

作   者:孔新柯









Chapter 1 四级听力点拨1

1.1 听力新题型命题特点解析2

1.2 听力新题型备考技巧5

Chapter 2 社会民生8

2.1 Appeal for a Third Public Holiday in May

民众呼吁五月份再增加一个法定假日 9

2.2 Yemen Has World's Worst Food Crisis

也门爆发重的粮食危机 11

2.3 Brazil Faces Problems Attracting Tourists

巴西面临外来游客减少的窘境 15

2.4 Farming Takes Hold in Undeveloped Areas of Los Angeles

洛杉矶允许居民在未开垦地区发展农业 18

2.5 Japan Proposes Overtime Limit to Fight "Death from Overwork"

日本设定加班上限,防止员工过劳死 21

2.6 22 Million Americans Could Lose Health Insurance under Senate Bill


2.7 Poor in US Worried about Loss of ObamaCare

美国穷人担心失去医改计划 28

2.8 New York City Wants Higher Cigarette Taxes to Reduce Tobacco Use

纽约市欲提高烟草税来控烟 31

2.9 Brazilians Protest Against President's Reform Plan

巴西民众游行,抗议总统的改革计划 34

2.10 US Will Add 15,000 Temporary Work Visas


2.11 People Worry about Being Alone with Co-Workers of Opposite Sex

人们对与异性同事独处表示担忧 41

2.12 Premature Births in US Increase for Second Year

美国早产儿数量连续两年上升 44

2.13 Medical Treatment Becomes a New Trend

医疗旅游成新宠 48

Chapter 3 时事54

3.1 Millions Displaced by Violence and Disasters

暴力犯罪与自然灾害致数百万人无家可归 55

3.2 Bombing at Manchester Kills 22, Injures Dozens


3.3 Arab Nations Cut Ties with Qatar

阿拉伯国家与卡塔尔断交 62

3.4 Colombia Boat Sinking

哥伦比亚一游船沉没 65

3.5 The Worsening Situation for Human Rights Activists

人权活动家处境日趋恶化 67

3.6 Anti-Government Protest in Venezuela

委内瑞拉爆发反政府游行示威 70

3.7 China to Extend "Silk Road" Plan to Afghanistan


3.8 Latest Flooding in Peru Turns Deadly

秘鲁洪水肆虐,灾情恶化 78

3.9 Britain Officially Starts Withdrawal from European Union

英国正式启动脱欧程序 80

3.10 A Pilot Program Pays Ugandan Farmers to Not Cut Trees

试点项目出资鼓励乌干达农民护林 85

3.11 Trump Announces Cuba Policy Changes

称对古巴政策有变 88

3.12 Hundreds of Thousands of Somalis Displaced by Drought and Conflict

数十万索马里人因干旱战乱流离失所 91

3.13 UN Warns of Worsening Situation for Displaced Afghans

联合国警告:阿富汗难民问题日益严重 95

Chapter 4 健康密码101

4.1 Are You Getting Enough Sleep

你睡眠充足吗 102

4.2 Risk of Colon Cancer Death Reduced with Healthy Lifestyle

健康的生活方式可降低结肠癌患者死亡风险 105

4.3 Nearly a Third of World Overweight


4.4 Fruits and Vegetables Can Lower Blood Pressure

水果蔬菜有助于降低血压 111

4.5 Will Eating Less Help You Live Longer

少吃可以让人长寿吗 114

4.6 Short Bursts of High-Intensity Exercise Is Good for Health

短时间高强度运动有益健康 117

4.7 Running in Cold Weather Improves One's Performance

冬天跑步可改善身体机能 121

4.8 Minerals Important to Your Health

矿物质让身体更健康 123

4.9 Heavy Internet Use Is Harmful to Youngsters

上网过度危害青少年身体 126

4.10 Almost 13 Million Babies Missed Vaccines in 2016


4.11 Meditation May Reduce Stress, Increase Focus

冥想可缓解压力,提高专注力 133

4.12 Olive Oil Helps Protect Our Brain

橄榄油:大脑的守护者 136

4.13 American Children Are Allergic to Peanuts

美国许多儿童花生过敏 139

Chapter 5 科技前沿148

5.1 World's First Solar-Powered Refugee Camp Opens in Jordan

世界上个太阳能供电难民营落户约旦 149

5.2 Robots Develop Sense of Touch

机器人也可以拥有触觉 151

5.3 Tesla Launches Sales of "Invisible" Solar Roof


5.4 Google Improves Job Search

谷歌发布职位搜索工具 158

5.5 Google Is to Stop Searching Email to Sell Advertisements

谷歌不再为推销广告扫描用户邮件 161

5.6 New Water "Bottles" Could Help Fight Plastic Pollution

新型水瓶有望应对塑料污染 165

5.7 Volvo to Go All Electric by 2019


