第1章 绪论
第2章 蛋白质分子的结构基础
2.1 蛋白质的生物学功能
2.2 蛋白质分子的化学结构
2.3 蛋白质分子的空间结构
第3章 蛋白质侧链基团的修饰反应
3.1 特定的氨基酸残基侧链基团的反应试剂
3.2 巯基的化学修饰
3.3 氨基的化学修饰
3.4 羰基的化学修饰
3.5 咪唑基的化学修饰
3.6 酚和脂肪族羟基的化学修饰
3.7 胍基的化学修饰
3.8 吲哚基的化学修饰
3.9 硫醚基的化学修饰
3.10 二硫键的化学修饰
3.11 化学修饰反应条件的影响
第4章 蛋白质化学修饰的定量处理
4.1 Ray-Koshland方法
4.2 邹承鲁作图法
第5章 酶的化学修饰动力学
5.1 酶化学修饰的动力学机制
5.2 利用失活动力学确定酶配体解离常数
5.3 酶活性修饰过程中底物反应动力学
5.4 不可逆抑制动力学在其它方面的应用
第6章 蛋白质的位点专一性修饰
6.1 亲和标记
6.2 光亲和标记
6.3 蛋白质分子中特定部位的专一性荧光标记
6.4 蛋白质专一性标记在探测酶的活性部位构象变化上的应用
第7章 蛋白质的化学交联和化学偶联
7.1 不可切断的和可切断的化学交联
7.2 蛋白质的光亲和交联
7.3 蛋白质分子的固定化
第8章 基因定点诱变--蛋白质主链结构的化学修饰
8.1 基因的缺失和插入
8.2 寡聚核苷酸介导的定点诱变
附录1 各种修饰试剂对蛋白质侧链基团的反应性
附录2 邹承鲁作图法的数学证明
附录3 蛋白质功能基团的修饰与其生物活力之间的定量关系--计算机模拟确定必需基团的数目和性质
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Fundamentals of Molecular Structure of Proteins
2.1 Biological Function of Proteins
2.2 Chemical Structure of Proteins
2.3 Three-Dimensional Structure of proteins
Chapter 3 Modification of Side Chain Groups of Proteins
3.1 Specific Reagents of Modification Reaction of Amino Acid Residues
3.2 The Modification of Thiol Groups
3.3 The Modification of Amino Groups
3.4 The Modification of Carboxyl Groups
3.5 The Modification of Imidazole Groups
3.6 The Modification of Enol and Hydroxyl Groups
3.7 The Modification of Guanidine Groups
3.8 The Modification of Indole Groups
3.9 The Modification of Thioether Groups
3.10 The Modification of Disulfides Groups
3.11 Effects of Reaction Conditions on Modification
Chapter 4 Quantitative Treatment of Protein Chemical Modification
4.1 Ray-Koshland s Method
4.2 Tsou s Method
Chapter 5 Kinetics of Chemical Modification of Enzymes
5.1 Principles of Kinetics of Chemical Modification
5.2 Determination of Enzyme-Ligand Dissociation Constant Using Kinetic Method
5.3 Kinetics of Substrate Reaction during Modification of Enzymes
5.4 Applications of Kinetiks of Irreversible Inhibition in the Other Research Field
Chapter 6 Site-Specific Chemical Modification of Proteins
6.1 Affinity Labcling
6.2 Light-Affinity Labeling
6.3 Fluorescence Labeling at Specific Sites of Protein Molecules
6.4 Site-Specific Labeling Applied to Explore the Conformational Changes at the Active Site of Enzy
Chapter 7 Chemical Cross-Linking of Peptide Chains
7.1 Cleavable and Incleavable Cross-Linking
7.2 Light-Affinity Cross-Linking
7.3 Immobilization of Proteins
Chapter 8 Site-Directed Mutagenesis-Chemical Modification of Main Chain Structure of Proteins
8.1 Deletion and Insertion of Genes
8.2 Site-Directed Mutagenesis by Oligonucleotide
Appendix Ⅰ Some Commonly Used Reagents for Chemical Modification in Proteins
Appendix Ⅱ Mathematical ???ustration of Tsou plot
Appendix Ⅲ Quantitative Relation between Modification of Functional Groups of Proteins and Their B
第1章 绪论
