Part1:Bauhaus & Design Culture
遭遇包豪斯—细审西方他山之石,再省本土攻玉之道/Encounter the Bauhaus: Looking the West,and Thinking the East/宋建明
包豪斯——现代设计的精神家园/Bauhaus: the Spiritual Home of the ModernDesign/童慧明
设计引领下的艺术综合——包豪斯的启示/The Integration of Art Lead by Design -The Enlightenmentof Bauhaus/潘耀昌
包豪斯遗泽及其保存和利用/The heritage of Bauhaus and itspreservation and utilization/郑巨欣
时代与精神:包豪斯之于中国的两个基本问题/Zeitgeist: Two Basic Problems betweenBauhaus and China/连 冕
设计 · 责任——从莫里斯、格罗皮乌斯谈起/Design an Social Responsibility - Beginning with Morris and Gropius/王菁菁
包豪斯创立之际西欧设计观念的转变/The Change of Design Concepts in WesternEurope whileBauhaus founded/江 牧
作为精神导师的包豪斯/Bauhaus as a Spiritual Master/陈永怡
被遗忘的包豪斯产品/The Forgotten Bauhaus Product/RudolfLückmann
“每个人都有才华”——包豪斯的教育改革与乌托邦现代主义两者之综合/"Everybody is Talented"- TheCombination of Bauhaus Education Reform and Utopian Modernism/Eva Frgacs
中国与包豪斯——中国建筑的现代主义运动轨迹(1930-1960)/China andBauhaus - The Trajectory of the Chinese Architecture Modern Movement(1930-1960)/EduardKgel
Part2:Bauhaus Education Pattern and Oriental Design Education
包豪斯在中国/Bauhaus in China/王受之
中国设计与包豪斯——误读与自觉误读/Design of China and Bauhaus:Misreading and “Misreadingby own”/杭 间
香港与包豪斯/Hongkong and Bauhaus /靳埭强 田刘一杭
“包豪斯”与设计知识谱系的形成/"Bauhaus" and the Formation ofDesign Genealogy/许 平
认识“包豪斯”与对中国建筑教育的若干思考/he Understanding of “Bauhaus” and ThoughtsonChinese Architecture Education/毛其智
台湾设计教育与包豪斯/aiwan Design Education and Bauhaus/王行恭
设计文化的西风东渐——包豪斯时期的台湾现代设计启蒙/he Spread of Western Design Culture intothe East-The Enlightenment of Taiwan Modern Designin Bauhaus Era/姚村雄
反思包豪斯的产品美学观与设计课程/An Introspection to the Product Aestheticsand Design Curriculum in Bauhaus School/官政能
包豪斯设计教育的双重自觉/The Double Consciousness of Bauhaus DesignEducation/章利国
工艺精神:中国现实设计及教育的指向/“TecSpirit”: the Direction for Current Chinese Design and Design Education/崔笑梅
Part3:Contemporary Factors in Design Practice
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