Live English from American tv series,Love


作   者:金利主编





  《看美剧,no字幕——美语学习笔记(爱情篇)》主打爱情类美剧,所以编者金利精挑细选了6部时下最流行的爱情美剧——《吉尔莫女孩》、《橘子郡男孩》、《吸血鬼日记》、《绝望主妇》、《绯闻少女》以及《篮球兄弟》。在挑选台词时,编者们从初学者的角度出发,精心挑选生活中的常用口语,为读者提供最真实、最实用的学习素材,让读者轻松学会原汁原味的地道口语!    剧集中每个片段都包含很多英语实用知识,我们在学习美剧台词的同时对知识点进行点拨,帮助读者理清思路、学到实用的英文,为读者提高口语实力增加砝码,帮助读者说出一口流利的英文。


  Chapter 1 Gilmore Girls
   Now you're kidding.
   I think we should set them up.
   Keep your pants on.
   I'll make a mental note.
   On the count of three.
   I've been up for hours.
   What's with you?
   Don't sweat it.
   You're making a mess.
   I had no choice.
   You're in a good mood.
   It will never happen again.
   I'm so sick of her.
   It's not too late to back out.
  Chapter 2 The O. C.
   Make yourself comfortable.
   That's my point exactly.
   I'll handle it.
   Can I try this on?
   What's on the agenda?
   No way.
   You want to hang out sometime?
   Clear the air.
   It's a band aid for a bullet wound.
   Sorry to just pop in.
   I'll find another way to get by.
   No more digs at my dad.
   Speak of the devil and the devil he does appear.
  Chapter 3 The Vampire diaries
   I predict this year is gonna be kick ass.
   So not getting in the middle.
   Fly free.
   I rock.
   She talks more than I can listen.
   You almost got me.
   I've been kind ofm.i.a. ...
   In lieu of any other options.
   I'm not that evolved.
   His trip is open-ended.
   It can't be to just catch up.
   Cut her some slack.
   His eyes are so blue.
   You're letting your jealousy get the best of you.
   I'm not going to put up with the drama.
   That's not stabbing you in the back.
   Mason was a catch.
   I'm not living up to my best self.
   There is no us.
   The girl's got heart.
   Like you had a choice.
   Elijah is old school.
   I was looking out for myself.
   I wasn't thinking straight.
   Desperate Housewives
  Chapter 4 Ease up.
   Your mother is quite the card shark
   What brings you here?
   It's my call.
   It makes sense.
   You just had to cut me off.
   Suck it up.
   You're not bailing on me?
   That's big of you.
   It puts a crimp in your plans.
   You put us in a really awkward position.
   Count me in.
   I won't say a word.
   For better or for worse.
   You' 11 keep the thought to yourself.
   You just have to stick your nose into other people's business.
   Take a load off.
   Do you mind if I steal Tom for a sec?
   Let me give it a shot.
   There's no point.
  Chapter 5 Gossip Girls
   That is the lamest excuse I've ever heard.
   You must have your own wing.
   It's a long story.
   I'm working on it.
   Where are you headed?
   Fortunately, Yale is out of her reach.
   It wrapped up sooner than expected.
   No time for oxygen.
   We are going to blow them away.
   What a lovely surprise.
   It's no one's fault.
   It's the big day.
   I know something's going on.
   I'm losing her.
   It's not a big deal.
   The entire thing was a scam.
   Maybe you'll learn something.
   You're free to see other people, too.
   Who do you work for? Speak it.
  Chapter 6 One Tree Hill
   This is personal.
   What's going on with you?
   Everything turned out okay.
   I want your life to be good.
   So what does this dress say to you?
   You just took 10 years offmy life.
   Move your ass.
   You ready for round two?
   You're one to talk.



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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)



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