5.8 Recycled Bottles Find New Life on Women's Feet

废弃塑料瓶华丽变身时尚女鞋 171

5.9 Robot Helps Autistic Children Learn Social Skills

机器人帮助自闭症儿童学习社交技能 175

5.10 Why Should We Avoid Using Public USB Hubs


5.11 Study: Fitness Trackers Are Not Accurate at Tracking Calories

研究表明:健身追踪器无法准确追踪卡路里消耗 182

5.12 Deleted Photos May Still Be on Your Phone

照片删除后仍有可能存在手机上 185

5.13 Google Plans to Bring Internet Service to Rural Areas

谷歌公司计划为农村地区提供互联网服务 189

Chapter 6 教育探索197

6.1 Yang Shuping Apologized for Her Graduation Speech

中国留学生杨舒平为其毕业演讲辱华道歉 198

6.2 Trenton Circus Squad: the Second Place of Learning

特伦顿马戏团:学习的第*场所 201

6.3 University of California Votes Limits on Non-State Students

加州大学拟削减非加州的本科生人数 204

6.4 MIT Offers a Big Prize for Breaking Rules

麻省理工学院设立打破陈规奖 208

6.5 Avoid Ineffective Study Methods

你还在用无效的学习方法吗 211

6.6 University Students Working to Solve US Defense Problems

大学生致力解决美国国防问题 215

6.7 Smart Devices Give Students New Ways to Cheat

智能设备成为学生作弊的新渠道 218

6.8 Major Change Might Help College Students Graduate

转专业或有助于大学生毕业 221

6.9 Many Americans Regret Their College Choices

许多美国人后悔自己的大学选择 225

6.10 American Students Are Required to Learn about US Founding Documents

建国文献纳入美国学生学习内容 228

6.11 China Heads New Alliance of Asian Universities

中国组建亚洲大学联盟 232

6.12 Foreign Medical Students Face Difficulties in the US

留学生在美学医困难重重 235

Chapter 7 财经视角245

7.1 Protectionism Threatens Asia's Economic Growth

贸易保护主义威胁亚洲经济增长 246

7.2 Chinese Investing in Silicon Valley Companies

中国投资者纷纷涌入硅谷 249

7.3 Are US Travel Restrictions Keeping Foreign Visitors Away

美国旅游限令会让国外游客望而却步吗 253

7.4 China Seeks Recognition as Market Economy

中国寻求市场经济地位 256

7.5 One in Four Americans Make Money from the Online Economy


7.6 Will There Be a Trade War Between China and the United States

中美之间会爆发贸易战争吗 263

7.7 Trade War with US Would Harm Both Nations

贸易战将使中美两败俱伤 266

7.8 A Mixed Reaction to US-China Trade Deal

中美贸易协定引发不同回应 269

7.9 China's "One Belt, One Road" Initiative


7.10 Boss Paid 271 Times More than Average Worker


7.11 Experts Divided on What Trump Policies Mean for the Economy

政策如何影响经济,专家观点不一 278

7.12 World Oil Demand and Its Effect on Oil Prices

油价上涨背后的供需关系 282

7.13 Trump Withdraws US from TPP Trade Deal

下令美国退出跨太平洋伙伴关系贸易协定 286

Chapter 8 环境能源296

8.1 The Dead Sea's Surface Is Getting Lower

死海水位正加速下降 297

8.2 Environmental Pollution Kills Millions of Children Every Year

环境污染每年致数百万儿童死亡 300

8.3 Cow Is Blame for Global Warming

变暖,牛类难逃其责 303

8.4 Warm Ocean Water Threatens Ocean Food Chain

海水变暖威胁海洋食物链 307

8.5 US Could Become an Energy Exporting Country

美国油气产量增加,或成能源出口国 309

8.6 China Suffered Its Worst Air Pollution of the Year

中国遭遇今年重的雾霾天气 312

8.7 China Places a New Tax on Pollution

中国出台新环保税法 316

8.8 More than Half of the World's Primates Disappearing

一半以上灵长动物正濒临灭绝 319

8.9 9 in 10 Live in High Air Pollution Areas

90% 的人生活在空气污染重灾区322

8.10 Meltwater Lakes Are a Sign of Trouble

南极洲融水湖暗藏危机 326

8.11 Vietnam Trying to Reduce Energy Consumption with New Techniques

越南尝试用新技术减少能源消耗 328



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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)

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