第1章 发射气体动力学概述
1.1 飞行器的发射装置
1.1.1 机动性
1.1.2 导轨类型和数量
1.1.3 发射动力
1.1.4 发射姿态
1.1.5 发射地点
1.2 典型飞行器的发射技术
1.2.1 常规弹丸的发射
1.2.2 火箭弹的发射
1.2.3 反坦克导弹的发射
1.2.4 机载导弹的发射
1.2.5 防空导弹的发射
1.2.6 舰载导弹的发射
1.2.7 地一地战略导弹和运载火箭的发射
1.3 发射气体动力学的对象
1.3.1 发射中的气体动力学载荷和效应
1.3.2 发射气体动力学计算方法
1.3.3 发射气体动力学典型试验装置
第2章 气体流动与扰动波
2.1 基本方程
2.1.1 状态方程
2.1.2 连续方程
2.1.3 动量方程
2.1.4 能量方程
2.1.5 初始条件和边界条件
2.2 相似准则
2.2.1 相似性流动
2.2.2 相似性判据
2.3 喷管中的定常等熵流动
2.3.1 定常等熵流动气体动力学函数
2.3.2 拉瓦尔喷管内流动与外界环境压强的关系
2.3.3 气体在喷管中的轴对称流动
2.4 特征线方法
2.4.1 两个方程情况
2.4.2 三个方程情况
2.5 一维非定常流动
2.5.1 微幅波运动
2.5.2 一维均熵非定常流动
2.5.3 一维非定常非均熵流动
2.5.4 有粘性和温度变化的一维非定常流动
2.6 一维激波运动
2.6.1 激波的分类
2.6.2 右传激波
2.6.3 左传激波
2.6.4 激波的相交和反射
2.7 二维超声速定常流动
2.7.1 平面超声速定常均熵位流
2.7.2 轴对称超声速定常均熵位流
2.7.3 平面超声速定常有旋流动
2.7.4 轴对称超声速定常有旋流动
2.8 斜激波与正激波的斜反射
2.8.1 驻立斜激波
2.8.2 斜激波的相交和反射
2.8.3 正激波的斜反射
2.9 膛内流动与扰动波
2.9.1 火炮的发射过程
2.9.2 拉格朗日问题
2.9.3 弹丸在膛内运动的规律
2.10 发射管内流动与扰动波
2.10.1 发射管内流场结构
2.10.2 发射管内流场计算
2.11 柱面与球面激波运动
2.11.1 基本方程
2.11.2 行进波解
2.11.3 球面准简单波解
第3章 近壁粘流与自由射流
3.1 粘流的基本特性
3.1.1 粘性应力与雷诺应力
3.1.2 粘性附面层
3.1.3 热传导与对流热交换
3.2 附面层方程
3.2.1 低速附面层微分方程
3.2.2 布拉修斯解
3.2.3 高速附面层微分方程
3.2.4 附面层积分方程
3.2.5 平板层流附面层
3.2.6 平板准定常湍流附面层
3.2.7 平板混合附面层
3.3 分离流动
3.3.1 压力梯度对速度分布型的影响
3.3.2 典型分离流动
3.4 低速自由湍流射流
3.4.1 低速射流的流场结构
3.4.2 直匀湍流射流边界层
3.4.3 平面狭缝射流
3.4.4 小孔射流
3.5 高速燃气自由射流
3.5.1 燃气射流一般情况
3.5.2 燃气自由射流流场结构
3.6 轴对称超声速欠膨胀射流初始段
3.6.1 理论边界上的气流参量
3.6.2 自由膨胀区的气流参量
3.6.3 中心马赫盘的位置
3.6.4 三叉波区的气流参量
3.6.5 初始段射流边界形状
3.6.6 拦截激波形状和马赫盘半径
3.7 轴对称超声速过膨胀射流初始段
3.7.1 Ⅳ区气流参量
3.7.2 Ⅱ区和Ⅲ区的气流参量
3.7.3 Ⅰ区的气流参量
3.7.4 非计算度的极限
3.8 超声速射流过渡段
3.8.1 喷入运动介质的湍流射流
3.8.2 边界层厚度
3.8.3 过渡段的气流参量
3.9 射流基本段
第4章 喷管射流与膛口射流
4.1 射流的数值模拟
4.1.1 数值计算模型
4.1.2 数值计算方法
4.2 基本方程
4.2.1 纳维尔—斯托克斯方程组
4.2.2 湍流模型
4.2.3 多组分有限化学反应流动方程组
4.2.4 混合气体的物理参数
4.2.5 初始条件和边界条件
4.3 有限差分方法
4.3.1 空间导数项的离散
4.3.2 时间导数项的离散
4.3.3 粘性项的离散
4.4 喷管燃气射流计算
4.4.1 轴对称层流射流
4.4.2 射流的非定常起动过程
4.4.3 射流的湍流效应
4.4.4 三维射流与多喷管射流
4.5 喷管流与射流一体化计算
4.5.1 喷管内外流一体化计算
4.5.2 喷管流动的非定常计算
4.6 有化学反应的燃气射流
4.6.1 化学反应冻结的燃气与空气伴随流的耦合效应
4.6.2 湍流射流与化学动力学的耦合效应
4.6.3 火箭弹的燃气射流
4.7 膛口射流与膛口焰
4.7.1 弹丸出炮口以前的膛口流场
4.7.2 弹丸出炮口以后的膛口流场
4.7.3 膛口焰
4.7.4 爆炸冲击波
4.7.5 炮口制退器
4.8 爆炸冲击波计算
4.8.1 爆炸冲击波的形成
4.8.2 点爆炸理论
4.9 膛口流场的数值模拟
4.9.1 格都诺夫(Godunov)型差分格式
4.9.2 膛口射流的计算结果
第5章 射流的冲击、排焰与导流
5.1 低速射流运动与冲击
5.1.1 射流对固壁的冲击力
5.1.2 自由射流运动
5.1.3 两同速射流的冲击运动
5.1.4 具有混合边界的射流运动
5.2 燃气射流的冲击与防护
5.2.1 燃气射流的冲击与导流
5.2.2 燃气射流的烧蚀与防护
5.2.3 多发并联射流冲击与发射扰动
5.3 高速射流的正冲击
5.3.1 近场欠膨胀射流的正冲击
5.3.2 远场射流的正冲击
5.4 高速射流的斜冲击
5.4.1 近场欠膨胀射流斜冲击的流场结构
5.4.2 斜冲击流场的数值模拟
5.4.3 射流对斜壁面的冲击力
5.5 楔形导流器
5.5.1 近场欠膨胀燃气射流对楔形体的冲击流场
5.5.2 燃气射流对楔形体的冲击力
5.5.3 燃气射流冲击效应随时间的变化
5.5.4 楔形导流器对导弹底部压力的影响
5.6 单面与双面导流槽
5.6.1 导流槽的类型与几何参数
5.6.2 燃气射流冲击效应随时间的变化
5.6.3 导流槽的冲击压力与温度
5.7 导弹地下发射时燃气流的排导
5.7.1 利用燃气发生器弹射起飞
5.7.2 由发射井自力引射式起飞
5.8 多级火箭分离时的射流冲击
5.8.1 有射流冲击时火箭的流场结构
5.8.2 有射流冲击时后弹体的空气动力特性
5.9 多管火箭发射时的射流冲击
5.9.1 冲击流场分析
5.9.2 多管火箭发射装置迎气面的压力分布
5.10 机载导弹发射时的射流冲击
5.10.1 计算域与网格生成
5.10.2 计算方法
