Table of Contents
Unit I E-commerce (I)
Text A: Niche Marketing Strategies on eBay 1
Text B: Pierre Omidyar and His eBay 9
Unit 2 Intercultural Etiquette
Text A: Intercultural Business Etiquette and Protocol 17
Text B: Gift Giving and Dining Etiquette in Intercultural Situations 24
Unit 3 Global Brands
Text A: Best Global Brands 33
Text B: Will Yahoo! Feel the Love? 42
Unit 4 Cultural Differences
Text A: Working Through Language, Time, and Cultural Differences 49
Text B: Culture Shock: It's the Little Things That Count in the Biggest Ways
Unit 5 Online Security
Text A: Internal Auditors" Battle Against Fraud I 65
Text B: Looming Online Security Threats in 2008 73
Unit 6 Corporate Security
Text A: Internal Auditors' Battle Against Fraud II 81
Text B: Countering Espionage A Modern Threat 90
Unit 7 Career Planning
Text A: Culture Affects Career and Life Planning 97
Text B: Chili, Hot Dogs, and the Family Legacy 106
Unit 8 Corporate Management
Text A: Inspirational Leadership in Difficult Times 773
Text B: Trust Rules: The Most Important Secret About Trust 722
Unit 9 Credit Cards
Text A: The Evolution of Credit Cards 737
Text 13: American Views About Cards: Negative 746
Unit 10 Career Shift
Text A: Gates Looks into PC's Future as Career Shift Approaches 757
Text B: Amid Cheers and Tears, Gates Says Goodbye 769
Unit 11 E-commerce (11)
Text A: E-commerce 777
Text B: Myths and Realities 790
Unit 12 Leadership (I)
Text A: Business Story Telling 207
Text B: Treasure Island: The Power of Trade 209
Unit 13 Trade Protectionism
Text A: Protectionism 221
Text B: U.5. Government Favoritism Has Hurt Vietnamese Shrimp Farmers 230
Unit 14 Leadership (11)
Text A: A Definition of Leadership 239
Text B: Leadership, Communication and Change 252
Unit 15 Effective Communication
Text A: Communication Skills 261
Text B: Principles of Defusing Hostility 275
Unit 16 Motivation
Text A: Motivation 285
Text B: Why Your Employees Are Losing Motivation 297
Unit I E-commerce (I)
Text A: Niche Marketing Strategies on eBay 1
Text B: Pierre Omidyar and His eBay 9
Unit 2 Intercultural Etiquette
Text A: Intercultural Business Etiquette and Protocol 17
Text B: Gift Giving and Dining Etiquette in Intercultural Situations 24
Unit 3 Global Brands
Text A: Best Global Brands 33
Text B: Will Yahoo! Feel the Love? 42
Unit 4 Cultural Differences
Text A: Working Through Language, Time, and Cultural Differences 49
Text B: Culture Shock: It's the Little Things That Count in the Biggest Ways
Unit 5 Online Security
Text A: Internal Auditors" Battle Against Fraud I 65
Text B: Looming Online Security Threats in 2008 73
Unit 6 Corporate Security
Text A: Internal Auditors' Battle Against Fraud II 81
Text B: Countering Espionage A Modern Threat 90
Unit 7 Career Planning
Text A: Culture Affects Career and Life Planning 97
Text B: Chili, Hot Dogs, and the Family Legacy 106
Unit 8 Corporate Management
Text A: Inspirational Leadership in Difficult Times 773
Text B: Trust Rules: The Most Important Secret About Trust 722
Unit 9 Credit Cards
Text A: The Evolution of Credit Cards 737
Text 13: American Views About Cards: Negative 746
Unit 10 Career Shift
Text A: Gates Looks into PC's Future as Career Shift Approaches 757
Text B: Amid Cheers and Tears, Gates Says Goodbye 769
Unit 11 E-commerce (11)
Text A: E-commerce 777
Text B: Myths and Realities 790
Unit 12 Leadership (I)
Text A: Business Story Telling 207
Text B: Treasure Island: The Power of Trade 209
Unit 13 Trade Protectionism
Text A: Protectionism 221
Text B: U.5. Government Favoritism Has Hurt Vietnamese Shrimp Farmers 230
Unit 14 Leadership (11)
Text A: A Definition of Leadership 239
Text B: Leadership, Communication and Change 252
Unit 15 Effective Communication
Text A: Communication Skills 261
Text B: Principles of Defusing Hostility 275
Unit 16 Motivation
Text A: Motivation 285
Text B: Why Your Employees Are Losing Motivation 297
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