Structural priming and L2 learning of grammar constructions:evidence from L2 production of English dative constructions by Chinese EFL learners
作 者:王敏著
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Research Orientation
1.2 Structural Priming:The Target of Research
1.3 Rationale
1.3.1 Theoretical Values
1.3.2 Pedagogical and Methodological Values
1.4 Key Research Questions
1.5 Structure of the Book
Chapter 2 L2 Learning of Grammar Constructions:A Usagebased Perspective
2.1 Defining the Usage-based Model
2.2 Constructions
2.2.1 What Is Construction?
2.2.2 Construction as a Prototype Category
2.2.3 Schematization and Entrenchment
2.2.4 Type Frequency vs. Token Frequency
2.3 The Usage-based Perspe+ctive of Construction Learning
2.3.1 Associative Learning Mechanisms
2.3.2 The Connectionist Models
2.3.3 L1 Acquisition vis-à-vis L2 Acquisition
2.4 Problems with the Usage-based Perspective of SLA
2.5 Summary
Chapter 3 Syntactic Priming and Language Learning
3.1 An Overview of Syntactic Priming
3.1.1 Representational Underpinning of Syntactic Priming
3.1.2 Techniques in Syntactic Priming Research
3.2 Mechanisms of Syntactic Priming
3.2.1 The Activation Account
3.2.2 Syntactic Priming as a Form of Implicit Learning
3.2.3 Strengthening of Message-to-syntax Mappings
3.3 Constraints on Syntactic Priming Effects
3.3.1 Constraints on Short-term Effects
3.3.2 Constraints on Long-term Effects
3.4 Application of Syntactic Priming to Language Acquisition
3.4.1 Syntactic Priming in Children
3.4.2 Syntactic Priming in L2 Learners
3.5 Summary
Chapter 4 Exploring Syntactic Priming in L2 Production:Issues and Predictions
4.1 Target Structure of the Study:English Dative Constructions
4.1.1 A Sketch of English Dative Constructions
4.1.2 Constraints on Dative Alternation
4.1.3 Interaction between Verbs and Constructions
4.1.4 A Contrastive Analysis of English and Chinese Dative Constructions
4.1.5 Empirical SLA Studies on Dative Alternation
4.2 Synthesizing Syntactic Priming with L2 Learning of Grammar Constructions
4.3 Issues and Predictions Concerning Syntactic Priming in L2 Production
4.3.1 Possibility of the Occurrence of Syntactic Priming in L2 Production
4.3.2 Factors Constraining the Short-term Effect of Syntactic Priming
4.4 Persistence of Syntactic Priming in L2 Production
4.4.1 The Long-term Effect of Syntactic Priming
4.4.2 Factors Affecting the Long-term Effect
4.5 Research Questions and Hypotheses
4.6 Summary
Chapter 5 Syntactic Priming in L2 Learners
5.1 Experiment 1
5.1.1 Method
5.1.2 Results and Discussion
5.2 Experiment 2
5.2.1 Method
5.2.2 Results and Discussion
5.2.3 An Omnibus Analysis of Experiments 1 and 2
5.3 Experiment 3
5.3.1 Method
5.3.2 Results and Discussion
5.4 Experiment 4
5.4.1 Method
5.4.2 Results and Discussion
5.5 Summary
Chapter 6 General Discussion and Conclusions
6.1 Characterizing Syntactic Priming in L2 Production
6.1.1 Short-term Effect of Syntactic Priming
6.1.2 Influences on the Short-term Effect
6.1.3 The Long-term Effect of Syntactic Priming
6.2 Conclusions
6.2.1 A Recapitulation of Major Findings
6.2.2 Implications for L2 Pedagogy
6.2.3 Limitations of the Current Study and Directions for Further Research
Appendix 1 Stimuli Used in Experiment 1
Appendix 2 Primes Used in Experiment 2
Appendix 3 Samples of the Pictures Used in Experiment 2
Appendix 4 Stimuli Used in Experiments 3 and 4
List of Figures
Figure 2.1 Linguistic Constructions in the Complexity/Schematicity Continuum―Adapted from Roehr(2005)
Figure 5.1 Production of Targets by Prime
Figure 5.2 Interaction between Prime Type and Target for the Intermediate Group
Figure 5.3 Interaction between Prime Type and Target for the Advanced Group
