英文共同题名:Writing in business English


作   者:何光明编著





  本书之所以命名为《新国际商务英语写作》,是因为笔者充分考虑到了学习对象以及新时代的特点,与以往同类书籍相比,本书在内容选材和设计编排上都有诸多新特点。    新的内容选材 笔者对所培训的学员及外企员工的实际需求做了详细的调查,并准确把握商务英语写作的发展趋势,使该书在内容选材上,不仅实用性强,涉及面广,而且针对性突出。具体来讲,主要反映在如下几点:    ·涵盖了商务活动中常见的写作话题,如:办公室便函(memos)、电子邮件(emails)、商务报告(business repons)、传真(faxes)、通知(notices)、会议记录(minutes)、会议日程安排(agendas)、建议书(proposals)、合同与协议(contractsand agreements)、简历(resumes)、求职信(application letters)、社交信函(letters for social purposes)等。而且,还加入了进出口贸易各流程的相关信件及词汇,更加突出了实用性。    ·提供了详细的写作技巧讲解。根据不同的内容及其难易程度,做了独到的分析与概括。并且,笔者通过聚焦语法(grammar focus)板块对关键的语法做了充分讲解,更总结出了十八条常见的现代商务英语写作原则,帮助学习者快速掌握商务英语写作的特点。    ·另一大特色是笔者精挑细选了大量的最新商务写作范例,包括:电子邮件、商务报告、进出口业务函电、社交信函等。这些写作范例语言自然流畅,代表性强。对有些较难部分本书还提供了必要的注释,便于学习者练习模仿。


section 1: general tips for modern business writing

1.1 avoiding wordy and redundant phrases

1.2 using small words

1.3 avoiding sexist language

1.4 using modem business language

1.5 using less clich6s and jargon

1.6 avoiding vague expressions

1.7 avoiding negative wording

1.8 'knowing the proper use of the commonly misused words and phrases

1.9 using active voice more

1.10 using more short sentences

1.11 using a natural, conversational style

1.12 using courteous expressions

1.13 using your attitude

1.14 using more paragraphs

1.15 shortening or deleting warming-up paragraphs

1.16 identifying the purpose of the writing in the beginning

1.17 basing your opinion on facts

1.18 crossing out unnecessary closings

section 2: grammar focus

.2.1 sentence construction (1)

2.2 sentence construction (2),

2.3 avoiding awkward constructions (1)

2.4 avoiding awkward constructions (2)

2.5 the use of punctuation

2.6 rules of capitalization

2.7 the usage of prepositions

2.8 the paragraph

section 3: memorandums (interoffice memos)

3.1 what is a memo?

3.2 the purpose of a memo

3.3 the layout of a memo

3.4 memos and emails

3.5 tips for writing memos

3.6 samples

section 4: emails

4.1 what is an email?

4.2 the layout of a letter

4.3 the layout of an email

4.4 beginnings and endings of an email

4.5 emails and letters

4.6 five golden rules for writing emails

4.7 tips for writing emails

4.8 business email etiquette

4.9 samples

section 5: faxes

5.1 what is a fax?

5.2 components of a fax

5.3 the format of a fax

5.4 the pages of a fax

5.5 samples

section 6: notices and instructions

6.1 what is a notice or an instruction?

6.2 principles for writing a notice or an instruction

6.3 guidelines to remember

6.4 components of a notice or an instruction

6.5 samples

section 7: agendas and minutes

7.1 agendas

7.2 tips for creating effective agendas

7.3 agenda samples

7.4 minutes

7.5 steps for minutes taking and writing

7.6 components of minutes

7.7 tips for the minutes taker

7.8 common symbols for minutes taking

7.9 minutes samples

section 8: business reports

8.1 what is a business report?

8.2 a general structure for formal business reports

8.3 suggested structures for other kinds of reports

8.4 tips for improving report readability

8.5 formal business report writing process

8.6 common expressions for business reports

8.7 report samples in the appendix

section 9: proposals

9.1 what is a proposal?

9.2 golden rules for writing a proposal

9.3 tips for writing proposals

9.4 components of an informal proposal

9.5 components of a formal proposal

9.6 samples

section 10: contracts and agreements

10.1 what are an agreement and a contract?

10.2 components of contracts and agreements

10.3 main types of contracts and agreements

10.4 components of a commercial contract

10.5 samples

section 11: resume/curriculum vitae, application letters, and follow-up thank-you letters

11.1 what is a resume (curricular vitae)?

11.2 tips for writing winning resumes

11.3 resume samples

11.4 common expressions for resumes

11.5 what is an application letter?

11.6 tips for writing winning application letters

11.7 application letter samples

11.8 common expressions for application letters

11.9 what is a thank-you letter?

11.10 thank-you letter samples

section 12: letters for social purposes

12.1 letters of introductions, recommendations and references

12.2 letters of invitations and their reply

12.3 letters of thanks

12.4 letters of goodwill - congratulations, encouragement, condolence, commending,seasonal wishes

section 13: letters for other purposes

13.1 letters of apologies

13.2 letters for requesting favors

13.3 letters for booking

13.4 letters for making an appointment

13.5 letters of confirmation

13.6 letters for calling for an interview

13.7 letters of resignation

section 14: letters and vocabulary for import and export business

14.1 establishing business relations

14.2 inquiries

14.3 replies and offers

14.4 acceptance and orders

14.5 standing enquiries

14.6 packing

14.7 insurance

14.8 shipment

14.9 payment by l/c

14.10 other modes of payment

14. 11 collection

14.12 complaints and claims

14.13 claim settlement

14.14 agency

14.15 compensation trade and processing with supplied materials


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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)

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