Reading matters:an interactive approach to reading.3
作 者:Mary Lee Wholey,Nadia Henein原著;于秀金,孟凡胜总主编;刘兰福,王桂荣[册]主编
reading matter 3: overview6
introduction to the second edition9
unit 1fun hatters16
chapter 1 challenges in your free time19
life on the edge 21
1 meeting the challenge 27
3amie clarke27
2 conquering fear31
alan hobson31
chapter 2taking a break responsibtg: eco-tourism36
the rise and fall of vacations37
trouble in paradise48
qomolangma: from mountain to molehill of litter53
u nit 2weather hatters58
chapter 3 poles apart: climate research in antarctica and the arctic60
modeling the weather gets better 63
studging the climate at the ends of the earth66
.students on ice: trips to the poles76
preparing for disasters: natural no longer82
chapter 4 the weather and our health86
luhen the weather gets you down88
1 the wintertime blues94
seasonal affective disorder (sad)95
2 the summertime blues98
sad in the sunshine99
the biological clock102
unit 3time matters108
chapter 5 are lue in a race against time?111
our schedules, our selves112
1 time bound118
living on tokgo time119
2time free121
the politics of spontaneitg121
chapter 6 procrastination: can uje manage our time?126
stand and deliver128
learning how to use vour time131
procrastinate now137
unit 4technologg matters140
chapter 7 building our luortd143
1 bridges: building across144
spanning historg144
high and mightg 146
2 skgscrapers: building up149
standing tall 150
race to the sku151
dubai: expanding in all directions155
illinois sku citg161
chapter 8sustainable technologg163
sustainable technologg164
lighting the world with leds166
building a better washing machine169
pump as vou plag174
engineers without borders177
unit 5health matters182
chapter 9 epidemics184
1 a deadlg bacteria strikes186
2 a deadlu virus strikes191
the spanish influenza192
modern risks'and old habits 197
fighting aids in africa 202
chapter 10medical miracles 205
fiftu vears of transplants 208
transplant facts in usa 213
how to be a responsible eco-tourist 215
u nit 6attitude hatters 220
chapter 11 anger: hotu to manage zt 222
road ragein beijing223
teaching manners to kids 224
i'm too mad to die!229
chapter 12 succeeding in a comptex ujorld233
hope emerges as the keu to success in life 234
1 creating vour personal profile 240
finding out what motivates vou240
2 creating vour professional profile244
getting more than a good 3ob 244
practice, not talent, produces "genius" 249
attitude is everuthing252
word list 254
text credits 270
reading matter 3: overview6
introduction to the second edition9
unit 1fun hatters16
chapter 1 challenges in your free time19
life on the edge 21
1 meeting the challenge 27
3amie clarke27
2 conquering fear31
alan hobson31
chapter 2taking a break responsibtg: eco-tourism36
the rise and fall of vacations37
trouble in paradise48
qomolangma: from mountain to molehill of litter53
u nit 2weather hatters58
chapter 3 poles apart: climate research in antarctica and the arctic60
modeling the weather gets better 63
studging the climate at the ends of the earth66
.students on ice: trips to the poles76
preparing for disasters: natural no longer82
chapter 4 the weather and our health86
luhen the weather gets you down88
1 the wintertime blues94
seasonal affective disorder (sad)95
2 the summertime blues98
sad in the sunshine99
the biological clock102
unit 3time matters108
chapter 5 are lue in a race against time?111
our schedules, our selves112
1 time bound118
living on tokgo time119
2time free121
the politics of spontaneitg121
chapter 6 procrastination: can uje manage our time?126
stand and deliver128
learning how to use vour time131
procrastinate now137
unit 4technologg matters140
chapter 7 building our luortd143
1 bridges: building across144
spanning historg144
high and mightg 146
2 skgscrapers: building up149
standing tall 150
race to the sku151
dubai: expanding in all directions155
illinois sku citg161
chapter 8sustainable technologg163
sustainable technologg164
lighting the world with leds166
building a better washing machine169
pump as vou plag174
engineers without borders177
unit 5health matters182
chapter 9 epidemics184
1 a deadlg bacteria strikes186
2 a deadlu virus strikes191
the spanish influenza192
modern risks'and old habits 197
fighting aids in africa 202
chapter 10medical miracles 205
fiftu vears of transplants 208
transplant facts in usa 213
how to be a responsible eco-tourist 215
u nit 6attitude hatters 220
chapter 11 anger: hotu to manage zt 222
road ragein beijing223
teaching manners to kids 224
i'm too mad to die!229
chapter 12 succeeding in a comptex ujorld233
hope emerges as the keu to success in life 234
1 creating vour personal profile 240
finding out what motivates vou240
2 creating vour professional profile244
getting more than a good 3ob 244
practice, not talent, produces "genius" 249
attitude is everuthing252
word list 254
text credits 270
Reading matters:an interactive approach to reading.3
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