Reading matters:an interactive approach to reading.4
作 者:Mary Lee Wholey,Nadia Henein原著;于秀金,孟凡胜总主编;高新艳[册]主编
reading matters 4:overview 6
acknowledgments 8
introduction to the second edition 9
u n it i creativity 14
chapter 1 laughter: the creative force 16
the science of 3okes 17
the science of laughter 23
how laughter works 32
chapter 2 our creative brain 35
from bird by bird 36
1 children are our best teachers, part a 37
specialtalents, part a 37
2 children are our best teachers, part b 39
specialtalents, part b 39
mental breakout 42
u nit 2 body science: moving in new directions 50
chapter 3 aging 52
reversing human aging 54
second thoughts on extending life spans 59
.science values grandmothers 67
chapter 4 body shape 71
how we grew so big 74
the gorge-yourself environment 80
1 fitness: the one hour / day way 84
3ourneg to better fitness starts with lo, ooo steps 84
2 fitness: the six minutes / day way 87
short intensive workouts are 3ust as effective as long sessions 88
unit 3 the environment 96
chapter 5 natural disasters 98
the boxing day 2004 tsunami 100
how hero saved his family from killer wave 110
chapter 6 urban growth and water supptu 116
the world shortage of water 119
1 the sinking citu 125
water crisis as mexico citu sinks faster than venice 125
2 thethirstu kingdom 128
in 3ordan, the feared mideast water shortage is alreadu realitu 128
unit 4 the age of communications 134
chapter 7 the internet: blessing or curse 137
invasion of privacy 139
1 benefits,of online crime? 147
fighting crime one computer at a time 148
2 friendship online? 151
web friend or faux? 152
chapter 8 cell phones: blessing or curse 159
cell phone: a convenience, a hazard, or both? 161
cell phones have transformed how we communicate 166
a world of difference 170
u nit 5 economics 178
chapter 9 the economics of everudau life 181
is there another way to pay? 182
3ust swipe it 190
chapter 10 the business of ethics 194
how to tell right from wrong 196
1 the rewards of ethical behavior 200
is ethics its own reward? 201
2 mixing business and morals 203
can business and morals mix? 203
unit 6 the world of man and animals 210
chapter 11 the lives of chimps: the treatment of animals
chimpanzees in africa 213
1 the animal in our world: the case in favor 215
the animal rights revolution 215
2 the animalin his world: where do rights lead7 218
me frodo, vou jane? 219
what's fair is fair, even to a monkeu 225
chapter 12 the sole of evolution 227
the foot: mother of humanitg 228
end of foot evolution? 236
text credits 244
reading matters 4:overview 6
acknowledgments 8
introduction to the second edition 9
u n it i creativity 14
chapter 1 laughter: the creative force 16
the science of 3okes 17
the science of laughter 23
how laughter works 32
chapter 2 our creative brain 35
from bird by bird 36
1 children are our best teachers, part a 37
specialtalents, part a 37
2 children are our best teachers, part b 39
specialtalents, part b 39
mental breakout 42
u nit 2 body science: moving in new directions 50
chapter 3 aging 52
reversing human aging 54
second thoughts on extending life spans 59
.science values grandmothers 67
chapter 4 body shape 71
how we grew so big 74
the gorge-yourself environment 80
1 fitness: the one hour / day way 84
3ourneg to better fitness starts with lo, ooo steps 84
2 fitness: the six minutes / day way 87
short intensive workouts are 3ust as effective as long sessions 88
unit 3 the environment 96
chapter 5 natural disasters 98
the boxing day 2004 tsunami 100
how hero saved his family from killer wave 110
chapter 6 urban growth and water supptu 116
the world shortage of water 119
1 the sinking citu 125
water crisis as mexico citu sinks faster than venice 125
2 thethirstu kingdom 128
in 3ordan, the feared mideast water shortage is alreadu realitu 128
unit 4 the age of communications 134
chapter 7 the internet: blessing or curse 137
invasion of privacy 139
1 benefits,of online crime? 147
fighting crime one computer at a time 148
2 friendship online? 151
web friend or faux? 152
chapter 8 cell phones: blessing or curse 159
cell phone: a convenience, a hazard, or both? 161
cell phones have transformed how we communicate 166
a world of difference 170
u nit 5 economics 178
chapter 9 the economics of everudau life 181
is there another way to pay? 182
3ust swipe it 190
chapter 10 the business of ethics 194
how to tell right from wrong 196
1 the rewards of ethical behavior 200
is ethics its own reward? 201
2 mixing business and morals 203
can business and morals mix? 203
unit 6 the world of man and animals 210
chapter 11 the lives of chimps: the treatment of animals
chimpanzees in africa 213
1 the animal in our world: the case in favor 215
the animal rights revolution 215
2 the animalin his world: where do rights lead7 218
me frodo, vou jane? 219
what's fair is fair, even to a monkeu 225
chapter 12 the sole of evolution 227
the foot: mother of humanitg 228
end of foot evolution? 236
text credits 244
Reading matters:an interactive approach to reading.4
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