5.10.3 计算结果
5.11 舰载导弹发射时的排焰导流
5.11.1 计算域与网格生成
5.11.2 计算方法
5.11.3 计算结果
5.12 排导装置中的声与非声振荡
5.12.1 声波方程和边界条件
5.12.2 对非声振荡的简化方程
5.12.3 试验结果
Chapter1 An Introduction to Launching Gas Dynamics
1.1 Launcher of Flying Vehicles
1.1.1 Classification by Mobility
1.1.2 Classification by Launching Guide
1.1.3 Classification by Launching Power
1.1.4 Classification by Launching Orientation
1.1.5 Classification by Launching Place
1.2 Launch Technique of Typical Flying Vehicles
1.2.1 Launch of Conventional Ammunitions
1.2.2 Launch of Artillery Rockets
1.2.3 Launch of Anti-tank Missiles
1.2.4 Launch of Airborne Missiles
1.2.5 Launch of Air Defense Missiles
1.2.6 Launch of Ship-borne Missiles
1.2.7 Launch of Strategic Missiles and Rockets
1.3 Object of Launching Gas Dynamics
1.3.1 Gas Dynamic Loads and Effects during Launch
1.3.2 Computation Methods for Launching Gas Dynamics
1.3.3 Typical Test Equipments for Launching Gas Dynamics
Chapter2 Gas Flow and Waves
2.1 Basic Equations
2.1.1 Equation of State
2.1.2 Equation of Continuity
2.1.3 Equation of Momentum
2.1.4 Equation of Energy
2.1.5 Initial and Boundary Conditions
2.2 Similarity Criteria
2.2.1 Similar Flow
2.2.2 Criteria of Similarity
2.3 Isentropic Flow in Nozzles
2.3.1 Gas Dynamic Functions of Steady Isentropic Flow
2.3.2 Relation between Laval Nozzle Flow and Environment Pressure
2.3.3 Axially Symmetric Flow in Nozzles
2.4 Method of Characteristics
2.4.1 Two Equations Case
2.4.2 Three Equations Case
2.5 One-dimensional Unsteady Flow
2.5.1 Small Amplitude Wave Motion
2.5.2 One-dimensional Unsteady Uniform Isentropic Flow
2.5.3 One-dimensional Unsteady Non-uniform Isentropic Flow
2.5.4 Unsteady Flow with Friction and Temperature Change
2.6 One-dimensional Shock Waves Motion
2.6.1 Classification of Shock Waves
2.6.2 Right-traveling Shock Wave
2.6.3 Left-traveling Shock Wave
2.6.4 Interaction and Reflection of Shock Wave
2.7 Two-dimensional Steady Supersonic Flow
2.7.1 Uniform Isentropic Steady Supersonic Plane Flow
2.7.2 Uniform Isentropic Steady Supersonic Axially Symmetric Flow
2.7.3 Steady Supersonic Plane Flow with Rotation
2.7.4 Steady Supersonic Axially Symmetric Flow with Rotation
2.8 Oblique Shock Wave and Oblique Reflection of Normal Shock
2.8.1 Stationary Oblique Shock Wave
2.8.2 Interaction and Reflection of Oblique Shock Wave
2.8.3 Oblique Reflection of Normal Shock
2.9 Flow and Waves within the Gun
2.9.1 Firing Process
2.9.2 Lagrange Problem
2.9.3 Move Pattern of Projectile within the Gun
2.10 Flow and Waves within the Launching Tube
2.10.1 Flow Field Construction
2.10.2 Flow Field Computation
2.11 Cylindrical and Spherical Shock Wave Motion
2.11.1 Basic Equations
2.11.2 Solution by March Waves
2.11.3 Solution by Spherical Quasi-simple Waves
Chapter3 Viscous Flow nearby Wall and Free Jet
3.1 Basic Properties of Viscous Flow
