2 Kinematics Fundamentats
Chapter3 Graphical Linkage Synthesis
Chapter4 Position Analysis
Chapter5 Analytical Linkage Sythesis
Chapter6 Velocity Analysis
Chapter7 Acceleration Analysis
Chapter8 Cam Design
Chapter9 Gear Trains
Chapter10 Dynamics Fundamentals
Chapter11 Dynamic Force Anolysis
Chapter12 Balancing
Chapter13 Engine Dynamics
Chapter14 Multicylinder Engines
Chapter15 Cam Dynamics
Chapter16 Engineering Design
Appendis A Computer Programs
Appendix B Material Properties
Appendix C Geometric Properties
Appendix D Spring Data
Appendix E Atlas of Geared Fivebar linkage Coupler Curves
Appendix F Answers to Selected Problems
CD-ROM Index
Part Kinematics of Mechanisms
Chapter Introduction
Chapter2 Kinematics Fundamentats
Chapter3 Graphical Linkage Synthesis
Chapter4 Position Analysis
Chapter5 Analytical Linkage Sythesis
Chapter6 Velocity Analysis
Chapter7 Acceleration Analysis
Chapter8 Cam Design
Chapter9 Gear Trains
Chapter10 Dynamics Fundamentals
Chapter11 Dynamic Force Anolysis
Chapter12 Balancing
Chapter13 Engine Dynamics
Chapter14 Multicylinder Engines
Chapter15 Cam Dynamics
Chapter16 Engineering Design
Appendis A Computer Programs
Appendix B Material Properties
Appendix C Geometric Properties
Appendix D Spring Data
Appendix E Atlas of Geared Fivebar linkage Coupler Curves
Appendix F Answers to Selected Problems
CD-ROM Index
Design of Machinery:An Introduction to the Synthesis and Analysis of Mechanisms and Machines
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