chapter 1 an overview of the essay
1 what is an essay?
2 what is a research paper?
chapter 2 writing an essay
1 planning and shaping the essay
1.1 choosing and limiting a topic
1.2 determining our purpose and audience
1.3 gathering material
1.4 formulating a thesis statement
1.5 organizing and outlining the essay
2 drafting the essay
2.1 writing the introductory paragraph
2.2 writing the concluding paragraph
2.3 gaining unity and coherence
2.4 developing the essay by different patterns of organization
3 revsing the essay
3.1 revisng the essay
3.2 editing the essay
3.3 dealing with the final draft
3.4 proofreading
.chapter 3 writing a research paper
1 learning about the central information system of modern aca-demic library
2 developing the essay
3 writing a research paper
chapter 4 making good use of the language
1 striving for clarity
2 striving for accuracy
3 practicing economy
4 gaining appropriateness
chapter 5 using punctuation marks correctly
1 end punctuation marks
2 internal punctuation marks
3 enclosing marks
4 punctuation of individual words and of terms
1 what is an essay?
2 what is a research paper?
chapter 2 writing an essay
1 planning and shaping the essay
1.1 choosing and limiting a topic
1.2 determining our purpose and audience
1.3 gathering material
1.4 formulating a thesis statement
1.5 organizing and outlining the essay
2 drafting the essay
2.1 writing the introductory paragraph
2.2 writing the concluding paragraph
2.3 gaining unity and coherence
2.4 developing the essay by different patterns of organization
3 revsing the essay
3.1 revisng the essay
3.2 editing the essay
3.3 dealing with the final draft
3.4 proofreading
.chapter 3 writing a research paper
1 learning about the central information system of modern aca-demic library
2 developing the essay
3 writing a research paper
chapter 4 making good use of the language
1 striving for clarity
2 striving for accuracy
3 practicing economy
4 gaining appropriateness
chapter 5 using punctuation marks correctly
1 end punctuation marks
2 internal punctuation marks
3 enclosing marks
4 punctuation of individual words and of terms
English Essay Writing
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