unit 1 career success
part i tune in
part ii listen
partⅲ read and discuss
text i nurture your nature:daily actions for futuresuccess
text ii the art of strategic anticipation:investing inyour positive futures
supplementary reading it’s never too late for success
part iv speak and write
exam tips如何做“听力理解”部分的多项选择题
unit 2 family and school life
part i tune in
part ii listen
part ⅲ read and discuss
text i costly school trips leave poorer studentsbehind
text ⅱ making kids do chores can be a labor of love supplementary reading a new“time-out”
part iv speak and write
unit 3 daily life
part i tune in
part ⅱlisten
. part ⅲ read and discuss
text i churchill’s secret weapon:the power nap
text ⅱ just say“no”
supplementary reading work-at-home wannabe?
part iv speak and write
exam tips 如何做“英语知识运用”部分的完形填空
unit 4 current affairs
part i tune in
part ii listen
part iii read and discuss
text i in defense of zoos
text ⅱ is there an alcoholic in your life?
supplementary reading voices of guns
part iv speak and write
unit 5 people and personalities
part i tune in
part ii listen
part ili read and discuss
text i only cowards can be brave
text ii lombroso and tolstoy——an anthropologist’s
unwitting gift to literature
supplementary reading how to recognize an aries
part iv speak and write
exam tips如何做“阅读理解”部分的多项选择题
unit 6 soeial relations
part i tune in
part ii listen
part iii read and discuss
text i gender equality
text ⅱ getting girls on—line
supplementary reading negotiation
part ⅳ speak and write
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