当代中国是传统中国的延续,更是与时俱进、开拓创新的国家。中国社会发展正处在一个转型时期,中国正以崭新的姿态面向未来。 金帛编著的《当代中国系列丛书:当代中国概览(英)》以历史为经,以中国各领域基本情况为纬,高度概括地介绍中国多民族国家和中华文明形成的历史,近代以来中国的抗争和发展之路,从新中国成立到改革开放时期的当代史,当今中国面临的机遇和挑战,中国通过发展自己对世界发展作出的贡献,等等。
Geography and Civilization of China
Geography and Climate Features
Geographical Environment and Inward Movement
Origin of the Word "China"
Different Parts of China
Primitive Chinese Civilization
Unification of China in History
Continuity of Chinese History
Formation of the Ancient Country
First Unification and Separation of China
Chinese Empire Reunified and Split Again
Third Reunification of Chinese Empire
A Multi-ethnic Country
Traditional Ideology, Culture and Society
Confucianism and the Orthodox
Traditional Ideology, Culture and Society
Introduction of Buddhism
Basic Spirits of Traditional Thought and Culture
Society Steeped in Traditional Thoughts and Culture
National Character Shaped by Traditional Thoughts
and Culture
Exchanges Between Ancient Chinese
and Foreign Culture
Developed Country of the Agricultural Civilization Era
Progress in Agriculture and Development
of the Handicraft Industry
Top-Ranking Technologies
Sound Political, Legal and Official Selecting System
Language and Characters
Incomparable Achievements in Literature
Unique Artistic Style
Colorful Social Life
End of Feudal Power and Establishment of a Modern Country
Closed Doors and the Decline of the Qing Court
Disasters Brought by Opium
Seeking for Self-improvement
Establishment of a Modern Country System
New Cultural Enlightenment Movement
Ups and Downs of National Revolutionary Movements
Founding of the PRC Led by the CPC
Endeavors of the PRC and Reform and Opening-Up m
Starting from Scratch
Setbacks and Mistakes in Exploration
Reform Injecting Vigor and Vitality
into Socio-Economic Development
Opening to the Outside World
Creating a New Miracle in Economic
and Social Development
Building a Democratic Country Under the Rule of Law
Largest Developing Country in the World
Huge Burden of Population
Disparity and Imbalance in Development
Conflict Between Economic Development
and Resources Environment
Scientific Outlook on Development
Building a Harmonious Society
Beautiful China Dream
Two Century Goals
China Dream Has Rich Connotations
"Five-in-One" Blueprint for Development
Deepening Reform Comprehensively
China and the World in the Era of Economic Globalization
Joining the Process of Economic Globalization
Bringing New Opportunities for Development
to the World
A Responsible Developing Big Country
New Diplomatic Ideas and Image
Inheritance and Development of Tradition
Geography and Civilization of China
Geography and Climate Features
Geographical Environment and Inward Movement
Origin of the Word "China"
Different Parts of China
Primitive Chinese Civilization
Unification of China in History
Continuity of Chinese History
Formation of the Ancient Country
First Unification and Separation of China
Chinese Empire Reunified and Split Again
Third Reunification of Chinese Empire
A Multi-ethnic Country
Traditional Ideology, Culture and Society
Confucianism and the Orthodox
Traditional Ideology, Culture and Society
Introduction of Buddhism
Basic Spirits of Traditional Thought and Culture
Society Steeped in Traditional Thoughts and Culture
National Character Shaped by Traditional Thoughts
and Culture
Exchanges Between Ancient Chinese
and Foreign Culture
Developed Country of the Agricultural Civilization Era
Progress in Agriculture and Development
of the Handicraft Industry
Top-Ranking Technologies
Sound Political, Legal and Official Selecting System
Language and Characters
Incomparable Achievements in Literature
Unique Artistic Style
Colorful Social Life
End of Feudal Power and Establishment of a Modern Country
Closed Doors and the Decline of the Qing Court
Disasters Brought by Opium
Seeking for Self-improvement
Establishment of a Modern Country System
New Cultural Enlightenment Movement
Ups and Downs of National Revolutionary Movements
Founding of the PRC Led by the CPC
Endeavors of the PRC and Reform and Opening-Up m
Starting from Scratch
Setbacks and Mistakes in Exploration
Reform Injecting Vigor and Vitality
into Socio-Economic Development
Opening to the Outside World
Creating a New Miracle in Economic
and Social Development
Building a Democratic Country Under the Rule of Law
Largest Developing Country in the World
Huge Burden of Population
Disparity and Imbalance in Development
Conflict Between Economic Development
and Resources Environment
Scientific Outlook on Development
Building a Harmonious Society
Beautiful China Dream
Two Century Goals
China Dream Has Rich Connotations
"Five-in-One" Blueprint for Development
Deepening Reform Comprehensively
China and the World in the Era of Economic Globalization
Joining the Process of Economic Globalization
Bringing New Opportunities for Development
to the World
A Responsible Developing Big Country
New Diplomatic Ideas and Image
Inheritance and Development of Tradition
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