PartⅠ:Principles of Pathology
1.Introduction to Pathology
How pathology is covered in this book
Definitions and nomenclature
Molecular basis of cancer
Tumour growth
Carcinogenic agents
Host defences against cancer
3.Inflammation,Tissue Damage and Repair
Acute inflammation
Chemical mediators of inflammation
Chronic inflammation
Tissue necrosis
4.Infectious Disease
General Principles of infection
Categories of infectious agents
Mechanisms of pathogenicity
Inflammatory responses to infection
5.Inherited Disease
Molecular basis of inherited disease
Chromosomal disorders
Non-Mendelian inheritance
PartⅡ:Systemic Pathology
6.Pathology of the Nervous System
Disorders of the Central Nervous System
Disorders of the Peripheral Nervous System
Disorders of the Autonomic Nervous System
7.Pathology of the Cardiovascular System
Congenital abnormalities of the heart
Atherosclerosis,hypertension and ischaemic heart disease
Disorders of the heart valves
Diseases of the myocardium
Diseases of the pericardium
Inflammatory and neoplastic vascular disease
Diseases of the veins and lymphatics
8.Pathology of the Respiratory System
Disorders of the Upper Respiratory Tract
Disorders of the Lungs
Disorders of the Pleura
9.Pathology of the Gastrointestinal System
Disorders of the upper gastrointestinal tract
Disorders of the stomach
General aspects of hepatic damage
Disorders of the liver and biliary tract
Disorders of the exocrine pancreas
Disorders of the intestine
Disorders of the peritorreum
10.Pathology of the Kidneys and Urinary Tract
Abnormalitise of kidney structure
Diseases of the glomerulus
Glomerular lesions in systemic disease
Diseases of the tubules and interstitium
Diseases of the renal blood vessels
Neoplastic disease of the kidney
Disorders of the urinary tract
11.Pathology of the Endocrine System
Disorders of the pituitary
Thyroid disorders
Parathyroid disorders
Disorders of the adrenal gland
Disorders of the endocrine pancreas
12.Pathology of the Reproductive Systems
Disorders of the vulva,vagina and cervix
Disorders of the uterus and endometrium
Disorders of the ovary and fallopian tubes
Disorders of the placenta and pregnancy
Disorders of the breast
Disorders of the male reproductive system
13.Pathology of the Musculoskeletal System
Disorders of the bone structure
Infections and trauma
Tumours of the bones
Disorders of the neuromuscular junction
The myopathies
14.Pathology of the Blood and Immune System
Autoimmune disease
Diseases of immune deficiency
Disorders of white blood cells and lymph nodes
Disorders of the spleen and thymus
Disorders of red blood cells
Disorders of haemostasis
15.Pathology of the Skin
Terminology of skin pathology
Inflammation and skin eruptions
Infections and infestations
Disorders of specific skin structures
Disorders of pigmentation
Blistering disorders
Tumours of the skin
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PartⅠ:Principles of Pathology
1.Introduction to Pathology
How pathology is covered in this book
Definitions and nomenclature
Molecular basis of cancer
Tumour growth
Carcinogenic agents
Host defences against cancer
3.Inflammation,Tissue Damage and Repair
Acute inflammation
Chemical mediators of inflammation
Chronic inflammation
Tissue necrosis
4.Infectious Disease
General Principles of infection
Categories of infectious agents
Mechanisms of pathogenicity
Inflammatory responses to infection
5.Inherited Disease
Molecular basis of inherited disease
Chromosomal disorders
Non-Mendelian inheritance
PartⅡ:Systemic Pathology
6.Pathology of the Nervous System
Disorders of the Central Nervous System
Disorders of the Peripheral Nervous System
Disorders of the Autonomic Nervous System
7.Pathology of the Cardiovascular System
Congenital abnormalities of the heart
Atherosclerosis,hypertension and ischaemic heart disease
Disorders of the heart valves
Diseases of the myocardium
Diseases of the pericardium
Inflammatory and neoplastic vascular disease
Diseases of the veins and lymphatics
8.Pathology of the Respiratory System
Disorders of the Upper Respiratory Tract
Disorders of the Lungs
Disorders of the Pleura
9.Pathology of the Gastrointestinal System
Disorders of the upper gastrointestinal tract
Disorders of the stomach
General aspects of hepatic damage
Disorders of the liver and biliary tract
Disorders of the exocrine pancreas
Disorders of the intestine
Disorders of the peritorreum
10.Pathology of the Kidneys and Urinary Tract
Abnormalitise of kidney structure
Diseases of the glomerulus
Glomerular lesions in systemic disease
Diseases of the tubules and interstitium
Diseases of the renal blood vessels
Neoplastic disease of the kidney
Disorders of the urinary tract
11.Pathology of the Endocrine System
Disorders of the pituitary
Thyroid disorders
Parathyroid disorders
Disorders of the adrenal gland
Disorders of the endocrine pancreas
12.Pathology of the Reproductive Systems
Disorders of the vulva,vagina and cervix
Disorders of the uterus and endometrium
Disorders of the ovary and fallopian tubes
Disorders of the placenta and pregnancy
Disorders of the breast
Disorders of the male reproductive system
13.Pathology of the Musculoskeletal System
Disorders of the bone structure
Infections and trauma
Tumours of the bones
Disorders of the neuromuscular junction
The myopathies
14.Pathology of the Blood and Immune System
Autoimmune disease
Diseases of immune deficiency
Disorders of white blood cells and lymph nodes
Disorders of the spleen and thymus
Disorders of red blood cells
Disorders of haemostasis
15.Pathology of the Skin
Terminology of skin pathology
Inflammation and skin eruptions
Infections and infestations
Disorders of specific skin structures
Disorders of pigmentation
Blistering disorders
Tumours of the skin
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