Comprehensive course in legal English
Part One Basics of Legal
EnglishChapter 1IntroductionChapter 2Historical Development of
Legal EnglishChapter 3Characteristics of Legal
EnglishChapter 4Terms and Rules in Legal
EnglishChapter 5General Legal
TermsPart TwoAmerican Legal
RegimeChapter 1Overview of the U?S?
Court SystemChapter 2Jury TrialChapter 3The Adversarial
SystemChapter 4Appellate
CourtsChapter 5Appellate
JudgesChapter 6Court Opinions and Case
DigestsPart ThreeConstitutional
LawChapter 1IntroductionChapter 2The Judicial
PowerChapter 3Legislative
PowerChapter 4Individual Guarantees
Against Governmental or Private ActionChapter 5Retroactive
LegislationChapter 6Procedural Due
ProcessChapter 7Substantive Due
ProcessChapter 8Equal
ProtectionChapter 9Fundamental
RightsChapter 10Case StudyPart FourContractsChapter 1IntroductionChapter 2Basics of
ContractsChapter 3Contract
FormationChapter 4Capacity to
ContractChapter 5Vitiating
FactorsChapter 6Problems Involving
Persons Other than the Parties to the Original ContractChapter 7DischargeChapter 8Breach of
ContractChapter 9Remedies for Breach of
ContractChapter 10Dispute
Settlement A Comprehensive Course in Legal
EnglishContentsPart FiveTortsChapter 1IntroductionChapter 2Intentional
TortsChapter 3Defenses to Intentional
TortsChapter 4NegligenceChapter 5Cause in FactChapter 6Proximate
CauseChapter 7Multiple
TortfeasorsChapter 8Damages for Personal
InjuriesChapter 9Limited Duties: Special
Limitations on the Scope of DutyChapter 10Premises Liability:
Duties of Owners and Occupiers of LandChapter 11DefensesChapter 12Vicarious
LiabilityChapter 13Products
LiabilityChapter 14DefamationChapter 15The Privacy
TortsChapter 16Competitive
TortsPart SixProperty LawChapter 1IntroductionChapter 2Acquisition of
PropertyChapter 3Possessory
EstatesChapter 4Future
InterestsChapter 5Concurrent
EstatesChapter 6Landlord and
TenantChapter 7FixturesChapter 8Rights in the Land of
Another?Easements, Profits, Covenantsand ServitudesChapter 9ConveyancingChapter 10Cooperatives,
Condominiums and ZoningChapter 11NuisancePart SevenEvidence LawChapter 1IntroductionChapter 2General
ConsiderationsChapter 3Relevance and Judicial
NoticeChapter 4Real EvidenceChapter 5Documentary
EvidenceChapter 6Testimonial
EvidenceChapter 7The Hearsay
RuleChapter 8Procedural
ConsiderationsChapter 9Case StudyPart EightCriminal Law / Criminal
ProcedureChapter 1IntroductionChapter 2What Makes a Case a
Criminal CaseChapter 3How to Interpret Criminal
StatutesChapter 4How Defendants? Mental
States Affect Their Responsibility fora CrimeChapter 5Criminal
OffensesChapter 6Implications of a Crime?s
ClassificationChapter 7Constitutional
RestrainsChapter 8Exclusionary
RuleChapter 9Fourth
AmendmentChapter 10ConfessionsChapter 11Pretrial
ProceduresChapter 12TrialChapter 13Guilty Pleas and Plea
BargainingChapter 14Constitutional Rights in
Relation to Sentence and PunishmentChapter 15Constitutional Problems
on AppealChapter 16Rights during
Punishment—Probation,Imprisonment, ParoleChapter 17Double
JeopardyChapter 18Forfeiture
ActionsChapter 19Case StudyPart NineIntellectual Property
LawChapter 1IntroductionChapter 2Trade SecretsChapter 3PatentChapter 4CopyrightChapter 5Trademark LawPart TenLogical
ReasoningChapter 1IntroductionChapter 2AssumptionsChapter 3Method of
ArgumentChapter 4Faulty LogicChapter 5Strengthening or
WeakeningChapter 6Parallel
ReasoningChapter 7InferenceChapter 8Other Question
TypesAppendix:Key to the
EnglishChapter 1IntroductionChapter 2Historical Development of
Legal EnglishChapter 3Characteristics of Legal
EnglishChapter 4Terms and Rules in Legal
EnglishChapter 5General Legal
TermsPart TwoAmerican Legal
RegimeChapter 1Overview of the U?S?
