Integrated course in international business English reference book
作 者:廖瑛主编
第一章 国际商务简介(A Brief Introduction to International Business)
1. 什么是商务?(What Is Business?)
2. 什么是国际商务?(What Is International Business?)
3. 国际商务活动范围(The Scope of International Business Activities)
4. 国际风险(International Risk)
5. 关于国际商法(On International Business Law)
6. 商业信用(Commercial Credit)
7. 关于国际商务管理(On Management of International Business)
8. 世界贸易组织简介(A Brief Introduction to WTO)
第二章 商务组织(Business Orgαnizαtions)
1. 概述(Introduction)
2. 独资企业(Sole Proprietorship)
3. 一般合伙企业(General Partnership)
4. 有限合伙企业(Limited Partnership)
5. 合股公司(Joint Stock Company)
6. 公司(Corporations)
7. 跨国公司(Transnational Corporations)
第三章 经营方式(Ways of Business)
1. 概述(Introduction)
2. 批发(Wholesaling)
3. 零售(Retailing)
4. 特许经营权(Franchising)
5. 代理(Agency)
6. 电子商务(Electronic Commerce)
第四章 经济学入门(A Guide to Economics)
1. 什么是经济学?(What Is Economics?)
2. 什么是宏观经济学?(What Is Macroeconomics?)
3. 货币和财政政策(Monetary and Fiscal Policy)
4. 什么是微观经济学?(What Is Microeconomics?)
5. 需求曲线(The Demand Curve)
6. 供给曲线(The Supply Curve)
7. 均衡价格(The Equilibrium Price)
8. 需求变化和需求数量变化的关系(Changes in Demand Versus Changes in Quantity Demanded)
9. 供给变化和供给数量变化的关系(Changes in Supply Versus Changes in Quantity Supplied)
第五章 竞争的种类(Types of Competition)
1. 纯粹/完全竞争(Pure Competition)
2. 垄断竞争(Monopolistic Competition)
3. 寡头垄断(Oligopoly)
4. 垄断(Monopoly)
第六章 市场经济(Mαrket Economy)
1. 市场与市场经济(Market and Market Economy)
2. 价格(Price)
3. 供给和需求(Supply and Demand)
4. 市场价格(Market Price)
第七章 国际贸易实务简介(A Brief Introduction to Internαtionαl Business Prαctice)
1. 概述(Introduction)
2. 业务准备工作(Business Preparatory Work)
3. 交易磋商(Business Negotiation)
4. 签约(The Signing of a Contract)
5. 出口合同的履行(The Performance of an Export Contract)
6. 进口合同的履行(The Performance of an Import Contract)
第八章 国际贸易术语及定价原则(Internαtionαl Trαde Terms αnd Pricing Principles)
1. 概述(Introduction)
2. 《2000年国际贸易术语解释通则》中贸易术语的定义(Definition of the Trade Terms in Incoterms 2000)
3. 如何确定进出口商品的价格?(How to Determine the Price for Imports and Exports?)
4. 计价货币的选择(Selection of Money of Account)
5. 佣金与折扣(Commission and Discount)
6. 其他非价格商业术语(Other Non-price Commercial Technical Terms)
第九章 营销(Mαrketing)
1. 什么是营销?(What Is Marketing?)
2. 营销观念(The Marketing Concept)
3. 营销和效用(Marketing and Utility)
4. 目标市场(The Target Market)
5. 工业市场(The Industrial Market)
6. 政府和机构市场(Government and Institutional Markets)
7. 消费者市场(The Consumer Market)
8. 消费品的类别(Classes of Consumer Goods)
第十章 营销组合与产品促销(The Mαrketing Miх αnd Product Promotion)
1. 营销组合(The Marketing Mix)
2. 产品策划(Product Planning)
3. 产品定价(Product Pricing)
4. 选择市场(Selecting the Market)
5. 产品促销(Product Promotion)
6. 作广告(Advertising)
7. 产品包装(Product Packaging)
8. 打破语言障碍(Breaking the Language Barriers)
第十一章 国际支付与结算(Internαtionαl Pαyments αnd Settlements)
1. 概述(Introduction)
2. 信用工具(Credit Instruments)
3. 汇票(Bill of Exchange)
4. 本票与支票(Promissory Note and Cheque)
5. 汇款(Remittance)
6. 国际贸易支付条件与支付方式——预付货款,赊账业务及托收(Terms and Methods of Payment in International Trade—Payment in Advance,Open Account Business and Collection)
7. 国际贸易支付条件与支付方式——信用证(Terms and Methods of Payment in International Trade—Letters of Credit (L/C))
8. 保证书(Guarantee)
9. 单据(Documents)
第十二章 国际商务谈判策略(Negotiαtion Strαtegies on Internαtionαl Business
1. 概述(Introduction)
2. 谈判前的准备工作(The Preparations for Business Negotiation)
3. 谈判中应注意的问题(The Notable Problem during the Process of Negotiation)
4. 文化差异对国际商务谈判的影响(The Impact of Cultural Differences on International Business Negotiations)
第一章 国际商务简介(A Brief Introduction to International Business)
1. 什么是商务?(What Is Business?)
