Weiguo Song, Jian Ma, Libi Fu
Virtual Urbanscape: RecentAdvances, Challenges & Opportunities
Ming C. Lin
Mobility Modelling and Real-time Analysisof Crowded and Process-constrained Environments such as Cities,Airports, Hospitalsand Mass Gatherings
Anders Johansson
Multidisciplinarity in pedestrian dynamics
Gerta K6ster
Field survey
Fundamental Diagrams for Specific Very HighDensity Crowds
Prabhudev Dambalmath, BrittoMuhamad, Eberhard Haug, et al
Walking Patterns of Elderly in a PeruvianPublic Space
Felix Cabrera, Frank Munoz, CristinaPerez
Continuous measurements of real-lifebidirectional pedestrian flows on a wide walkway
Alessandro Corbetta, Jasper A. Meeusen, Chung-MinLee, et al
Towards Modelling Pedestrian-VehicleInteractions. Empirical Study on Urban Unsignalized Intersection
Andrea Gorrini, GiuseppeVizzari, Stefania Bandini
The Walking Behaviours of Pedestrian SocialGroup in the Corridor of Subway Station
Pengfei Zhao, Lishan Sun, Li Cui, et al
Human Factors in Pedestrian Simulation. FieldStudies in Underground Stations
Gesine Hofinger, RobertZinke, Benjamin Schr6der, et al
Experimental Study on PedestrianStairdescent Walking Behaviours in Building Stairs
Feizhou Huo, Wei Lv, YinghuaSong
Synthesizing Passenger Flow Map in MetroStations
Shao Bo Liu, Siu Ming Lo, Jian Ma, et al
Empirical study on characteristics of crowdin emergency situations
Jiayue Wang, Wenguo Weng, Yang Zhou, et al
Eight Years of Good Flux, Long-TermPerformance Evaluation of an Automatic Crowd Management System for PublicTransport
Christian Kogler, Stefan Seer, NorbertBrandle
Controlled experiments
Pedestrians rotation measurement inbidirectional streams
Claudio Feliciani, KatsuhiroNishinari
Influence of Selfish and Polite Behaviourson a Pedestrian Evacuation Through a Narrow Exit: A QuantitativeCharacterisation
Alexandre Nicolas, SebastianBouzat, Marcelo N. Kuperman
The Effect of Social Groups and Gender onPedestrian Behaviour Immediately in Front of Bottlenecks
Nikolai W. F. Bode
The impact of presence of merging maneuverson delay during evacuation
Zahra Shahhoseini, Majid Sarvi, MeeadSaberi
The Effects of Synchronization ofPedestrian Flow through Multiple Bottlenecks -Train Egress Study
Marek Bukacek, Hana Najmanova, PavelHrabak
Influence of Social Groups in EvacuationScenarios. Model Predictions and Empirical Studies
Cornelia yon Krvchten, FrankMvller, Andreas Schadschneider
Experimental Study of Pedestrians' GaitsDuring Turning
Zhongyi Huang, Weiguo Song
Properties of Pedestrian Movement atSignalized Crosswalk
Jun Zhang, Shuchao Cao, ArminSeyfried
Experimental study on the distributions ofthe step length and frequency in the walking movement
Guang Zeng, Weiguo Song, Chi Liu
Pedestrian inflow process under normal andspecial situations
Xiaodong Liu, Weiguo Song, Libi Fu, et al
The Influence of the lnhomogeneity onCongestion Dynamics in Pedestrian Single-File Motion
Verena Ziemer, Antoine Tordeux, ArminSeyfried
Estimation of vertical displacement duringascending evacuation
Amitava Halder, KalevKuklane
Qualitative analysis on two-dimensionalpedestrian flows - unidirectional and bidirectional
Xu Mai, Xing Zhu, Weiguo Song, et al
Restudy the Faster-is-slower Effect byUsing Mice under High Competition
Junming Chen, Qin Zeng, WenbinZhang, et al
Reducing Cognitive Overhead.. Evacuationof a Beer Tent in Virtual Reality
Gerta K6ster, Florian Sesser, AngelikaKneidl
The Influence of Colored Running Lights onRoute Choice-Dynamic Guidance and Affordance
Laura Kvnzer, Gesine Hofinger, RobertZinke
The Relationship between Human Ability ofEscaping and Individual Attributes in Virtual Evacuation Tests
Zhiming Fang, Lingzhu Chen, Wei Lv
Social Groups and Pedestrian Crowds-Experiment on Dyads in a Counter Flow Scenario
Andrea Gorrini, LucaCrociani, Claudio Feliciani, et al
Effects of visual information on decisionmaking during way-finding in emergency and non-emergency situations
Gregory C, Dachner, MaxKinateder
Staff-to-child ratios in day-care centres, a concernwith respect to fire safety
Hana Najmanova, Maria S.Christiansen, Anne S. Dederichs
Behaviour of Ants Escaping a Single-exitRoom under High Temperature Conditions
Qiao Wang, Shujie Wang, Weiguo Song, et al
Model development
Simulation, calibration andvalidation
Theory and measurement
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