Figure 5.4 Production of DO Target by Verb in the Baseline
Figure 5.5 Production of DO Targets in Each Prime Condition by Verb(for Intermediates)
Figure 5.6 Production of DO Targets in Each Prime Condition by Verb(for Advanced Learners)
Figure 5.7 The Sequence of the Events in the Picture Description Task
Figure 5.8 Production of Targets by Prime Type
Figure 5.9 Interaction as a Function of Prime Type*Target for the Intermediate Group
Figure 5.10 Interaction as a Function of Prime Type*Target for the Advanced Group
Figure 5.11 Interaction of Prime Type by Proficiency Level on the Production of DO Target
Figure 5.12 Interaction of Prime Type by Proficiency Level on the Production of PD Target
Figure 5.13 Production of DO Target as a Function of Prime Type*Task
Figure 5.14 Production of PD Target as a Function of Prime Type*Task
Figure 5.15 Production of Targets in the Priming Phase by Exposure Condition
Figure 5.16 Production of Targets by Production Phase
List of Tables
Table 2.1 English Argument Structure Constructions
Table 3.1 Summary of L2 Syntactic priming Studies Targeting Dative Constructions
Table 4.1 Examples of Force-dynamic Relation
Table 4.2 Classification of Verbs according to the Semantic Compatibility
Table 4.3 Collexemes Distinguishing between the Ditransitive and the To-dative
Table 4.4 Test Verbs of the Present Study
Table 5.1 Grouping of Participants Based on Years of L2 English Learning and Scores on English Proficiency Test
Table 5.2 Frequencies of Occurrence of Responses in the Prime Conditions
Table 5.3 Mean Proportions of Targets by Prime*Proficiency Level
Table 5.4 Results of the Mixed Repeated Measures MANOVA
Table 5.5 Pairwise Comparisons of the Mean Proportions of Targets by Prime Type
Table 5.6 Effect of Prime Type*Proficiency Level on the Production of DO and PD Targets
Table 5.7 Pairwise Comparisons of the Means of Targets by Prime Type*Proficiency Level
Table 5.8 Pairwise Comparisons of Relative Proportions of Targets by Prime Type
Table 5.9 Pairwise Comparisons of the Means of Targets as a Function of Proficiency Level
Table 5.10 Pairwise Comparisons of OT Targets between the Prime Conditions
Table 5.11 Production of Targets by Verb in the Baseline Condition
Table 5.12 Exemplification of the Null Hypothesis H0
Table 5.13 Observed vs. Expected Frequencies for Verbs as a Function of Prime Type
Table 5.14 Grouping of Participants Based on Years of L2 English Learning and Scores on English Proficiency Test
Table 5.15 Frequencies of Each Type of Responses by Prime Condition*Proficiency Level
Table 5.16 Production of Targets as a Function of Prime Type*Proficiency Level
Table 5.17 Results of the Mixed Repeated Measures ANOVA
Table 5.18 Pairwise Comparisons of the Mean Proportions of Targets by Prime Type
Table 5.19 Pairwise Comparisons of Relative Proportions of Targets by Prime Type
Table 5.20 Summary of Results for an Omnibus Analysis of Experiments 1 and 2
Table 5.21 Design Structure for Experiment 3
Table 5.22 Raw Frequencies of Targets of Each Category
Table 5.23 Means of Targets as a Function of Production Phase*Exposure Condition
Table 5.24 Pairwise Comparisons of Targets by Production Phase
Table 5.25 Results of the MONOVA Test on the Production of PD and DO Targets in the Priming Phase as a Function of Exposure Condition
Table 5.26 Post hoc Tests of the Effect of Exposure Condition(Tukey)on the Production of PD and DO Targets in the Priming Phase
Table 5.27 Pairwise Comparisons of the Means of PD and DO Targets in Each Exposure Condition
Table 5.28 Production of Targets as a Function of Exposure Condition*Production Phase
Table 5.29 Results of the MANOVA Test on the Production of DO and PD Targets as a Function of Exposure Condition
