Belly Button Book [Board Book,by Sandra Boynton] 小肚脐 ISBN9780761137993
作 者:Sandra Boynton 著
Emboldened by the enthusiastic response to Belly Button(Round)—a song from her Grammy-nominated book/CD, PhiladelphiaChickens—Sandra Boynton further contemplates this mesmerizingsubject. Featuring a beachful of bare-bellied hippos—including one tinybaby who can only say “Bee Bo”—the Belly Button Book is the latestquirky addition to the phenomenally successful Boynton on Boardseries. Every page captivates with Sandra Boynton’s inimitableillustrations and joyful rhyming text: Soon after dark, upon the beach, we sing a hippo song, and ifyou’re feeling in the mood, we hope you’ll sing along: “Belly BellyButton, you’re oh so fine. Ooo, Belly Button, I’m so happy you’remine.” Shiny and sturdy, and featuring a great (navel-shaped, naturally)die-cut cover that offers a provocative glimpse of the merrimentinside, the Belly Button Book provides enduring, giggly, read-aloudfun.
Belly Button Book [Board Book,by Sandra Boynton] 小肚脐 ISBN9780761137993
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