Introduction Grammatical Hierarchy
0 1 Morphemes
0. 2 Words
0.3 Phrases
0.4 Clauses
0 5 Sentences
Lecture 1 Sentence Structure
1.1 Clause elements
1.2 Basic clause types and their transformation and expansion
Lecture 2 Subject-verb Concord (Ⅰ)
2.3 Guiding principles
2.2 Problems of concord with nouns ending in -s
2.3 Problems of concord with collective nouns as subject
Lecture 3 Subject-verb Concord (Ⅱ)
3.1 Problems of concord with a coordinate subject
3.2 Problems of concord with expressions of quantity as subject
3.3 Other problems of subject-verb concord
Lecture 4 Noun and Noun Phrase
4.1 Classification of nouns and function of noun phrases
4.2 Number forms of nouns
4.3 Partitives
Lecture 5 Genitive Noun
5.1 Formation, meanings and uses of genitive nouns
5.2 Independent genitive and double genitive
Lecture 6 Determiners (Ⅰ)
6.1 Collocations between determiners and nouns
6.2 Collocations between determiners
6.3 A comparative study of some determiner usage
Lecture 7 Determiners (Ⅱ) —— Articles
7.1 Generic and specific reference
7.2 Articles in use with different classes of noun
Lecture 8 Pronouns (Ⅰ)
8.1 Pronoun concord in number
8.2 Pronoun concord in gender
8.3 Pronoun concord in person
Lecture 9 Pronouns (Ⅱ)
9.1 Choice of pronoun case forms
9.2 Possessive pronouns, reflexive pronouns and generic use of
personal pronouns .
9.3 Pronoun reference .
Lecture 10 Verb and Verb Phrase
10.1 Classification of verbs ( Ⅰ )
10.2 Classification of verbs (Ⅱ)
10.3 A survey of tense, aspect, voice and mood
Lecture 11 Tense and Aspect (Ⅰ)
11.1 Uses of simple present
11.2 Uses of simple past
11.3 Uses of present progressive
11.4 Uses of past progressive
Lecture 12 Tense and Aspect (Ⅱ)
12.1 Uses of present perfective (progressive)
12.2 Uses of past perfective (progressive)
12.3 More on the use of perfective aspect
Lecture 13 Means of Expressing Future Time
13.1 Constructions denoting future time
13.2 Means of expressing past future
Lecture 14 Passive Voice (Ⅰ)
14.1 Active sentence and passive sentence
14.2 Passive voice of phrasal verbs
14.3 Passive voice of non-finite verbs
Lecture 15 Passive Voice (Ⅱ)
15.1 Uses of passive sentences
15.2 Passive constructions and passive meanings
Lecture 16 Subjunctive Mood
16.1 BE-subjunctive
16.2 WERE-subjunctive
16.3 Some few notes on ways of expressing hypothetical meanings
Lecture 17 Auxiliaries(Ⅰ)
17.1 Modals and modal meanings
17.2 Epistemic and non-epistemic use of modals
Lecture 18 Auxiliaries(Ⅱ)
18.1 Semi-auxiliaries
18.2 Contracted forms of auxiliaries
Lecture 19 Infinitive (Ⅰ)
19.1 Forms of the infinitive
19.2 Some few notes on the use of the infinitive sign
Lecture 20 Infinituve(Ⅱ)
20.1 Adjective +infinitive
20.2 Noun (phrase) + infinitive
20.3 Verb +infinitive
Lecture 21 -ing Participle
21.1 Collocation of -ing participle with verbs
21.2 Verbs followed either by infinitive or by -ing participle
Lecture 22 -ed Participle
22.1 -ed participle as premodifier
22.2 -ed participle as complement
22.3 Some few notes on "dangling participles"
Introduction Grammatical Hierarchy
0 1 Morphemes
0. 2 Words
0.3 Phrases
0.4 Clauses
0 5 Sentences
Lecture 1 Sentence Structure
1.1 Clause elements
1.2 Basic clause types and their transformation and expansion
Lecture 2 Subject-verb Concord (Ⅰ)
2.3 Guiding principles
2.2 Problems of concord with nouns ending in -s
2.3 Problems of concord with collective nouns as subject
Lecture 3 Subject-verb Concord (Ⅱ)
3.1 Problems of concord with a coordinate subject
3.2 Problems of concord with expressions of quantity as subject
3.3 Other problems of subject-verb concord
Lecture 4 Noun and Noun Phrase
4.1 Classification of nouns and function of noun phrases
4.2 Number forms of nouns
4.3 Partitives
Lecture 5 Genitive Noun
5.1 Formation, meanings and uses of genitive nouns
5.2 Independent genitive and double genitive
Lecture 6 Determiners (Ⅰ)
6.1 Collocations between determiners and nouns
6.2 Collocations between determiners
6.3 A comparative study of some determiner usage
Lecture 7 Determiners (Ⅱ) —— Articles
7.1 Generic and specific reference
7.2 Articles in use with different classes of noun
Lecture 8 Pronouns (Ⅰ)
8.1 Pronoun concord in number
8.2 Pronoun concord in gender
8.3 Pronoun concord in person
Lecture 9 Pronouns (Ⅱ)
9.1 Choice of pronoun case forms
9.2 Possessive pronouns, reflexive pronouns and generic use of
personal pronouns .
9.3 Pronoun reference .
Lecture 10 Verb and Verb Phrase
10.1 Classification of verbs ( Ⅰ )
10.2 Classification of verbs (Ⅱ)
10.3 A survey of tense, aspect, voice and mood
Lecture 11 Tense and Aspect (Ⅰ)
11.1 Uses of simple present
11.2 Uses of simple past
11.3 Uses of present progressive
11.4 Uses of past progressive
Lecture 12 Tense and Aspect (Ⅱ)
12.1 Uses of present perfective (progressive)
12.2 Uses of past perfective (progressive)
12.3 More on the use of perfective aspect
Lecture 13 Means of Expressing Future Time
13.1 Constructions denoting future time
13.2 Means of expressing past future
Lecture 14 Passive Voice (Ⅰ)
14.1 Active sentence and passive sentence
14.2 Passive voice of phrasal verbs
14.3 Passive voice of non-finite verbs
Lecture 15 Passive Voice (Ⅱ)
15.1 Uses of passive sentences
15.2 Passive constructions and passive meanings
Lecture 16 Subjunctive Mood
16.1 BE-subjunctive
16.2 WERE-subjunctive
16.3 Some few notes on ways of expressing hypothetical meanings
Lecture 17 Auxiliaries(Ⅰ)
17.1 Modals and modal meanings
17.2 Epistemic and non-epistemic use of modals
Lecture 18 Auxiliaries(Ⅱ)
18.1 Semi-auxiliaries
18.2 Contracted forms of auxiliaries
Lecture 19 Infinitive (Ⅰ)
19.1 Forms of the infinitive
19.2 Some few notes on the use of the infinitive sign
Lecture 20 Infinituve(Ⅱ)
20.1 Adjective +infinitive
20.2 Noun (phrase) + infinitive
20.3 Verb +infinitive
Lecture 21 -ing Participle
21.1 Collocation of -ing participle with verbs
21.2 Verbs followed either by infinitive or by -ing participle
Lecture 22 -ed Participle
22.1 -ed participle as premodifier
22.2 -ed participle as complement
22.3 Some few notes on "dangling participles"
英文共同题名:A New English grammar coursebook
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