第2章 蛋白质分子的结构基础
2.1 蛋白质的生物学功能
2.2 蛋白质分子的化学结构
2.3 蛋白质分子的空间结构
第3章 蛋白质侧链基团的修饰反应
3.1 特定的氨基酸残基侧链基团的反应试剂
3.2 巯基的化学修饰
3.3 氨基的化学修饰
3.4 羰基的化学修饰
3.5 咪唑基的化学修饰
3.6 酚和脂肪族羟基的化学修饰
3.7 胍基的化学修饰
3.8 吲哚基的化学修饰
3.9 硫醚基的化学修饰
3.10 二硫键的化学修饰
3.11 化学修饰反应条件的影响
第4章 蛋白质化学修饰的定量处理
4.1 Ray-Koshland方法
4.2 邹承鲁作图法
第5章 酶的化学修饰动力学
5.1 酶化学修饰的动力学机制
5.2 利用失活动力学确定酶配体解离常数
5.3 酶活性修饰过程中底物反应动力学
5.4 不可逆抑制动力学在其它方面的应用
第6章 蛋白质的位点专一性修饰
6.1 亲和标记
6.2 光亲和标记
6.3 蛋白质分子中特定部位的专一性荧光标记
6.4 蛋白质专一性标记在探测酶的活性部位构象变化上的应用
第7章 蛋白质的化学交联和化学偶联
7.1 不可切断的和可切断的化学交联
7.2 蛋白质的光亲和交联
7.3 蛋白质分子的固定化
第8章 基因定点诱变--蛋白质主链结构的化学修饰
8.1 基因的缺失和插入
8.2 寡聚核苷酸介导的定点诱变
附录1 各种修饰试剂对蛋白质侧链基团的反应性
附录2 邹承鲁作图法的数学证明
附录3 蛋白质功能基团的修饰与其生物活力之间的定量关系--计算机模拟确定必需基团的数目和性质
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Fundamentals of Molecular Structure of Proteins
2.1 Biological Function of Proteins
2.2 Chemical Structure of Proteins
2.3 Three-Dimensional Structure of proteins
Chapter 3 Modification of Side Chain Groups of Proteins
3.1 Specific Reagents of Modification Reaction of Amino Acid Residues
3.2 The Modification of Thiol Groups
3.3 The Modification of Amino Groups
3.4 The Modification of Carboxyl Groups
3.5 The Modification of Imidazole Groups
3.6 The Modification of Enol and Hydroxyl Groups
3.7 The Modification of Guanidine Groups
3.8 The Modification of Indole Groups
3.9 The Modification of Thioether Groups
3.10 The Modification of Disulfides Groups
3.11 Effects of Reaction Conditions on Modification
Chapter 4 Quantitative Treatment of Protein Chemical Modification
4.1 Ray-Koshland s Method
4.2 Tsou s Method
Chapter 5 Kinetics of Chemical Modification of Enzymes
5.1 Principles of Kinetics of Chemical Modification
5.2 Determination of Enzyme-Ligand Dissociation Constant Using Kinetic Method
5.3 Kinetics of Substrate Reaction during Modification of Enzymes
5.4 Applications of Kinetiks of Irreversible Inhibition in the Other Research Field
Chapter 6 Site-Specific Chemical Modification of Proteins
6.1 Affinity Labcling
6.2 Light-Affinity Labeling
6.3 Fluorescence Labeling at Specific Sites of Protein Molecules
6.4 Site-Specific Labeling Applied to Explore the Conformational Changes at the Active Site of Enzy
Chapter 7 Chemical Cross-Linking of Peptide Chains
7.1 Cleavable and Incleavable Cross-Linking
7.2 Light-Affinity Cross-Linking
7.3 Immobilization of Proteins
Chapter 8 Site-Directed Mutagenesis-Chemical Modification of Main Chain Structure of Proteins
8.1 Deletion and Insertion of Genes
8.2 Site-Directed Mutagenesis by Oligonucleotide
Appendix Ⅰ Some Commonly Used Reagents for Chemical Modification in Proteins
Appendix Ⅱ Mathematical ???ustration of Tsou plot
Appendix Ⅲ Quantitative Relation between Modification of Functional Groups of Proteins and Their B
第2章 蛋白质分子的结构基础
2.1 蛋白质的生物学功能
