Fundamentals of fluid mechanics


作   者:(美)Bruce R. Munson, (美)Donald F. Young, (美)Theodore H. Okiishi著;邵卫云改编





  本书是根据美国著名出版商John Wiley & Sons出版的精品教材改编而成的工程流体力学英文教材。其主要内容有:绪论、流体静力学、流体运动基本原理、控制体法流动分析(恒定总流)、微分法流动分析、量纲分析与流动相似、内流和外流、有压管流、孔口和管嘴出流、明渠流、堰流、渗流和可压缩气体一元流动。可作为高等院校土建、市政、给排水、水利等专业的流体力学(水力学)的双语教学用书,亦可作为专业技术人员和全国注册土木工程师考试的参考书。   本书是根据美国著名出版商John Wiley & Sons出版的精品教材改编而成的工程流体力学英文教材。为了保持原版教材的特色,同时满足中国高校教学的要求,本书主要依据最新的高等学校土建类专业的《流体力学课程教学基本要求》进行改编,尤其注重理论基础及实际问题的解决,其主要内容有:绪论、流体静力学、流体运动基本原理、控制体法流动分析(恒定总流)、微分法流动分析、量纲分析与流动相似、内流和外流、有压管流、孔口和管嘴出流、明渠流、堰流、渗流和可压缩气体一元流动。   本书可作为高等院校土建、市政、给排水、水利等专业的流体力学(水力学)的双语教学用书,亦可作为专业技术人员和全国注册土木工程师考试的参考书。


chapter 1 introduction.

1.1 introduction

1.2 dimensions, dimensional homogeneity, and units

1.2.1 systems of units

1.3 analysis of fluid behavior

1.4 measures of fluid mass and weight

1.4.1 density

1.4.2 specific weight

1.4.3 specific gravity

1.5 ideal gas law

1.6 viscosity

1.7 compressibility of fluids

1.7.1 bulk moduhls

1.7.2 coefficient of volume compressibility

1.8 vapor pressure

1.9 surface tension

1.10 forces descriptions

1.11 a brief look back in history

1.12 chapter summary and study guide


.review problems


chapter 2 fluid statics

2.1 pressure at a point

2.2 basic equation for pressure field

2.2.1 basic equation for pressure field

2.2.2 equipressure surface

2.3 pressure variation in a fluid at rest

2.3.1 fundamental equation of a fluid at rest

2.3.2 incompressible fluid

2.4 standard atmosphere

2.5 measurement of pressure

2.6 manometry

2.6.1 piezometer tube

2.6.2 u-tube manometer

2.6.3 inclined-tube manometei

2.6.4 mechanical and electronic pressure measuring devices

2.7 hydrostatic force on a plane surface

2.7.1 force on a plane surface

2.7.2 pressure prism

2.8 hydrostatic force on a curved surface

2.9 buoyancy, flotation, and stability

2.9.1 archimedes' principle

2.9.2 stability

2.10 pressure variation in a fluid with rigid-body motion

2.10.1 linear motion

2.10.2 rigid-body rotation

2.11 chapter summary and study guide


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chapter 3 introduction to fluids in motion

3.1 the velocity field

3.1.1 eulerian and lagrangian flow descriptions

3.1.2 one-, two-, and three-dimensional flows

3.1.3 steady and unsteady flows

3.1.4 streamlines, streaklines, and pathlines

3,2 the acceleration field

3.2.1 the material derivative

3.2.2 unsteady effects

3.2.3 convective effects

3.3 the bernoulli equation along a streamline

3.3.1 the bernoulli equation along a streamline

3.3.2 physical interpretation

3.3.3 static, stagnation, dynamic, and total pressure

3.4 examples of use of the bernoulli equation

3.4.1 free jets

3.4.2 confined flows

3.4.3 flowrate measurement

3.5 the energy line and the hydraulic grade line

3.6 chapter summary and study guide


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chapter 4 finite control volume analysis

4.1 control volume and system representations

4.2 the reynolds transport theorem

4.2.1 derivation of the reynolds transport theorem

4.2.2 selection of a control volume

4.3 the continuity equation

4.3.1 derivation of the continuity equation

4.3.2 fixed, nondeforming control volume

4.3.3 moving, nondeforming control volume

4.4 the linear momentum equation

4.4.1 derivation of the linear momentum equation

4.4.2 application of the linear momentum equation

4.5 the energy equation

4.5.1 derivation of the energy equation

4.5.2 the energy equation for steady uniform flow

4.6 chapter summary and study guide


review problems


chapter 5 differential analysis of fluid flow

5.1 fluid element kinematics

5.1.1 linear motion and deformation

5.1.2 angular motion and deformation

5.1.3 irrotati0nal flow

5.2 differential form of continuity equation

5.2.1 differential form of continuity equation

5.2.2 the stream function

5.3 equations of motion

5.3.1 description of forces acting on the differential element

5.3.2 equations of motion

5.3.3 the navier-stokes equations

5.4 inviscid flow

5.4.1 euler's equations of motion

5.4.2 the bernoulli equation along a streamline

5.4.3 the bernoulli equation for irrotational flow

5.4.4 the velocity potential

5.5 plane potential flows

5.5.1 some basic, plane potential flows

5.5.2 source in a uniform stream — half-body

5.5.3 rankine ovals

5.5.4 flow around a circular cylinder

5.6 chapter summary and study guide


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chapter 6 similitude, dimensional analysis, and modeling

