气相爆破技术与生物炼制=Gas Explosion Technology and Biomass Refinery:英文


作   者:陈洪章 著







1 Gas Explosion Technique Principles and Biomass
Refining Pandect 1
1.1 Gas Explosion Technical Overview 1
1.1.1 History of Gas Explosion Technique1
1.1.2 Technical Classification of Gas Explosion 3
1.1.3 Latest Developments of Gas Explosion Technique 5
1.2 Biomass Refinery and Gas Explosion Technology 12
1.2.1 Biomass Concept and Biomass Refining 12
1.2.2 Lignocellulosic Biomass Recalcitrance to Degradation 13
1.2.3 Effective Methods to Expose Cellulose in Cell Wall by Physicochemical Pretreatments 14
1.2.4 Advantages of Steam Explosion-Derived Biomass Refining15
1.3 Foreground and Prospect17
1.3.1 Preface 17
1.3.2 Cognition of Biomass Supermolecule Structure and Necessity of Selective Structural Deconstruction17
1.3.3 Analysis of Biomass Recalcitrance and Breaking Pathways19
1.3.4 Changes of Biomass Mechanical Properties During Refining Process 19
1.3.5 Thermodynamics and Dynamics During Biomass Refining Processes 20
1.3.6 Basis of Biomass Engineering Science 21
References 23
2 Principle of Gas Explosion Technology 27
2.1 The Main Parameters Affecting the Gas Explosion Process 28
2.1.1 Overview 28
2.1.2 Effect of Material Parameters on Gas Explosion29
2.1.3 Effect of Operating Parameters on Gas Explosion38
2.1.4 Effect of Equipment Parameters on the Gas Explosion 40
2.1.5 Relationship Between Product Parameters and Gas Explosion 41
2.2 Multi-scale Modeling of Biomass Pretreatment for Steam Explosion Condition Optimization 42
2.2.1 Overview 42
2.2.2 Multi-scale Model Eduction in the Instantaneous Decompression Stage of Steam Explosion 44
2.2.3 Multi-scale Model Connotation 49
2.2.4 Establishing a Novel Severity Factor on the Basis of Chip Size, Discharge Port Area,and Moisture Content 53
2.3 Mechanisms of the Physical and Chemical Coupling Effects of Gas Explosion 54
2.3.1 Overview 54
2.3.2 Effects of SE on Degradation of Hemicellulose and Lignin 55
2.3.3 Effects of SE on Pore Distribution of Straw 57
2.3.4 Effects of SE on Permeability of Straw 59
2.3.5 Effects of SE on EHY of Straw 59
2.4 Dissolution Thermodynamics of the Degradation Products of Steam-Exploded Straw 61
2.4.1 Overview 61
2.4.2 Effects of Temperature on the Dissolution Rate of Degradation Products 62
2.4.3 Effects of LSR on the Dissolution Rate of Degradation Products 63
2.4.4 Effects of Ionic Strength on the Dissolution Rate of Degradation Products 63
2.4.5 Effects of pH on the Dissolution Rate of Degradation Products 64
2.4.6 Optimal Dissolution Conditions for Sugars and Phenolic Compounds 64
2.4.7 Dissolution Thermodynamic Principles for Degradation Products in SE 65
2.5 Formation Kinetics of Potential Fermentation Inhibitors in a Steam Explosion Process of Corn Straw 67
2.5.1 Overview 67
2.5.2 Determination of Potential Fermentation Inhibitors in Steam Explosion Hydrolysates 67
2.5.3 Yields of Inhibitors at Different Steam Explosion Conditions 70
2.5.4 Dynamic Parameters and Yield Equations of Inhibitors in Steam Explosion Process72
2.6 Analysis of Energy Consumption on Steam Explosion Process 74
2.6.1 Overview 74
2.6.2 The Composition of Steam Explosion Energy Consumption 75
2.6.3 Calculation Formulas for Each Part of Energy 75
2.6.4 Experiment Design and Data Processing 77
2.6.5 Relationship Between the Ratio of Tank Height to Diameter, Loading Coefficient, Initial Moisture Content of Materials, Holding Temperature,and Total Energy Consumption 77
2.6.6 Energy Analysis of Steam Explosion Process79
References 85
3 Gas Explosion Equipments 87
3.1 Cutter Bar and Dedusting Equipments 87