3.1.1 Viscous Shearing Stress and Reynolds Stress
3.1.2 Viscous Boundary Layer
3.1.3 Thermal Conductivity and Convection Heat Transfer
3.2 Equations of Boundary Layer
3.2.1 Differential Equations of Low Speed Boundary Layer
3.2.2 Blasius Solution
3.2.3 Differential Equations of High Speed Boundary Layer
3.2.4 Integral Equations of Boundary Layer
3.2.5 Laminar Boundary Layer for Flat Plate
3.2.6 Quasi-steady Turbulent BoundaryLayer for Flat Plate
3.2.7 Mixed Boundary Layer for Flat Plate
3.3 Separated Flow
3.3.1 Effects of Pressure Gradient on Velocity Profile
3.3.2 Typical Separated Flow
3.4 Low Speed Free Turbulent Jet
3.4.1 Flow Field Construction of Low Speed Jet
3.4.2 Boundary Layer of Straight Uniform Turbulent Jet
3.4.3 Plane Narrow Crack Jet
3.4.4 Small Hole Jet
3.5 High Speed Combustion Gas Free Jet
3.5.1 General Situation of Combustion Gas Jet
3.5.2 Flow Field Construction of Combustion Gas Free Jet
3.6 Initial Region of Under-expanded Axially Symmetric Supersonic Jet
3.6.1 Flow Parameters on Theoretical Boundary Layer
3.6.2 Flow Parameters in Free Expansion Section
3.6.3 Place of Central Mach Disk
3.6.4 Flow Parameters in Trident Wave Section
3.6.5 Boundary Layer Shape of Initial Jet Region
3.6.6 Shape of Interception Shock Wave and Radius of Mach Disk
3.7 Initial Region of Over-expanded Axially Symmetric Supersonic Jet
3.7.1 Flow Parameters in IV Section
3.7.2 Flow Parameters in Ⅱ and Ⅲ Section
3.7.3 Flow Parameters in Ⅰ Section
3.7.4 Limit of Non-calculation Degree
3.8 Transitional Region of Supersonic Jet
3.8.1 Turbulent Jet Spurted into Moving Medium
3.8.2 Thickness of Boundary Layer
3.8.3 Flow Parameters in Transitional Region
3.9 Basic Region of Jet
Chapter4 Jet Flow From Nozzle and Muzzle
4.1 Numerical Simulation of Jet Flow
4.1.1 Mathematical Model of Numerical Simulation
4.1.2 Computational Method of Numerical Simulation
4.2 Basic Equations
4.2.1 Navier-Stokes Equation System
4.2.2 Turbulent Models
4.2.3 Flow Equations with Multi-component and Limited Chemical Reaction Rate
4.2.4 Physical Parameters of Mixed Gas
4.2.5 Initial and Boundary Layer Condition
4.3 Finite Difference Method
4.3.1 Dispersion of Space-derivative Terms
4.3.2 Dispersion of Time-derivative Terms
4.3.3 Dispersion of Viscous Terms
4.4 Numerical Computations of Combustion Gas Jet from Nozzle
4.4.1 Axially Symmetric Laminar Jet
4.4.2 Unsteady Process of Jet Started from Nozzle
4.4.3 Turbulent Effect of Jet
4.4.4 Three-dimensional Jet and Multi-nozzle Jet
4.5 Organic Whole Computations for Nozzle Inner Flow and Jet
4.5.1 Organic Whole Computation for Nozzle Inner and Outer Flow
4.5.2 Computation on Unsteady Nozzle Flow
4.6 Combustion Gas Jet with Chemical Reactions
4.6.1 Coupling Effect between Chemical Reac- tion Frozen Gas Jet and Following Air Flow