Court SystemChapter 2Jury TrialChapter 3The Adversarial
SystemChapter 4Appellate
CourtsChapter 5Appellate
JudgesChapter 6Court Opinions and Case
DigestsPart ThreeConstitutional
LawChapter 1IntroductionChapter 2The Judicial
PowerChapter 3Legislative
PowerChapter 4Individual Guarantees
Against Governmental or Private ActionChapter 5Retroactive
LegislationChapter 6Procedural Due
ProcessChapter 7Substantive Due
ProcessChapter 8Equal
ProtectionChapter 9Fundamental
RightsChapter 10Case StudyPart FourContractsChapter 1IntroductionChapter 2Basics of
ContractsChapter 3Contract
FormationChapter 4Capacity to
ContractChapter 5Vitiating
FactorsChapter 6Problems Involving
Persons Other than the Parties to the Original ContractChapter 7DischargeChapter 8Breach of
ContractChapter 9Remedies for Breach of
ContractChapter 10Dispute
Settlement A Comprehensive Course in Legal
EnglishContentsPart FiveTortsChapter 1IntroductionChapter 2Intentional
TortsChapter 3Defenses to Intentional
TortsChapter 4NegligenceChapter 5Cause in FactChapter 6Proximate
CauseChapter 7Multiple
TortfeasorsChapter 8Damages for Personal
InjuriesChapter 9Limited Duties: Special
Limitations on the Scope of DutyChapter 10Premises Liability:
Duties of Owners and Occupiers of LandChapter 11DefensesChapter 12Vicarious
LiabilityChapter 13Products
LiabilityChapter 14DefamationChapter 15The Privacy
TortsChapter 16Competitive
TortsPart SixProperty LawChapter 1IntroductionChapter 2Acquisition of
PropertyChapter 3Possessory
EstatesChapter 4Future
InterestsChapter 5Concurrent
EstatesChapter 6Landlord and
TenantChapter 7FixturesChapter 8Rights in the Land of
Another?Easements, Profits, Covenantsand ServitudesChapter 9ConveyancingChapter 10Cooperatives,
Condominiums and ZoningChapter 11NuisancePart SevenEvidence LawChapter 1IntroductionChapter 2General
ConsiderationsChapter 3Relevance and Judicial
NoticeChapter 4Real EvidenceChapter 5Documentary
EvidenceChapter 6Testimonial
EvidenceChapter 7The Hearsay
RuleChapter 8Procedural
ConsiderationsChapter 9Case StudyPart EightCriminal Law / Criminal
ProcedureChapter 1IntroductionChapter 2What Makes a Case a
Criminal CaseChapter 3How to Interpret Criminal
StatutesChapter 4How Defendants? Mental
States Affect Their Responsibility fora CrimeChapter 5Criminal
OffensesChapter 6Implications of a Crime?s
ClassificationChapter 7Constitutional
RestrainsChapter 8Exclusionary
RuleChapter 9Fourth
AmendmentChapter 10ConfessionsChapter 11Pretrial
ProceduresChapter 12TrialChapter 13Guilty Pleas and Plea
BargainingChapter 14Constitutional Rights in
Relation to Sentence and PunishmentChapter 15Constitutional Problems
on AppealChapter 16Rights during
Punishment—Probation,Imprisonment, ParoleChapter 17Double
JeopardyChapter 18Forfeiture
ActionsChapter 19Case StudyPart NineIntellectual Property
LawChapter 1IntroductionChapter 2Trade SecretsChapter 3PatentChapter 4CopyrightChapter 5Trademark LawPart TenLogical
ReasoningChapter 1IntroductionChapter 2AssumptionsChapter 3Method of
ArgumentChapter 4Faulty LogicChapter 5Strengthening or
WeakeningChapter 6Parallel
ReasoningChapter 7InferenceChapter 8Other Question
TypesAppendix:Key to the
Comprehensive course in legal English
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