Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Definition and Role of International Trade
1.2 Survey of International Trade
Chapter 2 The Name and Quality of Goods
2.1 Name of Commodity
2.2 Quality of Goods
Chapter 3 The Quantity of Goods
3.1 Units of Calculation
3.2 Weight Calculation
3.3 Quality Clause in the Sales Contract
Chapter 4 Packing and Marking
4.1 Packing
4.2 Marking of Goods
4.3 Packing Clause
Chapter 5 Trade Terms
5.1 INCOTERMS 2000
5.2 Brief Explanation of the Terms
5.3 The Three Popular Trade Terms
5.4 Points of Consideration for Choosing Terms of Delivery
5.5 The Price Clause in the S/C
Chapter 6 International Cargo Transportation
6.1 Modes of Transport
6.2 Shipment Clause
Chapter 7 International Cargo Transport Insurance
7.1 Risks, Losses and Expenses
7.2 Marine Insurance Coverage
7.3 Institute Cargo Clauses
7.4 Insurance Practice
Chapter 8 International Payment
8.1 Instruments of Payment
8.2 Modes of International Payment
8.3 Examples of L/C and Payment Clauses
Chapter 9 Inspection, Claim, Arbitration and Force Majeure
9.1 Inspection of Commodity
9.2 Dispute and Claims
9.3 Arbitration
9.4 Force Majeure
Chapter 10 Business Negotiation
10.1 The General Process of Export/Import Transaction
10.2 Enquiry (Inquiry)
10.3 Offer
10.4 Counter Offer
10.5 Acceptance
10.6 Skills to Write an Enquiry, Older Counter O~er and Acceptance
Chapter 11 International Business Contract
11.1 A Brief Introduction to International Business Contract
11.2 Genera[ Principles of Contract Drafting
11.3 The Format of a Typical Contract
11.4 Specimens of Contract
Chapter 12 Implementation of Sales Contract
12.1 To Make Sure of the Supply of Goods
12.2 Urging, Checking and Amending of L/C
12.3 Inspection Application
12.4 Chartering and Booking Shipping Space
12.5 Customs Formalities
19.6 Insuring Goods
12.7 Documents Preparation for Bank Negotiation
12.8 Verifications and Tax Refunding
12.9 Claim and Compensation
Appendix References to the Exercise
Bibliography (参考书目)
1.1 Definition and Role of International Trade
1.2 Survey of International Trade
Chapter 2 The Name and Quality of Goods
2.1 Name of Commodity
2.2 Quality of Goods
Chapter 3 The Quantity of Goods
3.1 Units of Calculation
3.2 Weight Calculation
3.3 Quality Clause in the Sales Contract
Chapter 4 Packing and Marking
4.1 Packing
4.2 Marking of Goods
4.3 Packing Clause
Chapter 5 Trade Terms
5.1 INCOTERMS 2000
5.2 Brief Explanation of the Terms
5.3 The Three Popular Trade Terms
5.4 Points of Consideration for Choosing Terms of Delivery
5.5 The Price Clause in the S/C
Chapter 6 International Cargo Transportation
6.1 Modes of Transport
6.2 Shipment Clause
Chapter 7 International Cargo Transport Insurance
7.1 Risks, Losses and Expenses
7.2 Marine Insurance Coverage
7.3 Institute Cargo Clauses
7.4 Insurance Practice
Chapter 8 International Payment
8.1 Instruments of Payment
8.2 Modes of International Payment
8.3 Examples of L/C and Payment Clauses
Chapter 9 Inspection, Claim, Arbitration and Force Majeure
9.1 Inspection of Commodity
9.2 Dispute and Claims
9.3 Arbitration
9.4 Force Majeure
Chapter 10 Business Negotiation
10.1 The General Process of Export/Import Transaction
10.2 Enquiry (Inquiry)
10.3 Offer
10.4 Counter Offer
10.5 Acceptance
10.6 Skills to Write an Enquiry, Older Counter O~er and Acceptance
Chapter 11 International Business Contract
11.1 A Brief Introduction to International Business Contract
11.2 Genera[ Principles of Contract Drafting
11.3 The Format of a Typical Contract
11.4 Specimens of Contract
Chapter 12 Implementation of Sales Contract
12.1 To Make Sure of the Supply of Goods
12.2 Urging, Checking and Amending of L/C
12.3 Inspection Application
12.4 Chartering and Booking Shipping Space
12.5 Customs Formalities
19.6 Insuring Goods
12.7 Documents Preparation for Bank Negotiation
12.8 Verifications and Tax Refunding
12.9 Claim and Compensation
Appendix References to the Exercise
Bibliography (参考书目)
Practice of international trade = 国际贸易实务 / 英文版.
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