4.6.2 Coupling Effect between Turbulent Jet and Chemical Dynamics
4.6.3 Combustion Gas Flow of Artillery Rocket
4.7 Muzzle Jet and Flash
4.7.1 Muzzle Flow Field before Projectile Exit
4.7.2 Muzzle Flow Field after Projectile Exit
4.7.3 Muzzle Flash
4.7.4 Muzzle Shock
4.7.5 Muzzle Brake
4.8 Computation of Blast Shock Waves
4.8.1 Formation of Blast Shock Waves
4.8.2 Point Blast Theory
4.9 Numerical Simulation of Muzzle Jet Flow
4.9.1 Godunov Scheme
4.9.2 Computational Result
Chapter5 Jet Impulsion, Flame Exhaust and Guide Deflection
5.1 Low Speed Jet Motion and Impulsion
5.1.1 Jet Impulsion Force acted to Stationary Wall
5.1.2 Free Jet Motion
5.1.3 Mutual Impulsion of Two Jets with Equal Velocity
5.1.4 Jet Motion with Composite Boundary
5.2 Combustion Gas Jet Impulsion and Protection
5.2.1 Impulsion and Deflection
5.2.2 Burn Erosion and Protection
5.2.3 Multi-barrel Jet Impulsion and Launching Interference
5.3 Normal Impulsion of High Speed Jet
5.3.1 Normal Impulsion by Under-expanded Jet at Near Distance
5.3.2 Normal Impulsion at Far Distance
5.4 Oblique Impulsion of High Speed Jet
5.4.1 Flow Construction of Under-expanded Jet Oblique Impulsion at Near Distance
5.4.2 Numerical Simulation of Jet Oblique Impulsion
5.4.3 Jet Impulsion Force acted to Oblique Wall
5.5 Wedge Deflector
5.5.1 Oblique Impulsion to Wedge by Under-expanded Jet at Near Distance
5.5.2 Jet Impulsion Force acted to Wedge
5.5.3 Variation of Jet Impulsion Effect with Time
5.5.4 Influence to Base Pressure of Missile by Wedge Deflector
5.6 Deflective Trough with Single and Double Face
5.6.1 Type and Geometrical Parameters of Deflective Trough
5.6.2 Variation of Jet Impulsion Effect with Time
5.6.3 Impulsion Pressure and Temperature of Deflective Trough
5.7 Diversion of Missile Jet during Launch from Underground Shaft
5.7.1 Launch with Catapult by Combustion Gas Generator
5.7.2 Self-Injection Launch from Shaft
5.8 Jet Impulsion during Separation of Multistage Rocket
5.8.1 Jet Impulsion Flow Field Construction
5.8.2 Aerodynamic Characteristics of Rear Fuselage
5.9 Jet Impulsion during Launch of Multi-barrel Rocket
5.9.1 Jet Impulsion Flow Field Analysis
5.9.2 Pressure Distribution on Upstream Face
5.10 Jet Impulsion during Launch of Airborne Missile
5.10.1 Computational Region and Mesh System Generation
5.10.2 Computational Method
5.10.3 Computational Result
5.11 Jet Deflection and Flame Exhaust during Launch of Ship-borne Missile
5.11.1 Computational Region and Mesh System Generation
5.11.2 Computational Method
5.11.3 Computational Result
5.12 Acoustic and Non-acoustic Oscillations in Vertical Launcher
5.12.1 Acoustic Wave Equations and Boundary Condition
5.12.2 Simplified Equations for Non-acoustic Oscillations
5.12.3 Test Result
Subject Index
第1章 发射气体动力学概述
1.1 飞行器的发射装置
1.1.1 机动性
