易牧农等编著的《现代物流专业英语(第2版)》 参考了大量国外物流管理领域最新的专业文献,概括 地介绍了物流管理的基本概 念、基本理论和基本框架。全书共分为十章,主要包 括:物流概述、顾客服务、物流战略、 供应链管理、存货战略与管理、运输战略、仓储管理 、物流信息技术、物流组织、物流趋势、 译文等内容。目的是培养大学二年级以上学生阅读物 流管理领域英文文献的能力和初级翻译 技巧。 《现代物流专业英语(第2版)》主要作为物流管 理及相关专业本科学生的教科书、参考书,也可作为 物流管理工作 者进一步提高物流管理方面英语水平的参考书。
前言Chapter 1 An Introduction to Logistics1.1 What Is Logistics?1.2 The Logistics of Business Is Big and Important1.3 The Work of Logistics1.4 Logistical OperationsChapter 2 Customer Service2.1 The Marketing And Logistics Interface2.2 What Is Customer Service?2.3 Service-driven Logistics SystemChapter 3 Logistical Strategy3.1 The Mission of Logistics Management3.2 How Is Logistic Strategies Fit AchievedChapter 4 Supply Chain Management4.1 Supply Chain Components4.2 Role of Logistics in Supply Chain4.3 Mapping Supply ChainChapter 5 Inventory Strategy and Management5.1 Inventory Functionality5.2 Inventory Cost5.3 Planning Inventory5.4 Inventory Management PracticesChapter 6 Transportation Strategy6.1 The Role of Transportation6.2 Factors Affecting Transportation Decision6.3 Transportation Mode6.4 Design Options for Transportation Network6.5 Trade-off in Transportation DesignChapter 7 Warehousing Management7.1 Warehouse Role in Supply Chain7.2 Warehouse Operations7.3 Warehouse Planning7.4 Initiating Warehouse OperationsChapter 8 Logistic Information Technology8.1 Importance of Information in Logistics8.2 Information Technology8.3 Information Technology in PracticeChapter 9 Logistical Organization9.1 Development of Logistical Organization9.2 The Third-party Logistical Organization9.3 The Fourth-party Logistical OrganizationChapter 10 Logistic Trend10.1 Green Logistics10.2 E-Commerce Logistics附录一 参考译文附录二 References
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