3.1.1 Knife-Rall Straw Cutter 87
3.1.2 Straw Baler 97
3.1.3 Straw Baler Loosing Machine 105
3.1.4 Conveyor 107
3.2 Rehydration and Dehydration Equipments 108
3.2.1 Rehydration Equipment108
3.2.2 Dehydration Equipment 110
3.3 Gas Explosion Equipments 113
3.3.1 Batch Gas Explosion Equipment 113
3.3.2 Continuous Gas Explosion Equipments 115
3.3.3 In Situ Gas Explosion Equipment119
3.4 Steam Generator 121
3.4.1 Overview of Steam Generator 121
3.4.2 Electric Steam Generator124
3.4.3 Fuel Steam Generator 129
3.4.4 Coal-Fired Steam Generator131
3.5 Receiver 131
3.6 Parameters Detection 131
3.6.1 System for Dynamic Data Test 132
3.6.2 Pressure Transducers 133
3.6.3 Temperature Transducers133
3.6.4 Solid Flowmeter134
3.7 Carding Device 137
3.7.1 Hydraulic Carding Device (Paul Fractionator) 137
3.7.2 Airflow Grading Device 138
3.7.3 Mechanical Carding Device141
References 142
4 Process Development of Gas Explosion 145
4.1 Process Development of Gas Explosion Technology145
4.1.1 Overview of Gas Explosion Technology 145
4.1.2 Iogen Steam Explosion Technology 146
4.1.3 Stake Steam Explosion Technology 148
4.1.4 Low-Pressure and Non-pollution Steam Explosion Technology 152
4.1.5 In Situ Gas Explosion Technology 154
4.1.6 In Situ Multistage Flashing and Steam Explosion Drying Technology 155
4.1.7 Steam Explosion and Carding Technology155
4.2 Process Development of Eco-industrialization of Steam-Exploded Materials 160
4.2.1 Biomass Resource and Its Distribution 160
4.2.2 Collection and Transportation of Biomass 162
4.2.3 Properties of Lignocellulosic Materials 170
4.2.4 Utilization Status and Existing Problems of Lignocellulose 175
4.2.5 Necessity of Lignocellulose Refinery 178
4.2.6 Refinery of Lignocellulosic Materials 179
4.2.7 Process Integration of Steam Explosion Technologies 182
4.2.8 Examples of Ecological Development of Multi-component Solid Materials 183
References 194
5 Characterization and Research Methods of Gas-Exploded Materials 197
5.1 Structural Morphology Characterization of Gas-Exploded Materials 197
5.1.1 Length Measurement of Fibrocytes 197
5.1.2 Research of Fiber Roughness and Weight Factor 198
5.1.3 Microscope Characterization 198
5.1.4 Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)Characterization 200
5.1.5 Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM)200
5.1.6 Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) 201
5.1.7 Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope(ESEM) 204
5.1.8 X-ray Diffraction (XRD) Characterization 206
5.1.9 Molecular Weight Determination 206
5.1.10 Degree of Polymerization Determination 206
5.2 Determination of Components of Gas-Exploded Materials 207
5.2.1 Determination of Cellulose Content 207
5.2.2 Lignin Content Determination 208
5.2.3 Hemicellulose Content Determination 208
5.2.4 Extract Content Determination 209
5.2.5 Non-fiber Cell Content Determination209
5.2.6 Protein Content Determination 209
5.2.7 Wax Content Determination 209
5.2.8 Lipid Content Determination 210
5.2.9 Ash Content Determination 210
5.2.10 Moisture Content Determination210
5.2.11 Flavonoid Content Determination 210
5.2.12 Pectin Content Determination 210
5.2.13 Tannin Content Determination 211
5.3 Determination of the Active Groups in Gas-Exploded Materials 211
5.3.1 Determination of Methoxyl Group Content 211
5.3.2 Determination of Hydroxyl Content 211
5.3.3 Determination of Carboxyl Content 212
5.3.4 Simultaneous Determination of Carboxyl and Phenolic Hydroxyl 212
5.4 Particle Properties Characterization of Gas-Exploded Materials 213
5.4.1 Particle Size Analysis 213
5.4.2 The Application of Fractal Dimension in the Particle Characterization214