1.1.2 导轨类型和数量
1.1.3 发射动力
1.1.4 发射姿态
1.1.5 发射地点
1.2 典型飞行器的发射技术
1.2.1 常规弹丸的发射
1.2.2 火箭弹的发射
1.2.3 反坦克导弹的发射
1.2.4 机载导弹的发射
1.2.5 防空导弹的发射
1.2.6 舰载导弹的发射
1.2.7 地一地战略导弹和运载火箭的发射
1.3 发射气体动力学的对象
1.3.1 发射中的气体动力学载荷和效应
1.3.2 发射气体动力学计算方法
1.3.3 发射气体动力学典型试验装置
第2章 气体流动与扰动波
2.1 基本方程
2.1.1 状态方程
2.1.2 连续方程
2.1.3 动量方程
2.1.4 能量方程
2.1.5 初始条件和边界条件
2.2 相似准则
2.2.1 相似性流动
2.2.2 相似性判据
2.3 喷管中的定常等熵流动
2.3.1 定常等熵流动气体动力学函数
2.3.2 拉瓦尔喷管内流动与外界环境压强的关系
2.3.3 气体在喷管中的轴对称流动
2.4 特征线方法
2.4.1 两个方程情况
2.4.2 三个方程情况
2.5 一维非定常流动
2.5.1 微幅波运动
2.5.2 一维均熵非定常流动
2.5.3 一维非定常非均熵流动
2.5.4 有粘性和温度变化的一维非定常流动
2.6 一维激波运动
2.6.1 激波的分类
2.6.2 右传激波
2.6.3 左传激波
2.6.4 激波的相交和反射
2.7 二维超声速定常流动
2.7.1 平面超声速定常均熵位流
2.7.2 轴对称超声速定常均熵位流
2.7.3 平面超声速定常有旋流动
2.7.4 轴对称超声速定常有旋流动
2.8 斜激波与正激波的斜反射
2.8.1 驻立斜激波
2.8.2 斜激波的相交和反射
2.8.3 正激波的斜反射
2.9 膛内流动与扰动波
2.9.1 火炮的发射过程
2.9.2 拉格朗日问题
2.9.3 弹丸在膛内运动的规律
2.10 发射管内流动与扰动波
2.10.1 发射管内流场结构
2.10.2 发射管内流场计算
2.11 柱面与球面激波运动
2.11.1 基本方程
2.11.2 行进波解
2.11.3 球面准简单波解
第3章 近壁粘流与自由射流
3.1 粘流的基本特性
3.1.1 粘性应力与雷诺应力
3.1.2 粘性附面层
3.1.3 热传导与对流热交换
3.2 附面层方程
3.2.1 低速附面层微分方程
3.2.2 布拉修斯解
3.2.3 高速附面层微分方程
3.2.4 附面层积分方程
3.2.5 平板层流附面层
3.2.6 平板准定常湍流附面层
3.2.7 平板混合附面层
3.3 分离流动
3.3.1 压力梯度对速度分布型的影响
3.3.2 典型分离流动
3.4 低速自由湍流射流
3.4.1 低速射流的流场结构
3.4.2 直匀湍流射流边界层
3.4.3 平面狭缝射流
3.4.4 小孔射流
3.5 高速燃气自由射流
3.5.1 燃气射流一般情况
3.5.2 燃气自由射流流场结构
3.6 轴对称超声速欠膨胀射流初始段
3.6.1 理论边界上的气流参量
3.6.2 自由膨胀区的气流参量
3.6.3 中心马赫盘的位置
3.6.4 三叉波区的气流参量
3.6.5 初始段射流边界形状
3.6.6 拦截激波形状和马赫盘半径
3.7 轴对称超声速过膨胀射流初始段
3.7.1 Ⅳ区气流参量
3.7.2 Ⅱ区和Ⅲ区的气流参量
3.7.3 Ⅰ区的气流参量
3.7.4 非计算度的极限
3.8 超声速射流过渡段
3.8.1 喷入运动介质的湍流射流
3.8.2 边界层厚度
3.8.3 过渡段的气流参量
3.9 射流基本段
第4章 喷管射流与膛口射流
4.1 射流的数值模拟
4.1.1 数值计算模型
4.1.2 数值计算方法
4.2 基本方程
4.2.1 纳维尔—斯托克斯方程组
4.2.2 湍流模型
4.2.3 多组分有限化学反应流动方程组
4.2.4 混合气体的物理参数
4.2.5 初始条件和边界条件
4.3 有限差分方法
4.3.1 空间导数项的离散
4.3.2 时间导数项的离散
4.3.3 粘性项的离散
4.4 喷管燃气射流计算
4.4.1 轴对称层流射流
4.4.2 射流的非定常起动过程
4.4.3 射流的湍流效应
4.4.4 三维射流与多喷管射流
4.5 喷管流与射流一体化计算
4.5.1 喷管内外流一体化计算
4.5.2 喷管流动的非定常计算
4.6 有化学反应的燃气射流
4.6.1 化学反应冻结的燃气与空气伴随流的耦合效应
4.6.2 湍流射流与化学动力学的耦合效应
4.6.3 火箭弹的燃气射流
4.7 膛口射流与膛口焰
4.7.1 弹丸出炮口以前的膛口流场
4.7.2 弹丸出炮口以后的膛口流场
4.7.3 膛口焰
4.7.4 爆炸冲击波
4.7.5 炮口制退器
4.8 爆炸冲击波计算
4.8.1 爆炸冲击波的形成
4.8.2 点爆炸理论
4.9 膛口流场的数值模拟
4.9.1 格都诺夫(Godunov)型差分格式
4.9.2 膛口射流的计算结果
第5章 射流的冲击、排焰与导流
5.1 低速射流运动与冲击
5.1.1 射流对固壁的冲击力
5.1.2 自由射流运动
5.1.3 两同速射流的冲击运动
5.1.4 具有混合边界的射流运动
5.2 燃气射流的冲击与防护
5.2.1 燃气射流的冲击与导流
5.2.2 燃气射流的烧蚀与防护
5.2.3 多发并联射流冲击与发射扰动
5.3 高速射流的正冲击
5.3.1 近场欠膨胀射流的正冲击
5.3.2 远场射流的正冲击
5.4 高速射流的斜冲击
5.4.1 近场欠膨胀射流斜冲击的流场结构
5.4.2 斜冲击流场的数值模拟
5.4.3 射流对斜壁面的冲击力
5.5 楔形导流器
5.5.1 近场欠膨胀燃气射流对楔形体的冲击流场
5.5.2 燃气射流对楔形体的冲击力
5.5.3 燃气射流冲击效应随时间的变化
5.5.4 楔形导流器对导弹底部压力的影响
5.6 单面与双面导流槽
5.6.1 导流槽的类型与几何参数
5.6.2 燃气射流冲击效应随时间的变化
5.6.3 导流槽的冲击压力与温度
5.7 导弹地下发射时燃气流的排导
5.7.1 利用燃气发生器弹射起飞
5.7.2 由发射井自力引射式起飞
5.8 多级火箭分离时的射流冲击
5.8.1 有射流冲击时火箭的流场结构
5.8.2 有射流冲击时后弹体的空气动力特性
5.9 多管火箭发射时的射流冲击
5.9.1 冲击流场分析
5.9.2 多管火箭发射装置迎气面的压力分布
5.10 机载导弹发射时的射流冲击
5.10.1 计算域与网格生成
5.10.2 计算方法
5.10.3 计算结果
5.11 舰载导弹发射时的排焰导流
5.11.1 计算域与网格生成
