Series PrefacePrefaceFigures0 Introduction0.1 System representations0.1.1 Block diagrams0.1.2 Nonlinear equations and linear decompositions0.2 R,obust control problems and uncertainty0.2.1 Stabilization0.2.2 Disturbances and commands0.2.3 Unmodeled dynamicsNotes and references1 Preliminaries in Finite Dimensional Space1.1 Linear spaces and mappings1.1.1 Vector spaces1.1.2 Subspaces1.1.3 Bases, 8pans, and linear independence1.1.4 Mappings and matrix representations1.1.5 Change of basis and invariance1.2 Subsets and convexity1.2.1 Some basic topology1.2.2 Convex sets1.3 Matrixtheory1.3.1 Eigenvalues and Jordan form1.3.2 Self-adjoint, unitary, and positive definite matrices1.3.3 Singular value decomposition1.4 Linear matrix inequalitiesExercisesNotes and references2 State Space System Theory2.1 The autonomous system2.2 Controllability2.2.1 Reachability2.2.2 Properties of controllability2.2.3 Stabilizability...2.2.4 Controllability from a single input2.3 Eigenvalue assignment2.3.1 Single-input case2.3.2 Multi-input case2.4 Observability...2,4.1 The unobservable subspace2.4.2 Observers2.4.3 Observer-based Controllers2.5 Minimal realizations2.6 Transfer functions and state space2.6.1 R,ational matrices and state space realizations2.6.2 MinimalityExercisesNotes and references3 Linear Analysis3.1 Normed and inner product spaces3.1.1 Complete spaces3.2 Operators3.2.1 Banach algebras3.2.2 Some elements of spectral theory3.2.3 Adjoint operators in Hilbert space3.3 Frequency domain spaces: Signals3.3.1 The space /2 and the Fourier transform3.3.2 The spaces H2 and H21 and the Laplace transform3.3.3 Summarizing the big picture3.4 Frequency domain spaces: Operators3.4.1 Time invariance and multiplication operators3.4.2 Causality with time invariance……
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