6.1 introduction

6.2 dimensional analysis

6.2.1 buckingham pi theorem

6.2.2 determination of pi terms

6.3 common dimensionless groups in fluid mechanics

6.4 correlation of experimental data

6.4.1 problems with one pi term

6.4.2 problems with two or more pi terms

6.5 modeling and similitude

6.5.1 theory of models

6.5.2 model scales

6.5.3 flow through closed conduits

6.5.4 flow around immersed bodies

6.5.5 flow with a free surface

6.6 normalized governing differential equations

6.7 chapter summary and study guide


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chapter 7 internal flow and external flow

7.1 general characteristics of pipe flow

7.1.1 laminar or turbulent flow..

7.1.2 entrance region and fully developed flow

7.1.3 pressure and shear stress

7.2 fully developed laminar flow

7.2.1 fluid element approach

7.2.2 energy considerations

7.3 fully developed turbulent flow

7.3.1 transition from laminar to turbulent flow

7.3.2 turbulent shear stress

7.3.3 turbulent velocity profile

7.4 head losses in pipe flow

7.4.1 major losses

7.4.2 minor losses

7.5 fundamentals of boundary layer

7.5.1 introduction of external flows

7.5.2 characteristics of flow past an object

7.5.3 boundary layer structure and thickness on a flat plate

7.5.4 effects of pressure gradient

7.6 lift and drag concepts

7.7 chapter summary and study guide


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chapter 8 pipe flow, orifice flow and nozzle flow

8.1 single pipes

8.2 multiple pipe systems

8.2.1 series pipe system

8.2.2 parallel pipe system

8.2.3 loop pipe system

8.2.4 branching system

8.2.5 pipe network

8.3 pipe flowrate measurement

8.4 orifice flow

8.4.1 general characteristics of orifice flow

8.4.2 outflow through sharp-edged small orifice

8.4.3 outflow through sharp-edged big orifice

8.5 nozzle flow

8.5.1 introduction

8.5.2 steady flow through cylindrical outer nozzle

8.5.3 vacuum in cylindrical outer nozzle

8.6 chapter summary and study guide


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chapter 9 open-channel flow

9.1 introduction

9.1.1 general characteristics of open-channel flow

9.1.2 channel geometry

9.2 uniform flow

9.2.1 uniform flow approximations

9.2.2 the chezy and manning equations

9.2.3 uniform flow examples

9.2.4 best hydraulic cross section

9.3 surface waves

9.3.1 wave speed

9.3.2 froude number effects

9.4 fundamental of nonuniform flow

9.4.1 specific energy

9.4.2 channel depth variations

9.5 gradually varied flow

9.5.1 water surface profiles

9.5.2 some representations of surface profiles

9.5.3 numerical solution of water surface profiles

9.6 rapidly varied flow

9.6.1 the hydraulic jump

9.7 chapter summary and study guide


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chapter 10 weir flow

10.1 general characteristics of weir flow

10.1.1 general characteristics of weirs

10.1.2 classification of weirs

10.2 sharp-crested weirs

10.2.1 basic flowrate formula

10.2.2 rectangular weir

10.2.3 triangular weir

10.3 ogee-crested weirs

10.4 broad-crested weirs

10.5 underflow gates

10.6 chapter summary and study guide


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chapter 11 seepage flow

11.1 basic principle of seepage flow

11.1.1 seepage flow model

11.1.2 darcy law

11.1.3 coefficient of permeability

11.2 steady gradually varied seepage flow

11.2.1 general formula for gradually varied seepage flow

11.2.2 differential equation of gradually varied seepage flow

11.2.3 water surface profiles of the gradually varied seepage flow

11.3 seepage flow of storage gallery

l1.4 seepage flow of well

11.4.1 completely general well

11.4.2 completely artesian well

11.4.3 multiple-well

11.5 chapter summary and study guide



chapter 12 one dimensional compressible flow

12.1 ideal gas relationships

12.2 mach number and speed of sound

12.3 categories of compressible flow

12.4 isentropic flow of an ideal gas

12.4.1 effect of variations in flow cross-sectional area

12.4.2 converging-diverging duct flow

12.4.3 constant area duct flow

12.5 adiabatic constant area duct flow with friction

12.6 chapter summary and study guide


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appendix a

appendix b

appendix c

appendix d

online appendix list

answers to selected homework problems




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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)

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