5.11.2 计算方法
5.11.3 计算结果
5.12 排导装置中的声与非声振荡
5.12.1 声波方程和边界条件
5.12.2 对非声振荡的简化方程
5.12.3 试验结果
Chapter1 An Introduction to Launching Gas Dynamics
1.1 Launcher of Flying Vehicles
1.1.1 Classification by Mobility
1.1.2 Classification by Launching Guide
1.1.3 Classification by Launching Power
1.1.4 Classification by Launching Orientation
1.1.5 Classification by Launching Place
1.2 Launch Technique of Typical Flying Vehicles
1.2.1 Launch of Conventional Ammunitions
1.2.2 Launch of Artillery Rockets
1.2.3 Launch of Anti-tank Missiles
1.2.4 Launch of Airborne Missiles
1.2.5 Launch of Air Defense Missiles
1.2.6 Launch of Ship-borne Missiles
1.2.7 Launch of Strategic Missiles and Rockets
1.3 Object of Launching Gas Dynamics
1.3.1 Gas Dynamic Loads and Effects during Launch
1.3.2 Computation Methods for Launching Gas Dynamics
1.3.3 Typical Test Equipments for Launching Gas Dynamics
Chapter2 Gas Flow and Waves
2.1 Basic Equations
2.1.1 Equation of State
2.1.2 Equation of Continuity
2.1.3 Equation of Momentum
2.1.4 Equation of Energy
2.1.5 Initial and Boundary Conditions
2.2 Similarity Criteria
2.2.1 Similar Flow
2.2.2 Criteria of Similarity
2.3 Isentropic Flow in Nozzles
2.3.1 Gas Dynamic Functions of Steady Isentropic Flow
2.3.2 Relation between Laval Nozzle Flow and Environment Pressure
2.3.3 Axially Symmetric Flow in Nozzles
2.4 Method of Characteristics
2.4.1 Two Equations Case
2.4.2 Three Equations Case
2.5 One-dimensional Unsteady Flow
2.5.1 Small Amplitude Wave Motion
2.5.2 One-dimensional Unsteady Uniform Isentropic Flow
2.5.3 One-dimensional Unsteady Non-uniform Isentropic Flow
2.5.4 Unsteady Flow with Friction and Temperature Change
2.6 One-dimensional Shock Waves Motion
2.6.1 Classification of Shock Waves
2.6.2 Right-traveling Shock Wave
2.6.3 Left-traveling Shock Wave
2.6.4 Interaction and Reflection of Shock Wave
2.7 Two-dimensional Steady Supersonic Flow
2.7.1 Uniform Isentropic Steady Supersonic Plane Flow
2.7.2 Uniform Isentropic Steady Supersonic Axially Symmetric Flow
2.7.3 Steady Supersonic Plane Flow with Rotation
2.7.4 Steady Supersonic Axially Symmetric Flow with Rotation
2.8 Oblique Shock Wave and Oblique Reflection of Normal Shock
2.8.1 Stationary Oblique Shock Wave
2.8.2 Interaction and Reflection of Oblique Shock Wave
2.8.3 Oblique Reflection of Normal Shock
2.9 Flow and Waves within the Gun
2.9.1 Firing Process
2.9.2 Lagrange Problem
2.9.3 Move Pattern of Projectile within the Gun
2.10 Flow and Waves within the Launching Tube
2.10.1 Flow Field Construction
2.10.2 Flow Field Computation
2.11 Cylindrical and Spherical Shock Wave Motion
2.11.1 Basic Equations
2.11.2 Solution by March Waves
2.11.3 Solution by Spherical Quasi-simple Waves
Chapter3 Viscous Flow nearby Wall and Free Jet
3.1 Basic Properties of Viscous Flow
