Chapterl Introduction
1.1 Position and general orientation
1.2 Abduction: background and issues
1.2.1 Roots of abduction
1.2.2 Abduction in everyday life
1.2.3 Abduction in scientific reasoning
1.2.4 Abduction in artificial intelligence
1.3 Organization of the bookChapter 2 Towards an Understanding of the Notion of
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Peirce's theories of abduction
2.2.1 The syllogistic theory
2.2.2 The inferential theory
2.3 Abduction and induction
2.4 Features of abduction
2.5 Abductive reasoning we talk on
2.5.1 Abduction: inference to the best explanation
2.5.2 Selective abduction and creative abduction
2.5.3 Abductive triggers
2.5.4 Defining abduction
2.6 Chapter summaryChapter 3 Cognitive Contexts
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Study of context: socio-anthropological tradition
3.3 Study of context in pragmatics and cognitive linguistics
3.3.1 A general introduction
3.3.2 Major contextual elements
3.3.3 Cognitive context units
3.4 Chapter summaryChapter 4 Abductive Reasoning in Natural Language Interpretation
and Pragmatic Inference as Abduction
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Abduction in natural language interpretation
4.3 Verbal communication paradigms
4.3.1 Encoding and decoding paradigm
4.3.2 Communicative intentions
4.3.3 Perspective taking
4.3.4 Dialogism
4.3.5 Conclusion
4.4 Pragmatic inference and abductive reasoning
4.4.1 Cooperative principle and conversational implicature
4.4.2 Relevance theory
4.4.3 Abductive reasoning and pragmatic inference
4.4.4 Principle of economy
4.5 Chapter summaryChapter 5 Creative Abduction and Linguistic Interpretation
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Three categories of creative abduction in linguistic
5.2.1 Realizing new meanings .,
Chapter 5 Conclusion
Chapterl Introduction
1.1 Position and general orientation
1.2 Abduction: background and issues
1.2.1 Roots of abduction
1.2.2 Abduction in everyday life
1.2.3 Abduction in scientific reasoning
1.2.4 Abduction in artificial intelligence
1.3 Organization of the bookChapter 2 Towards an Understanding of the Notion of
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Peirce's theories of abduction
2.2.1 The syllogistic theory
2.2.2 The inferential theory
2.3 Abduction and induction
2.4 Features of abduction
2.5 Abductive reasoning we talk on
2.5.1 Abduction: inference to the best explanation
2.5.2 Selective abduction and creative abduction
2.5.3 Abductive triggers
2.5.4 Defining abduction
2.6 Chapter summaryChapter 3 Cognitive Contexts
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Study of context: socio-anthropological tradition
3.3 Study of context in pragmatics and cognitive linguistics
3.3.1 A general introduction
3.3.2 Major contextual elements
3.3.3 Cognitive context units
3.4 Chapter summaryChapter 4 Abductive Reasoning in Natural Language Interpretation
and Pragmatic Inference as Abduction
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Abduction in natural language interpretation
4.3 Verbal communication paradigms
4.3.1 Encoding and decoding paradigm
4.3.2 Communicative intentions
4.3.3 Perspective taking
4.3.4 Dialogism
4.3.5 Conclusion
4.4 Pragmatic inference and abductive reasoning
4.4.1 Cooperative principle and conversational implicature
4.4.2 Relevance theory
4.4.3 Abductive reasoning and pragmatic inference
4.4.4 Principle of economy
4.5 Chapter summaryChapter 5 Creative Abduction and Linguistic Interpretation
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Three categories of creative abduction in linguistic
5.2.1 Realizing new meanings .,
Chapter 5 Conclusion
Abductive reasonging and speech comprehension
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