新疆龟兹研究院 北京大学中国古代史研究中心
克孜尔出土德藏佉卢文龟兹王诏谕与契约文书研究 庆昭蓉
护时健的巴克特里亚语文书尼古拉斯?辛姆斯-威廉姆斯 撰;罗帅译
新疆博物馆藏木板于阗语粮食支出帐考释 文欣
《于阗国授记》的成立年代研究 朱丽双
迪拉娜?伊斯拉非尔 伊斯拉非尔?玉苏甫
吐鲁番本《文选》李善注《七命》的再发现 李昀
古代城市遗址高昌的遗构比定--基于地图史料批判的丝绸之路探险队考察报告整合 西村阳子 富艾莉 北本朝展 张 勇 撰;刘子凡 译
沮渠北凉"永和"年号之有无及相关问题 郭桂坤
从伊吾到伊州--唐代伊州的建立与唐朝进入西域史事考索 刘子凡
喀喇汗王朝与早期伊斯兰教 彼得?戈登 撰;蓝 琪译
《回疆志》编纂研究 吴华峰
从和瑛西域著述看清中期中央政府对新疆的管理与认识 孙文杰
舒其绍西域著述研究 史国强
近世哈密的佛寺道观考实1727-1931 王鹏辉
高田时雄 撰;瞿艳丹 译
A Brief Report on the Kuchean Captions Presently Surviving in the Cave No. 34,
Kumtura Grottoes?
Xinjiang Kucha Research Academy; Center for Research on Ancient Chinese History,
Peking University; Institute for Historical and Philological Studies of China' s Western Regions, School of Chinese Classics, Renmin University of China
Lists of Former Buddhas in Tocharian Texts: A Comparative Study of Unearthed Manuscripts and Captions in Kumtura Cave No. 34 Ogihara Hirotoshi
On the Decree of Kuchean King and Two Pieces of Contracts Written in Kharo hī among the Findings from the Kizil Grottoes and Kept in Berlin Ching Chao-jung
Bactrian Documents from Guzgan N. Sims-Williamstr. Luo Shuai
A New Khotanese Account Tablet in the Xinjiang Museum Wen Xin
A Study on the Composition Date of the Li yul lung bstan pa Zhu Lishuang
New Chapters Discovered on Qomul Version Maitrisimit Nom Bitig
Dilara Israpil & Israpil Yusup
The Rediscovery of Wen Xuan "Qiming" with Li Shan's Commentary from Turfan
Li Yun
Identification of Ancient Remains at Karakhoja Site: Through the Integration and Criticism of Maps, Photographs, and Satellite Images
?Nishimura Yoko, Erika Forte, Kitamoto Asanobu, Zhang Yong tr. Liu Zifan
Whether There was an Yonghe Era under Juqu's Northern Liang Dynasty and Other Correlative Problems ? Guo Guikun
From Yiwu to Yizhou: Research on the Establishment of Yizhou and Tang Empire's Entrance into the Western Regions ? Liu Zifan
The Karakhanids and Early Islam Peter B. Golden tr. Lan Qi
Study on the Compilation of Huijiang Zhi Wu Huafeng
Research on the Management and Cognition of Xinjiang by the Central Government in the Mid-Qing Dynasty through Heying's WorksSun Wenjie
Research on the Works Concerning the Western Regions by Shu Qishao Shi Guoqiang
Study on the Buddhist and the Taoist Temples in Modern Hami1727-
?Wang Penghui
Li Pang and Bai Jian: How were the Dunhuang Manuscripts of Li Shengduo Brought to Japan Takata Tokio tr. Qu Yandan
Literature & History of the Western Regions Notice to Contributors
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