《包装名词与语篇信息包装》提出“包装名词”这一新概念。这类名词包括claim、idea、 observation、problem、question等,其功能是将事件(包括行为、过程、状态)、抽象关系(包括事实、观点、言语)以及这些事件和抽象关系所隐含的言外之意等语篇语段打包。《包装名词与语篇信息包装》把这种现象称为语篇信息包装。包装名词和信息包装类似于现实生活中的包装行为,这说明语言中的包装有其经验基础。包装在现实生活中无处不有。为了保护产品、方便储运以及促进销售,我们常常将产品进行包装。这种体验会映射到语言结构中,也就是说,语篇中大量块状、复杂的信息需要再次提及或预先提示,但由于大脑记忆的局限性,这些信息不能线性地再现,因而要用包装名词把这类信息包装。一个语段可从不同的角度包装,其结果是某些真实信息可能会被掩盖。再者,由于包装意味着把物品分类和分界,因此语篇结构和内容也就有范畴化和语类阶。由此可以看出,信息包装揭示了语篇与现实世界的象似性,即语言结构在很大程度上反映了人类的认知结构。
4.Data collection
5.Organization of this book
Chapter 1 The previous studies of information structure
1.1 Introduction
1.2 The previous studies of information structure
1.2.1 Defining information
1.2.2 Four approaches to information structure
1.2.3 Drawbacks of the studies of information structure
1.3 The previous studies of abstract nouns
1.3.1 The traditional study of abstract nouns
1.3.2 The philosophical view of abstract nouns
1.3.3 Systemic Functional view of abstract nouns
1.3.4 Cognitive approaches to abstract nouns
1.3.5 Other researches concerning abstract nouns
1.4 Information packaging: to bridge the studies of information structure and abstract nouns
1.4.1 Limitations of the studies of abstract nouns
1.4.2 Information packaging and its significance
1.5 Summary
Chapter 2 Theoretical evidence of information packaging and its patterns in discourse
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Evidence of information packaging
2.2.1 Inspiration from the reflection on the real world
2.2.2 Evidence from information technology
2.2.3 Evidence from cognitive studies
2.2.4 Insight from the language study itself
2.3 Grammatical patterns of information packaging
2.3.1 Packet nouns
2.3.2 Discourse deixis
2.3.3 Ad hoc conceptual packaging
2.3.4 Document packaging
2.3.5 Other instances
2.4 Cognitive motivations for information packaging
2.4.1 Discourse iconicity
2.4.2 Economy principle
2.5 Summary
Chapter 3 What to be packaged
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Discourse expectations and generic staging
3.3 The semantic relationship between the packet noun and its packaged discourse
3.3.1 Nominalization and grammatical metaphor
3.3.2 Modality
3.3.3 Projection
3.4 Semantics of packaging
3.4.1 Grammaticality and semantic atmosphere
3.4.2 Classification of packet nouns
3.4.3 The non-prototypical feature of packet nouns
3.4.4 Meaning suppression and enhancement in packaging
3.5 The packaging strata
3.6 Summary
Chapter 4 The cognitive status and generic features of information ackaging
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Categorization in packaging
4.3 The identifiab]lity of packet nouns
4.4 Generic features of information packaging
4.4.1 Packaging with this/that
4.4.2 Generic variations of packet nouns
4.5 Summary
Chapter 5 The perspectival strategy of information packaging:a case study of packet nouns in news reports
5.1 Introduction
5.2 The perspectival strategy of packaging information
5.3 Perspective and the construction of meaning
5.3.1 The study of perspective
5.3.2 The role of perspective in meaning construction
5.4 Perspective and packet nouns in news reports
5.4.1 Packet nouns as a reporting form
5.4.2 Packet nouns and subjectivity
5.5 Summary
1. General conclusion
2. Limitations and suggestions for future research
Appendix 1 Data sources
Appendix 2 Data samples
List of figures mad tables
4.Data collection
5.Organization of this book
Chapter 1 The previous studies of information structure
1.1 Introduction
1.2 The previous studies of information structure
1.2.1 Defining information
1.2.2 Four approaches to information structure
1.2.3 Drawbacks of the studies of information structure
1.3 The previous studies of abstract nouns
1.3.1 The traditional study of abstract nouns
1.3.2 The philosophical view of abstract nouns
1.3.3 Systemic Functional view of abstract nouns
1.3.4 Cognitive approaches to abstract nouns
1.3.5 Other researches concerning abstract nouns
1.4 Information packaging: to bridge the studies of information structure and abstract nouns
1.4.1 Limitations of the studies of abstract nouns
1.4.2 Information packaging and its significance
1.5 Summary
Chapter 2 Theoretical evidence of information packaging and its patterns in discourse
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Evidence of information packaging
2.2.1 Inspiration from the reflection on the real world
2.2.2 Evidence from information technology
2.2.3 Evidence from cognitive studies
2.2.4 Insight from the language study itself
2.3 Grammatical patterns of information packaging
2.3.1 Packet nouns
2.3.2 Discourse deixis
2.3.3 Ad hoc conceptual packaging
2.3.4 Document packaging
2.3.5 Other instances
2.4 Cognitive motivations for information packaging
2.4.1 Discourse iconicity
2.4.2 Economy principle
2.5 Summary
Chapter 3 What to be packaged
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Discourse expectations and generic staging
3.3 The semantic relationship between the packet noun and its packaged discourse
3.3.1 Nominalization and grammatical metaphor
3.3.2 Modality
3.3.3 Projection
3.4 Semantics of packaging
3.4.1 Grammaticality and semantic atmosphere
3.4.2 Classification of packet nouns
3.4.3 The non-prototypical feature of packet nouns
3.4.4 Meaning suppression and enhancement in packaging
3.5 The packaging strata
3.6 Summary
Chapter 4 The cognitive status and generic features of information ackaging
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Categorization in packaging
4.3 The identifiab]lity of packet nouns
4.4 Generic features of information packaging
4.4.1 Packaging with this/that
4.4.2 Generic variations of packet nouns
4.5 Summary
Chapter 5 The perspectival strategy of information packaging:a case study of packet nouns in news reports
5.1 Introduction
5.2 The perspectival strategy of packaging information
5.3 Perspective and the construction of meaning
5.3.1 The study of perspective
5.3.2 The role of perspective in meaning construction
5.4 Perspective and packet nouns in news reports
5.4.1 Packet nouns as a reporting form
5.4.2 Packet nouns and subjectivity
5.5 Summary
1. General conclusion
2. Limitations and suggestions for future research
Appendix 1 Data sources
Appendix 2 Data samples
List of figures mad tables
Packet nouns and information packaging in discourse
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