Situation 1 Introductory Remarks
Task 1 The Definition of Business and Its Nature
Task 2 Business Ethics
Task 3 Business Strategies
Task 4 Business Environment
Situation 2 Intercultural Communication
Task 1 Business Introductions
Task 2 Business Etiquette
Task 3 Cross-cultural Communication Strategies
Task 4 Business Negotiation Strategies
Situation 3 Human Resource
Task 1 Introduction of Human Resource
Task 2 Recruitment
Task 3 Corporate Culture
Task 4 Training and Developing Employees
Situation 4 Marketing
Task 1 Marketing Concept
Task 2 Advertising
Task 3 Products
Task 4 Exhibition
Situation 5 Management
Task 1 The Development of Management Thought
Task 2 The Four Management Functions
Task 3 Areas of Management
Task 4 Managerial Skills
Task 5 Management System
Situation 6 International Trade
Task 1 Introduction of International Trade
Task 2 Import and Export Transactions
Task 3 Enquiry, Offer and Quotation
Task 4 Contract
Task 5 International Payment
Task 6 Trade Barriers
Task 7 Customs
Task 8 Inspection, Claim, Force Majeure and Arbitration
Task 9 International Cargo Transport
Task 10 International Cargo Transportation Insurance
Situation 7 Financing
Task 1 Currency
Task 2 Investment
Task 3 The International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Situation 1 Introductory Remarks
Task 1 The Definition of Business and Its Nature
Task 2 Business Ethics
Task 3 Business Strategies
Task 4 Business Environment
Situation 2 Intercultural Communication
Task 1 Business Introductions
Task 2 Business Etiquette
Task 3 Cross-cultural Communication Strategies
Task 4 Business Negotiation Strategies
Situation 3 Human Resource
Task 1 Introduction of Human Resource
Task 2 Recruitment
Task 3 Corporate Culture
Task 4 Training and Developing Employees
Situation 4 Marketing
Task 1 Marketing Concept
Task 2 Advertising
Task 3 Products
Task 4 Exhibition
Situation 5 Management
Task 1 The Development of Management Thought
Task 2 The Four Management Functions
Task 3 Areas of Management
Task 4 Managerial Skills
Task 5 Management System
Situation 6 International Trade
Task 1 Introduction of International Trade
Task 2 Import and Export Transactions
Task 3 Enquiry, Offer and Quotation
Task 4 Contract
Task 5 International Payment
Task 6 Trade Barriers
Task 7 Customs
Task 8 Inspection, Claim, Force Majeure and Arbitration
Task 9 International Cargo Transport
Task 10 International Cargo Transportation Insurance
Situation 7 Financing
Task 1 Currency
Task 2 Investment
Task 3 The International Monetary Fund (IMF)
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用户发送的提问,这种方式就需要有位在线客服来回答用户的问题,这种 就属于对话式的,问题是这种提问是否需要用户登录才能提问
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