The rose's kiss : a natural history of flowers /
作 者:Peter Bernhardt ; illustrations by John Myers.
"In The Rose’s Kiss, botanist Peter Bernhardt rekindles our sense of wonder at the plant life all around us. He presents a fascinating and wide-ranging look at the natural history of flowers - their forms and functions as well as their hidden interactions with the surrounding environment and the other living organisms upon which they depend for survival." "The Rose’s Kiss will hold wide appeal for nature lovers, garden enthusiasts, and anyone interested in learning more about the inner workings of the natural world."--BOOK JACKET.
Introduction - Beyond the Florist's Shop
Brotherhoods and Sisters' Rooms
Limits to Perfection
The Pig in the Pizza
When to Bloom
When to Die
Of Pollen, Perpetrators, Politics, and Piety
Fruitful Union
The Primary Attractions
Unloved but Efficient
Psychoanalysis and Serenades
The Faithful and Unfaithful Bee
The Squawking Tree 14.Fis for Fake (and Flower)
Into Thin Air
Self-Made Marriages and Virgin Births
The First Flowers
Glossary of Flower Terms Annotated
About the Author
Brotherhoods and Sisters' Rooms
Limits to Perfection
The Pig in the Pizza
When to Bloom
When to Die
Of Pollen, Perpetrators, Politics, and Piety
Fruitful Union
The Primary Attractions
Unloved but Efficient
Psychoanalysis and Serenades
The Faithful and Unfaithful Bee
The Squawking Tree 14.Fis for Fake (and Flower)
Into Thin Air
Self-Made Marriages and Virgin Births
The First Flowers
Glossary of Flower Terms Annotated
About the Author
The rose's kiss : a natural history of flowers /
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