Table 6.1 Production of DO Targets Following DO Primes by Trials
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Research Orientation
1.2 Structural Priming:The Target of Research
1.3 Rationale
1.3.1 Theoretical Values
1.3.2 Pedagogical and Methodological Values
1.4 Key Research Questions
1.5 Structure of the Book
Chapter 2 L2 Learning of Grammar Constructions:A Usagebased Perspective
2.1 Defining the Usage-based Model
2.2 Constructions
2.2.1 What Is Construction?
2.2.2 Construction as a Prototype Category
2.2.3 Schematization and Entrenchment
2.2.4 Type Frequency vs. Token Frequency
2.3 The Usage-based Perspe+ctive of Construction Learning
2.3.1 Associative Learning Mechanisms
2.3.2 The Connectionist Models
2.3.3 L1 Acquisition vis-à-vis L2 Acquisition
2.4 Problems with the Usage-based Perspective of SLA
2.5 Summary
Chapter 3 Syntactic Priming and Language Learning
3.1 An Overview of Syntactic Priming
3.1.1 Representational Underpinning of Syntactic Priming
3.1.2 Techniques in Syntactic Priming Research
3.2 Mechanisms of Syntactic Priming
3.2.1 The Activation Account
3.2.2 Syntactic Priming as a Form of Implicit Learning
3.2.3 Strengthening of Message-to-syntax Mappings
3.3 Constraints on Syntactic Priming Effects
3.3.1 Constraints on Short-term Effects
3.3.2 Constraints on Long-term Effects
3.4 Application of Syntactic Priming to Language Acquisition
3.4.1 Syntactic Priming in Children
3.4.2 Syntactic Priming in L2 Learners
3.5 Summary
Chapter 4 Exploring Syntactic Priming in L2 Production:Issues and Predictions
4.1 Target Structure of the Study:English Dative Constructions
4.1.1 A Sketch of English Dative Constructions
4.1.2 Constraints on Dative Alternation
4.1.3 Interaction between Verbs and Constructions
4.1.4 A Contrastive Analysis of English and Chinese Dative Constructions
4.1.5 Empirical SLA Studies on Dative Alternation
4.2 Synthesizing Syntactic Priming with L2 Learning of Grammar Constructions
4.3 Issues and Predictions Concerning Syntactic Priming in L2 Production
4.3.1 Possibility of the Occurrence of Syntactic Priming in L2 Production
4.3.2 Factors Constraining the Short-term Effect of Syntactic Priming
4.4 Persistence of Syntactic Priming in L2 Production
4.4.1 The Long-term Effect of Syntactic Priming
4.4.2 Factors Affecting the Long-term Effect
4.5 Research Questions and Hypotheses
4.6 Summary
Chapter 5 Syntactic Priming in L2 Learners
5.1 Experiment 1
5.1.1 Method
5.1.2 Results and Discussion
5.2 Experiment 2
5.2.1 Method
5.2.2 Results and Discussion
5.2.3 An Omnibus Analysis of Experiments 1 and 2
5.3 Experiment 3
5.3.1 Method
5.3.2 Results and Discussion
5.4 Experiment 4
5.4.1 Method
5.4.2 Results and Discussion
5.5 Summary
Chapter 6 General Discussion and Conclusions
6.1 Characterizing Syntactic Priming in L2 Production
6.1.1 Short-term Effect of Syntactic Priming
6.1.2 Influences on the Short-term Effect
6.1.3 The Long-term Effect of Syntactic Priming
6.2 Conclusions
6.2.1 A Recapitulation of Major Findings
6.2.2 Implications for L2 Pedagogy
6.2.3 Limitations of the Current Study and Directions for Further Research
Appendix 1 Stimuli Used in Experiment 1
Appendix 2 Primes Used in Experiment 2
Appendix 3 Samples of the Pictures Used in Experiment 2
Appendix 4 Stimuli Used in Experiments 3 and 4
List of Figures
Figure 2.1 Linguistic Constructions in the Complexity/Schematicity Continuum―Adapted from Roehr(2005)
Figure 5.1 Production of Targets by Prime
Figure 5.2 Interaction between Prime Type and Target for the Intermediate Group
Figure 5.3 Interaction between Prime Type and Target for the Advanced Group
Figure 5.4 Production of DO Target by Verb in the Baseline
Figure 5.5 Production of DO Targets in Each Prime Condition by Verb(for Intermediates)
Figure 5.6 Production of DO Targets in Each Prime Condition by Verb(for Advanced Learners)
