本书共收集27个大学英语四级考试作文题,由中美师生共同写出作文216 篇。美国师生的作文加有评注以便于理解,中国教师的作文力求展示写作技巧,中国学生的作文加了修改以标明其典型错误。从比较来看,同一文题下的各篇作文的立意各有千秋,有的直白,有的深刻,不同的视角给
1.how i finance my college tuition?
2.reading selectively or extensively?
3.dont hesitate to say “no”
4.do“lucky numbers”really bring good luck?
5.harmfulness of fake commodities
6.getting to know the world outside the campus
7.practice makes perfect
8.global shortage of fresh water
9.the two-day weekend
10.advantaes of a job interview
2.reading selectively or extensively?
3.dont hesitate to say “no”
4.do“lucky numbers”really bring good luck?
5.harmfulness of fake commodities
6.getting to know the world outside the campus
7.practice makes perfect
8.global shortage of fresh water
9.the two-day weekend
10.advantaes of a job interview
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