3.1.1 Viscous Shearing Stress and Reynolds Stress
3.1.2 Viscous Boundary Layer
3.1.3 Thermal Conductivity and Convection Heat Transfer
3.2 Equations of Boundary Layer
3.2.1 Differential Equations of Low Speed Boundary Layer
3.2.2 Blasius Solution
3.2.3 Differential Equations of High Speed Boundary Layer
3.2.4 Integral Equations of Boundary Layer
3.2.5 Laminar Boundary Layer for Flat Plate
3.2.6 Quasi-steady Turbulent BoundaryLayer for Flat Plate
3.2.7 Mixed Boundary Layer for Flat Plate
3.3 Separated Flow
3.3.1 Effects of Pressure Gradient on Velocity Profile
3.3.2 Typical Separated Flow
3.4 Low Speed Free Turbulent Jet
3.4.1 Flow Field Construction of Low Speed Jet
3.4.2 Boundary Layer of Straight Uniform Turbulent Jet
3.4.3 Plane Narrow Crack Jet
3.4.4 Small Hole Jet
3.5 High Speed Combustion Gas Free Jet
3.5.1 General Situation of Combustion Gas Jet
3.5.2 Flow Field Construction of Combustion Gas Free Jet
3.6 Initial Region of Under-expanded Axially Symmetric Supersonic Jet
3.6.1 Flow Parameters on Theoretical Boundary Layer
3.6.2 Flow Parameters in Free Expansion Section
3.6.3 Place of Central Mach Disk
3.6.4 Flow Parameters in Trident Wave Section
3.6.5 Boundary Layer Shape of Initial Jet Region
3.6.6 Shape of Interception Shock Wave and Radius of Mach Disk
3.7 Initial Region of Over-expanded Axially Symmetric Supersonic Jet
3.7.1 Flow Parameters in IV Section
3.7.2 Flow Parameters in Ⅱ and Ⅲ Section
3.7.3 Flow Parameters in Ⅰ Section
3.7.4 Limit of Non-calculation Degree
3.8 Transitional Region of Supersonic Jet
3.8.1 Turbulent Jet Spurted into Moving Medium
3.8.2 Thickness of Boundary Layer
3.8.3 Flow Parameters in Transitional Region
3.9 Basic Region of Jet
Chapter4 Jet Flow From Nozzle and Muzzle
4.1 Numerical Simulation of Jet Flow
4.1.1 Mathematical Model of Numerical Simulation
4.1.2 Computational Method of Numerical Simulation
4.2 Basic Equations
4.2.1 Navier-Stokes Equation System
4.2.2 Turbulent Models
4.2.3 Flow Equations with Multi-component and Limited Chemical Reaction Rate
4.2.4 Physical Parameters of Mixed Gas
4.2.5 Initial and Boundary Layer Condition
4.3 Finite Difference Method
4.3.1 Dispersion of Space-derivative Terms
4.3.2 Dispersion of Time-derivative Terms
4.3.3 Dispersion of Viscous Terms
4.4 Numerical Computations of Combustion Gas Jet from Nozzle
4.4.1 Axially Symmetric Laminar Jet
4.4.2 Unsteady Process of Jet Started from Nozzle
4.4.3 Turbulent Effect of Jet
4.4.4 Three-dimensional Jet and Multi-nozzle Jet
4.5 Organic Whole Computations for Nozzle Inner Flow and Jet
4.5.1 Organic Whole Computation for Nozzle Inner and Outer Flow
4.5.2 Computation on Unsteady Nozzle Flow
4.6 Combustion Gas Jet with Chemical Reactions
4.6.1 Coupling Effect between Chemical Reac- tion Frozen Gas Jet and Following Air Flow
4.6.2 Coupling Effect between Turbulent Jet and Chemical Dynamics