2.2 蛋白质分子的化学结构
2.3 蛋白质分子的空间结构
第3章 蛋白质侧链基团的修饰反应
3.1 特定的氨基酸残基侧链基团的反应试剂
3.2 巯基的化学修饰
3.3 氨基的化学修饰
3.4 羰基的化学修饰
3.5 咪唑基的化学修饰
3.6 酚和脂肪族羟基的化学修饰
3.7 胍基的化学修饰
3.8 吲哚基的化学修饰
3.9 硫醚基的化学修饰
3.10 二硫键的化学修饰
3.11 化学修饰反应条件的影响
第4章 蛋白质化学修饰的定量处理
4.1 Ray-Koshland方法
4.2 邹承鲁作图法
第5章 酶的化学修饰动力学
5.1 酶化学修饰的动力学机制
5.2 利用失活动力学确定酶配体解离常数
5.3 酶活性修饰过程中底物反应动力学
5.4 不可逆抑制动力学在其它方面的应用
第6章 蛋白质的位点专一性修饰
6.1 亲和标记
6.2 光亲和标记
6.3 蛋白质分子中特定部位的专一性荧光标记
6.4 蛋白质专一性标记在探测酶的活性部位构象变化上的应用
第7章 蛋白质的化学交联和化学偶联
7.1 不可切断的和可切断的化学交联
7.2 蛋白质的光亲和交联
7.3 蛋白质分子的固定化
第8章 基因定点诱变--蛋白质主链结构的化学修饰
8.1 基因的缺失和插入
8.2 寡聚核苷酸介导的定点诱变
附录1 各种修饰试剂对蛋白质侧链基团的反应性
附录2 邹承鲁作图法的数学证明
附录3 蛋白质功能基团的修饰与其生物活力之间的定量关系--计算机模拟确定必需基团的数目和性质
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Fundamentals of Molecular Structure of Proteins
2.1 Biological Function of Proteins
2.2 Chemical Structure of Proteins
2.3 Three-Dimensional Structure of proteins
Chapter 3 Modification of Side Chain Groups of Proteins
3.1 Specific Reagents of Modification Reaction of Amino Acid Residues
3.2 The Modification of Thiol Groups
3.3 The Modification of Amino Groups
3.4 The Modification of Carboxyl Groups
3.5 The Modification of Imidazole Groups
3.6 The Modification of Enol and Hydroxyl Groups
3.7 The Modification of Guanidine Groups
3.8 The Modification of Indole Groups
3.9 The Modification of Thioether Groups
3.10 The Modification of Disulfides Groups
3.11 Effects of Reaction Conditions on Modification
Chapter 4 Quantitative Treatment of Protein Chemical Modification
4.1 Ray-Koshland s Method
4.2 Tsou s Method
Chapter 5 Kinetics of Chemical Modification of Enzymes
5.1 Principles of Kinetics of Chemical Modification
5.2 Determination of Enzyme-Ligand Dissociation Constant Using Kinetic Method
5.3 Kinetics of Substrate Reaction during Modification of Enzymes
5.4 Applications of Kinetiks of Irreversible Inhibition in the Other Research Field
Chapter 6 Site-Specific Chemical Modification of Proteins
6.1 Affinity Labcling
6.2 Light-Affinity Labeling
6.3 Fluorescence Labeling at Specific Sites of Protein Molecules
6.4 Site-Specific Labeling Applied to Explore the Conformational Changes at the Active Site of Enzy
Chapter 7 Chemical Cross-Linking of Peptide Chains
7.1 Cleavable and Incleavable Cross-Linking
7.2 Light-Affinity Cross-Linking
7.3 Immobilization of Proteins
Chapter 8 Site-Directed Mutagenesis-Chemical Modification of Main Chain Structure of Proteins
8.1 Deletion and Insertion of Genes
8.2 Site-Directed Mutagenesis by Oligonucleotide
Appendix Ⅰ Some Commonly Used Reagents for Chemical Modification in Proteins
Appendix Ⅱ Mathematical ???ustration of Tsou plot
Appendix Ⅲ Quantitative Relation between Modification of Functional Groups of Proteins and Their B
第1章 绪论
第2章 蛋白质分子的结构基础
2.1 蛋白质的生物学功能