5.5 Interface Characterization Performance of Gas-Exploded Materials 215
5.5.1 Determination of the Specific Surface Area 215
5.5.2 The Characterization of Interfacial Tension 215
5.5.3 Characterization of Contact Angle 216
5.6 Characterization of Porous Properties of Gas-Exploded Materials 218
5.6.1 Characterization of Pore Size Distribution 218
5.6.2 Characterization of Permeability Coefficient 219
5.6.3 Characterization of Other Properties of Porous Media 219
5.7 Characterization of Biomechanical Property of Gas-Exploded Materials 219
5.7.1 Characterization of Hydrogen Content219
5.7.2 Tensile Strength 220
5.7.3 Compressive Strength 220
5.7.4 Bending Property 220
5.7.5 Shear Strength 220
5.7.6 Hardness and Impact Toughness 220
5.8 Characterization of Wet and Dry Performance of Gas-Exploded Materials 221
5.8.1 The Moisture Content and Shrinkage 221
5.8.2 The Existing State of Water221
5.8.3 Fiber Saturation Point 222
5.9 Characterization of Physicochemical Properties of Gas-Exploded Materials 222
5.9.1 Chemical Bond Energy 222
5.9.2 Thermodynamic Energy 222
5.9.3 Enthalpy Value 223
5.9.4 Specific Heat Capacity 223
5.9.5 Thermal Conductivity 223
5.10 Rheological Characterization of Gas-Exploded Materials 224
References 224
6 Applications of Gas Explosion in Biomass Refining 227
6.1 Applications of Gas Explosion in Food Industry 227
6.1.1 Processing of Fruit and Vegetable Residue 227
6.1.2 Meat Residue Processing229
6.1.3 Marine Products Processing 235
6.1.4 Food Processing239
6.1.5 Roughage Processing 239
6.2 Application of Gas Explosion Technology in Pharmaceutical Industry 247
6.2.1 Problems in Processing and Extraction Process of Medicinal Plants 247
6.2.2 Gas Explosion Enhancing Bioactive Ingredients Extraction from Traditional Chinese Medicines 250
6.2.3 Gas Explosion Processing of Traditional Chinese Medicines 260
6.2.4 Gas Explosion Technology Focused Ecological Industry of Medicinal Plants 270
6.3 Application of Gas Explosion Technology in Bioenergy 279
6.3.1 Pretreatment of Feedstock in Bioenergy 279
6.3.2 Advantages of Gas Explosion for Bioenergy Feedstock Pretreatment 280
6.3.3 Typical Applications of Gas Explosion in Bioenergy 281
6.4 The Applications of Steam Explosion Technology in Biomaterial Field 286
6.4.1 Natural Textile Fiber Extraction Using Steam Explosion Technology 287
6.4.2 Preparation of Natural Cellulose Nanofiber by Steam Explosion 298
6.4.3 Wood-Based Panels Made by Steam Explosion Corn Straw 300
6.4.4 Dissolving Pulp Produced by Steam-exploded Straw302
6.4.5 Polyurethane Foam Produced by Steam-exploded Straw Liquidation305
6.4.6 Protein Fiber Processing 311
6.5 Application of Steam Explosion Technology in Chemical Industry 317
6.5.1 Oxalic Acid318
6.5.2 Furfural320
6.5.3 Acetylpropionic Acid 323
6.5.4 Xylooligosaccharide/Xylose/Xylitol 326
6.5.5 Citric Acid 328
6.5.6 Xanthan Gum 330
6.5.7 Phenolic Acids332
6.5.8 Silicon Dioxide 336
6.5.9 Chemical Production Examples Based on Steam Explosion Technology 338
6.6 Application of Steam Explosion Technology in Environmental Protection339
6.6.1 Damage and Management of Solid Wastes 340
6.6.2 Organic Fertilizer Manufacturing 344
6.6.3 Application of Steam Explosion in Papermaking Industry 346
6.6.4 Environmental Materials Manufactured with Steam-Exploded Straw353
References 358



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气相爆破技术与生物炼制=Gas Explosion Technology and Biomass Refinery:英文
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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)

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