Grammar Dimensions:Platinum Edition,Workbook
作 者:(美)Diane Larsen-Freeman主编;(美)Cheryl Benz,(美)Ann Roemer著
] 检查学生对语法结构的掌握情况
] 使老师能够了解并发现学生在练习过程中所存在的问题
] 为学生提供语法要点指南
] 展示语法结构的形式、意义及运用
] 聚焦目标语法结构的特点,通过例句引导学生发现语法结构的规则
] 实践语法的形式和意义
] 帮助学生提高学习语法的技巧——运用语法的能力
] 习题具有变化性、前后联系性及指导性
] 为学生提供语言个性化的机会
] 帮助学生练习语法,自由交流
] 鼓励学生在课堂内外练习语言
] 提供听、说、读、写练习,使学生在应用中运用所学语法
三维CD-ROM : ] 三维语法光盘提供34个主要语法结构的课后练习 ] 提供从初级到高级500多个练习
练习册: 针对每一语法
unit 1 simple present: habits, routines, and facts
unit 2 present progressive and simple present: actions and states
unit 3 talking about the future: be going to and will
exercises for the toefl test, units 1-3
unit 4 asking questions: yes/no, wh-, tag, choice questions
unit 5 modals of probability and possibility
unit 6 past progressive and simple past with time clauses: when, while, and as soon as
exercises for the toefl test, units 4-6
unit 7 similarities and differences: comparatives, superlatives, as. .as, not,as. .as
unit 8 measure words and quantifiers
unit 9 degree complements too, enough, and very
exercises for the toefl test, units 7-9
unit 10 giving advice and expressing opinions: should, ought to, need to, must, had better could, and might
unit 11 modals of necessity and prohibition: have to/have got to, do not have to, must/must not, cannot
unit 12 expressing likes and dislikes
exercises for the toefl test, units 10-12
unit 13 present perfect with since and for
unit 14 present perfect and simple past: ever and never, already and yet
unit 15 ptesent perfect ptogressive
exercises for the toefl test, units 13-15
.unit 16 making offers with would you like
unit 17 requests and permission: can, could, will, would, and may
unit 18 used to with still and anymore
exercises for the toefl test, units 16--18
unit 19 past perfect: before and after
unit 20 articles: the, a/an, some and
unit 21 articles with names of places
exercises for the toefl test, units 19---21
unit 22 the passive
unit 23 phasal verbs
unit 24 adjective clauses and participles as adjectives
unit 25 conditionals
exercises for the toefl test, units 22-25
unit 2 present progressive and simple present: actions and states
unit 3 talking about the future: be going to and will
exercises for the toefl test, units 1-3
unit 4 asking questions: yes/no, wh-, tag, choice questions
unit 5 modals of probability and possibility
unit 6 past progressive and simple past with time clauses: when, while, and as soon as
exercises for the toefl test, units 4-6
unit 7 similarities and differences: comparatives, superlatives, as. .as, not,as. .as
unit 8 measure words and quantifiers
unit 9 degree complements too, enough, and very
exercises for the toefl test, units 7-9
unit 10 giving advice and expressing opinions: should, ought to, need to, must, had better could, and might
unit 11 modals of necessity and prohibition: have to/have got to, do not have to, must/must not, cannot
unit 12 expressing likes and dislikes
exercises for the toefl test, units 10-12
unit 13 present perfect with since and for
unit 14 present perfect and simple past: ever and never, already and yet
unit 15 ptesent perfect ptogressive
exercises for the toefl test, units 13-15
.unit 16 making offers with would you like
unit 17 requests and permission: can, could, will, would, and may
unit 18 used to with still and anymore
exercises for the toefl test, units 16--18
unit 19 past perfect: before and after
unit 20 articles: the, a/an, some and
unit 21 articles with names of places
exercises for the toefl test, units 19---21
unit 22 the passive
unit 23 phasal verbs
unit 24 adjective clauses and participles as adjectives
unit 25 conditionals
exercises for the toefl test, units 22-25
Grammar Dimensions:Platinum Edition,Workbook
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