2.2 蛋白质分子的化学结构
2.3 蛋白质分子的空间结构
第3章 蛋白质侧链基团的修饰反应
3.1 特定的氨基酸残基侧链基团的反应试剂
3.2 巯基的化学修饰
3.3 氨基的化学修饰
3.4 羰基的化学修饰
3.5 咪唑基的化学修饰
3.6 酚和脂肪族羟基的化学修饰
3.7 胍基的化学修饰
3.8 吲哚基的化学修饰
3.9 硫醚基的化学修饰
3.10 二硫键的化学修饰
3.11 化学修饰反应条件的影响
第4章 蛋白质化学修饰的定量处理
4.1 Ray-Koshland方法
4.2 邹承鲁作图法
第5章 酶的化学修饰动力学
5.1 酶化学修饰的动力学机制
5.2 利用失活动力学确定酶配体解离常数
5.3 酶活性修饰过程中底物反应动力学
5.4 不可逆抑制动力学在其它方面的应用
第6章 蛋白质的位点专一性修饰
6.1 亲和标记
6.2 光亲和标记
6.3 蛋白质分子中特定部位的专一性荧光标记
6.4 蛋白质专一性标记在探测酶的活性部位构象变化上的应用
第7章 蛋白质的化学交联和化学偶联
7.1 不可切断的和可切断的化学交联
7.2 蛋白质的光亲和交联
7.3 蛋白质分子的固定化
第8章 基因定点诱变--蛋白质主链结构的化学修饰
8.1 基因的缺失和插入
8.2 寡聚核苷酸介导的定点诱变
附录1 各种修饰试剂对蛋白质侧链基团的反应性
附录2 邹承鲁作图法的数学证明
附录3 蛋白质功能基团的修饰与其生物活力之间的定量关系--计算机模拟确定必需基团的数目和性质
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Fundamentals of Molecular Structure of Proteins
2.1 Biological Function of Proteins
2.2 Chemical Structure of Proteins
2.3 Three-Dimensional Structure of proteins
Chapter 3 Modification of Side Chain Groups of Proteins
3.1 Specific Reagents of Modification Reaction of Amino Acid Residues
3.2 The Modification of Thiol Groups
3.3 The Modification of Amino Groups
3.4 The Modification of Carboxyl Groups
3.5 The Modification of Imidazole Groups
3.6 The Modification of Enol and Hydroxyl Groups
3.7 The Modification of Guanidine Groups
3.8 The Modification of Indole Groups
3.9 The Modification of Thioether Groups
3.10 The Modification of Disulfides Groups
3.11 Effects of Reaction Conditions on Modification
Chapter 4 Quantitative Treatment of Protein Chemical Modification
4.1 Ray-Koshland s Method
4.2 Tsou s Method
Chapter 5 Kinetics of Chemical Modification of Enzymes
5.1 Principles of Kinetics of Chemical Modification
5.2 Determination of Enzyme-Ligand Dissociation Constant Using Kinetic Method
5.3 Kinetics of Substrate Reaction during Modification of Enzymes
5.4 Applications of Kinetiks of Irreversible Inhibition in the Other Research Field
Chapter 6 Site-Specific Chemical Modification of Proteins
6.1 Affinity Labcling
6.2 Light-Affinity Labeling
6.3 Fluorescence Labeling at Specific Sites of Protein Molecules
6.4 Site-Specific Labeling Applied to Explore the Conformational Changes at the Active Site of Enzy
Chapter 7 Chemical Cross-Linking of Peptide Chains
7.1 Cleavable and Incleavable Cross-Linking
7.2 Light-Affinity Cross-Linking
7.3 Immobilization of Proteins
Chapter 8 Site-Directed Mutagenesis-Chemical Modification of Main Chain Structure of Proteins
8.1 Deletion and Insertion of Genes
8.2 Site-Directed Mutagenesis by Oligonucleotide
Appendix Ⅰ Some Commonly Used Reagents for Chemical Modification in Proteins
Appendix Ⅱ Mathematical ???ustration of Tsou plot
Appendix Ⅲ Quantitative Relation between Modification of Functional Groups of Proteins and Their B
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