Fashion talk on food


作   者:薛艳雯,韩红梅主编





  你是否有一种体验,从小就开始学英文,学了很多年,但日常生活中的许多事物还是不知道用英文怎么讲,即使学了很多食材及烹调的说法,遇到老外时,却发现自己还是不知道如何和他们侃美食。《与老外炫最食尚》采用情境式英语学习模式,食尚英语轻松习得,足以让你在外国朋友面前不失面子。    《与老外炫最食尚》带你进入餐饮美食的英语飨宴。在这里,你不但可以从本书中学到如何用英语和老外聊“营养餐桌”“天下美食”“健康减肥”“营养食话”“三餐搭配”“杯中风情”“花样美食”,你还可以学到与食尚相关的必背词汇、实用表达、时尚资讯,一百多个情景食尚对话,让你彷佛置身真实情境一般学习餐饮英语。



chapter 1 eat to health

topic 1 breakfast

topic 2 lunch

topic 3 dinner

topic 4 love dessert

topic 5 ripe fruit

topic 6 girls love fish

topic 7 egg

topic 8 take-out

chapter 2 colourful vegetables

topic 9 vegetables

topic 10 red tomato

topic 11 yellow carrot

topic 12 green celery

topic 13 purple eggplant

topic 14 orange-coloured pumpkin

chapter 3 drink to health

topic 15 just water

topic 16 drinking tea

.topic 17 the one-of-a-kind milk

topic 18 soup

topic 19 desserts and drinks are perfect!

topic 20 wine

topic 21 beers and barfly'

topic 22 hit the bar

chapter 4 go dining

topic 23 order your meal

topic 24 order politely

topic 25 check, please!

topic 26 complaint

chapter 5 enjoying every minute

topic 27 gelievable pizza
topic 28 craving ice cream

topic 29 chocolate

topic 30 sweet jelly drop

topic 31 bread

topic 32 sushi

chapter 6 the style of cuisines

topic 33 japanese cuisine

tepic 34 korean cuisine

topic 3s french cuisine

topic 36 italian food

topic 37 australia food

topic 38 chinese snacks

topic 39 christmas meal

chapter 7 lose weight

topic 40 fat-fighting food

topic 41 get-sleepy grocery

topic 42 oatmeal

topic 43 tofu

topic 44 recipes for pumpkins

topic 45 love porridge to death

topic 46 rm craving a salad

chapter 8 about nutrition

topic 47 meat is necessary

topic 48 eating right

topic 49 noodles

topic 50 bbq

topic 51 enjoyyour buffet

topic 52 try to avoid fried food

topic 53 love gourmet

topic 54 green diet

topic 55 tea food

chapter 9 food culture

topic 56 table etiquette

topic 57 western knife and fork

topic 58 food and culture



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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)

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