Language and society


作   者:陈建平编著





  语言是人类最重要的思维与交际工具,也是人类各种文化的载体。由于语言是人类最重要的文化领域之一,语言与社会、文化之间的紧密联系因此成为人们关注的重要研究领域,并被称为社会语言学。作为对语言与社会文化的关系的一种跨学科研究,社会语言学涉及的领域极为广泛,与社会科学,尤其是社会学、人类学、社会心理学和教育学等学科有着密切的联系。在高等教育强调通识教育、重视提高学生文化素质的今天,为本科英语专业乃至其他专业的学生开设一门介绍语言与社会的课程十分必要。   《语言与社会》将首先对社会语言学的研究对象、研究范围和目标等方面进行概述并对全书的框架作简要介绍,进而从宏观的层面上考察社会与政治对语言使用的影响,譬如,从人们对语言的态度、标准语的形成和官方语言的选择等方面去论述语言与社会的关系;接着从语言变异方面重点观察各种社会因素是如何影响人们选择和使用特定的语言形式,如不同的区域和社会阶层方面的相关因素如何影响人们在不同社会语境中使用语言时的发音、句法和词语等方面的特征以及社会规范是怎样影响不同性别的话语模式和交际风格;在语言与交际的关系方面将进行微观层面的社会与语言分析,讨论特定的社交场合和不同的社会角色如何影响人们的言语交际行为,以及跨文化交际中的话语模式和语用等方面的问题;在语言与文化的关系方面侧重于微观层面的语言文化分析,例如通过在具体的社交情景和不同角色之间的言语交际去概括不同社会和文化的特定语言文化模式和语言价值观,探讨语言与文化的密切关系;最后,对社会语言学在宏观和微观方面的诸多因素对语言教学,尤其是对外语学习的影响进行归纳、总结。  


Unit 1 Language, Culture and Society-An Introduction to the Course
Understanding Language as Communication
The Study of Language and Society
The Study of Language and Culture
The Structure of This Course

Unit 2 Language and Dialect
Understanding Language and Dialect
The Complexity of Language vs. Dialect
Intelligibility vs. Political Boundaries
The Standard Dialect
The Structural vs. tile Functional Views
Case Analysis: Dialectal Differences in Chinese

Unit 3 Language and Nation
Understanding Language and Nation
The National Language
National vs. Official Languages
Official vs. Working Languages
Case Analysis: Language and Political Conflicts in the European Union

Unit 4 Bilingualism and Multilingualism
Understanding Monolingualism vs. Bilingualism
Prejudices Against Bilingualism and Language Diversity
Positive Attitudes Favoring Linguistic Diversity
Academic Models of Bilingualism
Case Analysis: Discussing the Trilingual Situation in Hong Kong

Unit 5 World Englishes
Understanding the Main Varieties of English
British English
American English
Second Language Varieties of English
Models of International English
Case Analysis: Is There a Variety of Chinese English?

Unit 6 Language and Social Variation
Understanding Language and Variation
Language Variation and Social Attitude
Language and Social Stratification
Language and Ethnicity
Language and Identity
Case Analysis: Language and Social Changes in China

Unit 7 Language and Gender
Understanding Gender Differences in Language Use
The Sociolinguistic Studies of Gender Pattern
The Dominance Approach
The Difference/Dual-culture Approach
Alternative Strategies for Language Use in the US
Case Analysis: Dangerous English

Unit 8 Language Style and Register
Understanding Stylistic Variations of Language
Language and Stylistic Variation
Language and Occupation
Halliday's Theory of Register
Case Analysis: The Language of Science and Language of Economics

Unit 9 Speech Acts
Understanding the Concept of Speech Act

Unit 10 Language and Politeness
Unit 11 Language and Cultural Thought Patterns
Unit 12 Language and Cultural Contexts
Unit 13 Culture and Discourse Patterns
Unit 14 Learning Language as Communication
Suggested Readings for the Course



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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)

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