vladimir nabokov (1899--1977)
the admiralty spire
anais nin (1903--1977)
issac bashevis singer (1904--1991)
robert penn warren (1905--1989)
birth of love
theodore roethke (1908--1963)
open house
weed puller
tennessee williams (1911--1983)
the glass menagerie scene 5-7
john cheever (1912--1982)
the enormous radio
irwin shaw (1913--1984)
the young lions--chapter 34
ralph ellison (1914-- )
invisible man--prologue, chapter i
bernard malamud (1914--1986)
.from the assistant
randall jarrel (1914--1965)
the death of the ball turret gunner
john berryman (1914--1972)
the ball poem
saul bellow (1915-- )
seize the day--chapter i
arthur miller (1915-- )
death of a salesman--act 2
robert lowell (1917--1977)
for sale
waking in the blue
for the union dead
j. d. salinger (1919-- )
the catcher in the rye--chapter 17, chapter 22
betty friedan (1921-- )
how to get the women's movement moving again
alex haley (1921--1992)
roots--chapter 33-36, chapter 39
jack kerouac (1922--1969)
on the road--part ii chapter 6
kurt vonnegut (1922-- )
report on the barnhouse effect
norman mailer (1923-- )
the armies of the night--book i part iv 2. the
marshal and the nazi
james dickey (1923-- )
the lifeguard
joseph heller (1923-- )
catch-22----chapter 40, chapter 42
james baldwin (1924--1987)
from notes of a native son
flannery o'connor (1925--1964)
everything that rises must converge
william styron (1925-- )
lie down in darkness--chapter 1
allen ginsberg (1926-- )
james wright (1927--1980)
a blessing
edward albee (1928-- )
the zoo story
martin luther king jr. (1929--1968)
i have a dream
gary snyder (1930-- )
piute creek
meeting the mountains
john barth (1930-- )
toni morrison (1931-- )
song of solomon--chapter i
john updike (1932-- )
sylvia plath (1932--1963)
death & co
philip roth (1933-- )
goodbye, columbus--chapter 1-3
le roi jones (1934-- )
marie winn (1936-- )
the plug-in drug: tv and the american family
thomas pynehon (1937-- )
the crying of lot 49--chapter 4
joyce carol oates (1938-- )
them--book ii chapter 6
sam sheperd (1943-- )
buried child--act 3
alice walker (1944-- )
the civil rights movement: what good was it?
the admiralty spire
anais nin (1903--1977)
issac bashevis singer (1904--1991)
robert penn warren (1905--1989)
birth of love
theodore roethke (1908--1963)
open house
weed puller
tennessee williams (1911--1983)
the glass menagerie scene 5-7
john cheever (1912--1982)
the enormous radio
irwin shaw (1913--1984)
the young lions--chapter 34
ralph ellison (1914-- )
invisible man--prologue, chapter i
bernard malamud (1914--1986)
.from the assistant
randall jarrel (1914--1965)
the death of the ball turret gunner
john berryman (1914--1972)
the ball poem
saul bellow (1915-- )
seize the day--chapter i
arthur miller (1915-- )
death of a salesman--act 2
robert lowell (1917--1977)
for sale
waking in the blue
for the union dead
j. d. salinger (1919-- )
the catcher in the rye--chapter 17, chapter 22
betty friedan (1921-- )
how to get the women's movement moving again
alex haley (1921--1992)
roots--chapter 33-36, chapter 39
jack kerouac (1922--1969)
on the road--part ii chapter 6
kurt vonnegut (1922-- )
report on the barnhouse effect
norman mailer (1923-- )
the armies of the night--book i part iv 2. the
marshal and the nazi
james dickey (1923-- )
the lifeguard
joseph heller (1923-- )
catch-22----chapter 40, chapter 42
james baldwin (1924--1987)
from notes of a native son
flannery o'connor (1925--1964)
everything that rises must converge
william styron (1925-- )
lie down in darkness--chapter 1
allen ginsberg (1926-- )
james wright (1927--1980)
a blessing
edward albee (1928-- )
the zoo story
martin luther king jr. (1929--1968)
i have a dream
gary snyder (1930-- )
piute creek
meeting the mountains
john barth (1930-- )
toni morrison (1931-- )
song of solomon--chapter i
john updike (1932-- )
sylvia plath (1932--1963)
death & co
philip roth (1933-- )
goodbye, columbus--chapter 1-3
le roi jones (1934-- )
marie winn (1936-- )
the plug-in drug: tv and the american family
thomas pynehon (1937-- )
the crying of lot 49--chapter 4
joyce carol oates (1938-- )
them--book ii chapter 6
sam sheperd (1943-- )
buried child--act 3
alice walker (1944-- )
the civil rights movement: what good was it?
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