2. 什么是国际商务?(What Is International Business?)
3. 国际商务活动范围(The Scope of International Business Activities)
4. 国际风险(International Risk)
5. 关于国际商法(On International Business Law)
6. 商业信用(Commercial Credit)
7. 关于国际商务管理(On Management of International Business)
8. 世界贸易组织简介(A Brief Introduction to WTO)
第二章 商务组织(Business Orgαnizαtions)
1. 概述(Introduction)
2. 独资企业(Sole Proprietorship)
3. 一般合伙企业(General Partnership)
4. 有限合伙企业(Limited Partnership)
5. 合股公司(Joint Stock Company)
6. 公司(Corporations)
7. 跨国公司(Transnational Corporations)
第三章 经营方式(Ways of Business)
1. 概述(Introduction)
2. 批发(Wholesaling)
3. 零售(Retailing)
4. 特许经营权(Franchising)
5. 代理(Agency)
6. 电子商务(Electronic Commerce)
第四章 经济学入门(A Guide to Economics)
1. 什么是经济学?(What Is Economics?)
2. 什么是宏观经济学?(What Is Macroeconomics?)
3. 货币和财政政策(Monetary and Fiscal Policy)
4. 什么是微观经济学?(What Is Microeconomics?)
5. 需求曲线(The Demand Curve)
6. 供给曲线(The Supply Curve)
7. 均衡价格(The Equilibrium Price)
8. 需求变化和需求数量变化的关系(Changes in Demand Versus Changes in Quantity Demanded)
9. 供给变化和供给数量变化的关系(Changes in Supply Versus Changes in Quantity Supplied)
第五章 竞争的种类(Types of Competition)
1. 纯粹/完全竞争(Pure Competition)
2. 垄断竞争(Monopolistic Competition)
3. 寡头垄断(Oligopoly)
4. 垄断(Monopoly)
第六章 市场经济(Mαrket Economy)
1. 市场与市场经济(Market and Market Economy)
2. 价格(Price)
3. 供给和需求(Supply and Demand)
4. 市场价格(Market Price)
第七章 国际贸易实务简介(A Brief Introduction to Internαtionαl Business Prαctice)
1. 概述(Introduction)
2. 业务准备工作(Business Preparatory Work)
3. 交易磋商(Business Negotiation)
4. 签约(The Signing of a Contract)
5. 出口合同的履行(The Performance of an Export Contract)
6. 进口合同的履行(The Performance of an Import Contract)
第八章 国际贸易术语及定价原则(Internαtionαl Trαde Terms αnd Pricing Principles)
1. 概述(Introduction)
2. 《2000年国际贸易术语解释通则》中贸易术语的定义(Definition of the Trade Terms in Incoterms 2000)
3. 如何确定进出口商品的价格?(How to Determine the Price for Imports and Exports?)
4. 计价货币的选择(Selection of Money of Account)
5. 佣金与折扣(Commission and Discount)
6. 其他非价格商业术语(Other Non-price Commercial Technical Terms)
第九章 营销(Mαrketing)
1. 什么是营销?(What Is Marketing?)
2. 营销观念(The Marketing Concept)
3. 营销和效用(Marketing and Utility)
4. 目标市场(The Target Market)
5. 工业市场(The Industrial Market)
6. 政府和机构市场(Government and Institutional Markets)
7. 消费者市场(The Consumer Market)
8. 消费品的类别(Classes of Consumer Goods)
第十章 营销组合与产品促销(The Mαrketing Miх αnd Product Promotion)
1. 营销组合(The Marketing Mix)
2. 产品策划(Product Planning)
3. 产品定价(Product Pricing)
4. 选择市场(Selecting the Market)
5. 产品促销(Product Promotion)
6. 作广告(Advertising)
7. 产品包装(Product Packaging)
8. 打破语言障碍(Breaking the Language Barriers)
第十一章 国际支付与结算(Internαtionαl Pαyments αnd Settlements)
1. 概述(Introduction)
2. 信用工具(Credit Instruments)
3. 汇票(Bill of Exchange)
4. 本票与支票(Promissory Note and Cheque)
5. 汇款(Remittance)
6. 国际贸易支付条件与支付方式——预付货款,赊账业务及托收(Terms and Methods of Payment in International Trade—Payment in Advance,Open Account Business and Collection)
7. 国际贸易支付条件与支付方式——信用证(Terms and Methods of Payment in International Trade—Letters of Credit (L/C))
8. 保证书(Guarantee)
9. 单据(Documents)
第十二章 国际商务谈判策略(Negotiαtion Strαtegies on Internαtionαl Business
1. 概述(Introduction)
2. 谈判前的准备工作(The Preparations for Business Negotiation)
3. 谈判中应注意的问题(The Notable Problem during the Process of Negotiation)
4. 文化差异对国际商务谈判的影响(The Impact of Cultural Differences on International Business Negotiations)
Integrated course in international business English reference book
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