序 1
第一编汉译英与英文句型 1
壹、由要素来分的造句 2
(1)汉文易写英文难通 2
(2)动词的种类和变化 2
(3)动词与五种句型 2
(4)第一句型的自动构造 8
(5)第二句型的不完全自动构造 9
(6)第三句型的他动构造 12
(7)第四句型的授与构造 25
(8)第五句型的不完全他动构造 30
贰、由构造来分的造句 37
(1)用单句来翻译 37
(2)用合句来翻译 48
(3)用复句来翻译 52
叁、由内容来分的造句 63
(1)用平叙句来翻译 63
(2)用疑问句来翻译 69
(3)用命令句来翻译 75
(4)用感叹句来翻译 81
第二编英文惯用法及其翻译 89
1.It的造句 90
(1)“it…不定词” 90
(2)“it…for…不定词” 91
(3)“it…动名词” 93
(4)“it…子句” 94
(5)“it is…子句” 95
(6)“it…名词” 97
Ⅱ.名词的造句 98
(7)“all+抽象名词”或“抽象名词+itself”= very+形容词 98
(8)“the+单数名词”的特殊用法 98
(9)无生物的主语 99
(10)“something(much)of”,“nothing(little)of” 100
(11)属格的主格作用和宾格作用 102
(12)“名词(A)+of+a+名词(B)” 104
(13)“名词+of+属格+名词” 105
(l4)“of+抽象名词”=形容词,“of 从略+普通名词” 105
(15)“one's own+名词”,“of one's own+动名词” 106
(16)“have+the+抽象名词+不定词” 107
(17)“that(those)+先行词+关系代名词” 108
(18)“one thing…another” 109
Ⅲ.As的造句 109
(19)“as…as”的三种用法 109
(20)“as…as any”,“as…as ever” 109
(21)“as…as…can be” 110
(22)“as…so…” 112
(23)“It is in (or with)…as in (orwith)” 112
(24)“asmuch”,“as many”,”like so many” 113
(25)“as good as”,“as well as” 114
(26)句首的“as it is”,句尾的“as it is” 115
(27)“过去分词+as it is”,“现在分词+as it does” 116
(28)“名词等+as+主语+动词等” 117
Ⅳ.动词的造句 118
(29)“may well+动词”,“and well+主语+may” 118
(30)“may as well…as”,“might as well…as” 119
(31)“so that…may”,“lest…should” 120
(32)“cannot help+动名词”,“cannot but+原形不定词” 121
(33)“have+宾语(物)+过去分词” 122
(34)“have+宾语(人)+原形不定词” 123
(35)“have+宾语+副词(地点,方向等)” 125
(36)“have+宾语+现在分词” 125
(37)“find oneself” 126
(38)“find…in” 127
(39)“do”的两种用法 127
(40)“depend on”的两种用法 129
(41)“know…from” 130
(42)“had better+原形不定词”,“would rather+原形不定词” 130
(43)“make…of” 131
(44)“make one's way” 132
(45)“rob…or” 133
(46)“seize…by the…” 135
(47)“see if…”,“see that…” 135
(48)“take…for granted” 136
(49)“used to+原形不定词”,“be used to+动名词” 137
(50)“be+自动词的过去分词” 140
(51)“否定+fail+不定词” 141
(52)“动词+原形不定词” 142
(53)“leave+much(nothing)+to be desired” 143
(54)“be+不定词” 143
(55)“have+不定词+宾语”,“have+宾语+不定词” 145
(56)“prevent+宾语+from+动名词” 146
(57)“persuade+宾语+into+动名词”,“dissuade+宾语+from+动名词” 147
Ⅴ.不定词的造句 148
(58)表目的、原因、结果等的不定词 148
(59)“so as+不定词”,“so…as+不定词” 150
(60)“too…+不定词”,“not too…+不定词”,“too…not+不定词” 151
(61)“only too…+不定词”,“too ready+不定词” 152
(62)不定词的感叹用法 153
(63)“not to speak of”,“not to say” 154
Ⅵ.动名词的造句 155
(64)“There is no+动名词” 155
(65)“for+the+动名词” 155
(66)“above+动名词” 156
(67)“worth+动名词” 156
(68)“far from+动名词” 158
(69)“busy+动名词” 159
(70)“on+动名词”,“in+动名词” 159
Ⅶ.否定词的造句 160
(71)“no more…than” 160
(72)“no less…than” 162
(73)“not so much…as”,“not so much as” 163
(74)“Nothing is more…than”,“Nothing is so…as” 164
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