chapter 1 introduction
chapter 2 the tradition of translation in the western world
chapter 3 an introduction to the nature of meaning
chapter 4 linguistic meanign
chapter 5 referential and emotive meanings
chapter 6 the dynamic dimension in communication
chapter 7 the role of the translator
chapter 8 principles of correspondence
chapter 9 types of correspondences and contrasts
chapter 10 techinques of adijstment
chapter 11 translation proedures
chapter 12 machine tranlation
general index
chapter 1 introduction
chapter 2 the tradition of translation in the western world
chapter 3 an introduction to the nature of meaning
chapter 4 linguistic meanign
chapter 5 referential and emotive meanings
chapter 6 the dynamic dimension in communication
chapter 7 the role of the translator
chapter 8 principles of correspondence
chapter 9 types of correspondences and contrasts
chapter 10 techinques of adijstment
chapter 11 translation proedures
chapter 12 machine tranlation
general index
Toward a Science of Translating
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