4.6.3 Combustion Gas Flow of Artillery Rocket
4.7 Muzzle Jet and Flash
4.7.1 Muzzle Flow Field before Projectile Exit
4.7.2 Muzzle Flow Field after Projectile Exit
4.7.3 Muzzle Flash
4.7.4 Muzzle Shock
4.7.5 Muzzle Brake
4.8 Computation of Blast Shock Waves
4.8.1 Formation of Blast Shock Waves
4.8.2 Point Blast Theory
4.9 Numerical Simulation of Muzzle Jet Flow
4.9.1 Godunov Scheme
4.9.2 Computational Result
Chapter5 Jet Impulsion, Flame Exhaust and Guide Deflection
5.1 Low Speed Jet Motion and Impulsion
5.1.1 Jet Impulsion Force acted to Stationary Wall
5.1.2 Free Jet Motion
5.1.3 Mutual Impulsion of Two Jets with Equal Velocity
5.1.4 Jet Motion with Composite Boundary
5.2 Combustion Gas Jet Impulsion and Protection
5.2.1 Impulsion and Deflection
5.2.2 Burn Erosion and Protection
5.2.3 Multi-barrel Jet Impulsion and Launching Interference
5.3 Normal Impulsion of High Speed Jet
5.3.1 Normal Impulsion by Under-expanded Jet at Near Distance
5.3.2 Normal Impulsion at Far Distance
5.4 Oblique Impulsion of High Speed Jet
5.4.1 Flow Construction of Under-expanded Jet Oblique Impulsion at Near Distance
5.4.2 Numerical Simulation of Jet Oblique Impulsion
5.4.3 Jet Impulsion Force acted to Oblique Wall
5.5 Wedge Deflector
5.5.1 Oblique Impulsion to Wedge by Under-expanded Jet at Near Distance
5.5.2 Jet Impulsion Force acted to Wedge
5.5.3 Variation of Jet Impulsion Effect with Time
5.5.4 Influence to Base Pressure of Missile by Wedge Deflector
5.6 Deflective Trough with Single and Double Face
5.6.1 Type and Geometrical Parameters of Deflective Trough
5.6.2 Variation of Jet Impulsion Effect with Time
5.6.3 Impulsion Pressure and Temperature of Deflective Trough
5.7 Diversion of Missile Jet during Launch from Underground Shaft
5.7.1 Launch with Catapult by Combustion Gas Generator
5.7.2 Self-Injection Launch from Shaft
5.8 Jet Impulsion during Separation of Multistage Rocket
5.8.1 Jet Impulsion Flow Field Construction
5.8.2 Aerodynamic Characteristics of Rear Fuselage
5.9 Jet Impulsion during Launch of Multi-barrel Rocket
5.9.1 Jet Impulsion Flow Field Analysis
5.9.2 Pressure Distribution on Upstream Face
5.10 Jet Impulsion during Launch of Airborne Missile
5.10.1 Computational Region and Mesh System Generation
5.10.2 Computational Method
5.10.3 Computational Result
5.11 Jet Deflection and Flame Exhaust during Launch of Ship-borne Missile
5.11.1 Computational Region and Mesh System Generation
5.11.2 Computational Method
5.11.3 Computational Result
5.12 Acoustic and Non-acoustic Oscillations in Vertical Launcher
5.12.1 Acoustic Wave Equations and Boundary Condition
5.12.2 Simplified Equations for Non-acoustic Oscillations
5.12.3 Test Result
Subject Index
Gas dynamics for launch
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