Introduction to salt industry’s contract of China:focusing on researches into modern salt industry’s contract of Sichuan


作   者:吴斌,支果,曾凡英著







第一章 导论
一、 盐业契约研究的价值与方法
二、 盐业契约诞生的气候与土壤
第二章 盐业凿井契约论
一、 盐业凿井投资经营模式
二、 盐业凿井契约的主要内容
三、 盐业凿井契约的特点
第三章 盐业合伙契约论
一、 合伙概述
二、 盐业合伙契约例析
三、 盐业合伙契约的主要内容
四、 盐业合伙契约的特点
五、 民间法意义上的盐业合伙契约
六、 完善我国民商法合伙制度的思考
第四章 盐业借贷契约论
一、 盐业借贷契约的主要内容
二、 我国盐业借贷契约与借款合同的比较
三、 我国盐业借贷契约与借款合同的担保制度比较
第五章 盐业租佃契约论
一、 租佃及租佃契约
二、 井基租佃契约
三、 井灶租佃契约
四、 火井租佃契约
五、 卤水租佃契约
第六章 盐业买卖契约论
一、 盐业买卖契约的种类
二、 盐业买卖契约的主要内容
三、 盐业买卖契约的特点
第七章 盐业析产契约论
一、 盐业析产契约的种类
二、 盐业析产契约的准备
三、 盐业析产契约的主要内容
四、 盐业析产契约的特点
五、 盐业析产与继承的关系
六、 结语
第八章 盐业优先权论
一、 优先权概述
二、 盐业契约优先权制度的体现
三、 盐业契约优先权制度设置的原因及其历史作用
四、 结语
第九章 盐业承首人制度研究
一、 承首人制度的发展历程
二、 承首人主要的权利义务分析
三、 承首人与地主、投资者的关系
四、 盐业契约承首人制度与我国公司法中发起人制度的比较
第十章 盐业习惯法研究
一、 盐业契约主体出资的习惯法规范
二、 盐业股份分配的习惯法规范
三、 盐业合伙的习惯法规范
第十一章 盐业契约习惯法与成文法的互动关系
一、 习惯与习惯法解析
二、 近现代时期习惯法与成文法的关系
三、 盐业契约中习惯法与成文法的互动关系
Chapter Ⅰ Introduction
Value and Means of Salt Industry's Contract Research
Surroundings of the Birth of Salt Industry's Contract
Chapter Ⅱ On Digging-Well Contract in the Salt Industry
Investing Mode of Digging-Wells
Main Content of Digging-Well Contract
Characteristics of Digging-Well Contract
Chapter Ⅲ On Partnership in the Salt Industry
A Brief Account of Partnership
Law Analysis on the Partnership of Salt Industry
Main Content of Partnership
Characteristics of Partnership
The Partnership Based on Folk Law
Thought of Improving National Civil and Commercial Law Partnership
Chapter Ⅳ On Loan Contract in the Salt Industry
Main Content of Loan Contract
Comparison between Loan Contract and Loan Bargain
Comparison of Guarantee System between Loan Contract and Loan Bargain
Chapter Ⅴ On Contract for Lease in the Salt Industry
Lease and Contract of Lease
Contract for Lease of Salt-Well Base
Contract for Lease of Salt-Well Kitchen-Range
Contract for Lease of Natural Gas Well
Contract for Lease of Bittern
Chapter Ⅵ On Trade Contract in the Salt Industry
Types of Trade Contracts
Main Content of Trade Contract
Characteristics of Trade Contract
Chapter Ⅶ On Checking-Assets Contract
Types of Checking-Assets Contracts
Arrangement of Checking-Assets Contract
Main Content of Checking-Assets Contract
Characteristics of Checking-Assets Contract
Relationship between Checking-Assets and Succession
Chapter Ⅷ On Priority in the Salt Industry
A Brief Account of Priority
Embodiment of Priority System
Cause of Formation and Historical Functions of Priority System
Chapter Ⅹ Research into Contractor System in the Salt Industry
Developing Course of Contractor System
Analysis of Contractors'Main Rights and Obligations
Relationship among Contractors,Landowners and Investors
Comparison of Contractor System in the Salt Industry and Initiator System in the Corporation Law
Chapter Ⅺ Research into Unwritten Law in the Salt Industry
Criterion of Main Body Investing in Unwritten Law
Criterion of Distribution in Unwritten Law
Criterion of Partnership in Unwritten Law
Chapter Ⅻ Interactive Relationship between Unwritten Law andStatute Law in the Salt Industry Contract
Analysis of Custom and Unwritten Law
Relationship between Modern Unwritten Law and Statute Law
Interactive Relationship between Unwritten Law and Statute Law in the Salt Industry Contract



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Introduction to salt industry’s contract of China:focusing on researches into modern salt industry’s contract of Sichuan
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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)

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