Figure 5.7 The Sequence of the Events in the Picture Description Task
Figure 5.8 Production of Targets by Prime Type
Figure 5.9 Interaction as a Function of Prime Type*Target for the Intermediate Group
Figure 5.10 Interaction as a Function of Prime Type*Target for the Advanced Group
Figure 5.11 Interaction of Prime Type by Proficiency Level on the Production of DO Target
Figure 5.12 Interaction of Prime Type by Proficiency Level on the Production of PD Target
Figure 5.13 Production of DO Target as a Function of Prime Type*Task
Figure 5.14 Production of PD Target as a Function of Prime Type*Task
Figure 5.15 Production of Targets in the Priming Phase by Exposure Condition
Figure 5.16 Production of Targets by Production Phase
List of Tables
Table 2.1 English Argument Structure Constructions
Table 3.1 Summary of L2 Syntactic priming Studies Targeting Dative Constructions
Table 4.1 Examples of Force-dynamic Relation
Table 4.2 Classification of Verbs according to the Semantic Compatibility
Table 4.3 Collexemes Distinguishing between the Ditransitive and the To-dative
Table 4.4 Test Verbs of the Present Study
Table 5.1 Grouping of Participants Based on Years of L2 English Learning and Scores on English Proficiency Test
Table 5.2 Frequencies of Occurrence of Responses in the Prime Conditions
Table 5.3 Mean Proportions of Targets by Prime*Proficiency Level
Table 5.4 Results of the Mixed Repeated Measures MANOVA
Table 5.5 Pairwise Comparisons of the Mean Proportions of Targets by Prime Type
Table 5.6 Effect of Prime Type*Proficiency Level on the Production of DO and PD Targets
Table 5.7 Pairwise Comparisons of the Means of Targets by Prime Type*Proficiency Level
Table 5.8 Pairwise Comparisons of Relative Proportions of Targets by Prime Type
Table 5.9 Pairwise Comparisons of the Means of Targets as a Function of Proficiency Level
Table 5.10 Pairwise Comparisons of OT Targets between the Prime Conditions
Table 5.11 Production of Targets by Verb in the Baseline Condition
Table 5.12 Exemplification of the Null Hypothesis H0
Table 5.13 Observed vs. Expected Frequencies for Verbs as a Function of Prime Type
Table 5.14 Grouping of Participants Based on Years of L2 English Learning and Scores on English Proficiency Test
Table 5.15 Frequencies of Each Type of Responses by Prime Condition*Proficiency Level
Table 5.16 Production of Targets as a Function of Prime Type*Proficiency Level
Table 5.17 Results of the Mixed Repeated Measures ANOVA
Table 5.18 Pairwise Comparisons of the Mean Proportions of Targets by Prime Type
Table 5.19 Pairwise Comparisons of Relative Proportions of Targets by Prime Type
Table 5.20 Summary of Results for an Omnibus Analysis of Experiments 1 and 2
Table 5.21 Design Structure for Experiment 3
Table 5.22 Raw Frequencies of Targets of Each Category
Table 5.23 Means of Targets as a Function of Production Phase*Exposure Condition
Table 5.24 Pairwise Comparisons of Targets by Production Phase
Table 5.25 Results of the MONOVA Test on the Production of PD and DO Targets in the Priming Phase as a Function of Exposure Condition
Table 5.26 Post hoc Tests of the Effect of Exposure Condition(Tukey)on the Production of PD and DO Targets in the Priming Phase
Table 5.27 Pairwise Comparisons of the Means of PD and DO Targets in Each Exposure Condition
Table 5.28 Production of Targets as a Function of Exposure Condition*Production Phase
Table 5.29 Results of the MANOVA Test on the Production of DO and PD Targets as a Function of Exposure Condition
Table 6.1 Production of DO Targets Following DO Primes by Trials
Structural priming and L2 learning of grammar constructions:evidence from L2 production of English dative constructions by Chinese EFL learners
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