System analysis and design methods = 系统分析与设计方法 / 5th ed., photocopy ed.
作 者:Jeffrey L. Whitten, Lonnie D. Bentley and Kevin C. Dittman.
More than ever, today's students are "consumer-oriented," due in part to the changing world economy that promotes quality, competition, and professional currency. They expect to way from a course with more than a grade and a promise that they'll someday appreciate what they've learned. They want to "practice" the applications of concepts. As with the previous editions of this book , we wrote it to: (1)balance the coverage of concepts, tools, techniques, and their application, (2)provide the most examples of system is and design deliverables available in any book, and (3)balance the coverage of classical methods (such as structured analysis and information engineering) and emerging methods (e.g., object-oriented analysis and rapid application development). Additionally, we wrote the textbook to serve the reader as a post-course, professional reference for best current practices.
part one the context of systems analysis and design
1 players in the systems game
2 information system building blocks
3 information systems development
4 project management
part two systems analysis mehthods
5 systems analysis
6 requirements discovery
7 data modeling and analysis
8 process modeling
.9 feasibility analysis and the system proposal
part three systems design methods
10 systems design
11 application architecture and modeling
12 database design
13 output design and protoryping
14 input design and prototyping
15 user interface design
part four beyond systems analysis and design
16 systems construction and implementation
17 systems operations and support
part five advanced analysis and design method
a object-oriented analysis and modeing
b object-oriented design and modeling
1 players in the systems game
2 information system building blocks
3 information systems development
4 project management
part two systems analysis mehthods
5 systems analysis
6 requirements discovery
7 data modeling and analysis
8 process modeling
.9 feasibility analysis and the system proposal
part three systems design methods
10 systems design
11 application architecture and modeling
12 database design
13 output design and protoryping
14 input design and prototyping
15 user interface design
part four beyond systems analysis and design
16 systems construction and implementation
17 systems operations and support
part five advanced analysis and design method
a object-oriented analysis and modeing
b object-oriented design and modeling
System analysis and design methods = 系统分析与设计方法 / 5th ed., photocopy ed.
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