哈科恩编写的《分子物理学和量子化学基础(第2 版)》是一本介绍学习分子和其他化学键性质需要的分子和量子化学知识的教材。这是继作者的早期教材《原子和量子物理学》之后,又一神作,为了物理学的学生描述了物理和理论化学的实验和理论基础。在这新的版本中增加了凝聚态、场致发光、发光二极管中的高分辨率的双光子光谱学、超短脉冲光谱、光电子光谱、和单分子光学研究。目次:导论;分子的机械性质、尺寸和质量;电中的分子和磁场;化学键理论导引;对称和对称运算简述;分子物理和量子化学中的多点字问题;分子谱技术的综述;旋转谱;振动谱;旋转和振动谱的量子力学处理。
1 Introduction
2 Mechanical Properties of Molecules, Their Size and Mass
3 Molecules in Electric and Magnetic Fields
4 Introduction to the Theory of Chemical Bonding
5 Symmetries and Symmetry Operations: A First Overview
6 Symmetries and Symmetry Operations A Systematic Approaclt
7 The Multi-Electron Problem in Molecular Physics and Quantum Chemistry
8 Overview of Molecular Spectroscopy Techniques
9 Rotational Spectroscopy
10 Vibrational Spectroscopy
11 The Quantum-Mechanical Treatment of Rotational and Vibrational Spectra
12 Raman Spectra
13 Electronic States
14 The Electronic Spectra of Molecules
15 Further Remarks on the Techniques of Molecular Spectroscopy
16 The Interaction of Molecules with Light: Quantum-Mechanical Treatment
17 Theoretical Treatment of the Raman Effect and the Elements of Nonlinear Optics
18 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
19 Electron Spin Resonance
20 Macromolecules, Biomolecules, and Supermolecules
21 Experiments on and with Single Molecules
22 Molecular Electronics and Other Applications
2 Mechanical Properties of Molecules, Their Size and Mass
3 Molecules in Electric and Magnetic Fields
4 Introduction to the Theory of Chemical Bonding
5 Symmetries and Symmetry Operations: A First Overview
6 Symmetries and Symmetry Operations A Systematic Approaclt
7 The Multi-Electron Problem in Molecular Physics and Quantum Chemistry
8 Overview of Molecular Spectroscopy Techniques
9 Rotational Spectroscopy
10 Vibrational Spectroscopy
11 The Quantum-Mechanical Treatment of Rotational and Vibrational Spectra
12 Raman Spectra
13 Electronic States
14 The Electronic Spectra of Molecules
15 Further Remarks on the Techniques of Molecular Spectroscopy
16 The Interaction of Molecules with Light: Quantum-Mechanical Treatment
17 Theoretical Treatment of the Raman Effect and the Elements of Nonlinear Optics
18 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
19 Electron Spin Resonance
20 Macromolecules, Biomolecules, and Supermolecules
21 Experiments on and with Single Molecules
22 Molecular Electronics and Other Applications
分子物理学和量子化学基础 第2版
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