(一)精读 (Intensive Reading)精讲了课文中出现的语言难点,指导读者对相似的语言现象进行总结、归纳、比较和分析,培养初学者的自学能力。对英汉语言特点做了细致的对比,找出它们的相同点,而着浓墨于不同之处,对中国学生易犯和常犯的错误进行了剖析。例如,对under / beneath / below (在……下面), across / through (通过), with
/ by / in (以,用),to / towards (向,朝)等重点介词进行了比较,同时强调了with结构;详述常用动词do, have, make, take的特殊含义及用法;对include / contain (包括,包含),put on / wear / dress (穿,戴), find / find out / discover (发现),cost / spend (花费), turn on / open (打开)等近义动词进行了细致的辨析。
(二)重要结构 (Key Structures)以语法为纲,用浅显易懂的概念和例句层次分明地阐明语法,着重分析和比较各种语法现象之间的联系和区别,找出它们的不同点和相似之处,以求使用上的准确性;反复讲解了中国学生不易理解和掌握的语法,如冠词、分词结构、虚拟式等;对一般完成时与完成进行时、一般将来时与将来进行时、一般将来时与be going to残问健would与used to、限定性与非限定性定语从句、现在分词与动名词等易混淆的语法难点做了细致的比较;详尽地介绍了并列连词、关联连接词、连接性副词和关系代词的用法及注意事项。
(三)特殊难点 (Special Difficulties)帮助读者解决同义词、同形词、同音词、动词短语以及各种特殊句型的使用问题,如travel / journey / trip / voyage(旅行), steal / rob (偷,抢),job / work (工作)和系动词grow / get / turn / go / come / fall等同义词之间的区别以及特殊结构too...to, enough to, 形式宾语it,there is / it is等。
(四)多项选择问题 (Multiple choice questions)从语法、句法、词法、语言思维习惯和文化传统诸方面逐个分析习题答案,指出它们为什么对、为什么错,使自学者知其所以然;对课文中未涉及到的重要句子结构、语法、词法等作了必要的补充;同时列举了适量的例子,以助读者增强理解;对类似的语法现象、同义词、近义词等进行了详尽的比较和分析,并使之与“精读”和“特殊难点”形成相互参照,互为补充;对中国学生容易答错的习题以及似是而非的选择答案作了特别提醒。
1 A private conversation 1
2 Breakfast or lunch? 6
3 Please send me a card 12
4 An exciting trip 19
5 No wrong numbers 25
6 Percy Buttons 32
7 Too late 38
8 The best and the worst 45
9 A cold welcome 53
10 Not for jazz60
11 One good turn deserves another 67
12 Goodbye and good luck 73
13 The Greenwood Boys 80
14 Do you speak English?86
15 Good news94
16 A polite request 101
17 Always young 108
18 He often does this! 115
19 Sold out 120
20 One man in a boat 126
21 Mad or not? 134
22 A glass envelope 140
23 A new house 151
24 It could be worse 157
25 Do the English speak English? 161
26 The best art critics 167
27 A wet night 172
28 No parking! 179
29 Taxi! 190
30 Football or polo? 196
31 Success story 203
32 Shopping made easy 209
33 Out of the darkness 216
34 Quick work 224
35 Stop thief! 230
36 Across the Channel 235
37 The Olympic Games 243
38 Everything except the weather 250
39 Am I all right? 259
40 Food and talk 264
41 Do you call that a hat? 270
42 Not very musical 276
43 Over the South Pole 283
44 Through the forest 291
45 A clear conscience 299
46 Expensive and uncom fortable 306
47 A thirsty ghost 320
48 Did you want to tell me something? 327
49 The end of a dream 330
50 Taken for a ride 347
51 Reward for virtue 355
52 A pretty carpet 361
53 Hot snake 367
54 Sticky fingers 374
55 Not a gold mine 380
56 Faster than sound! 387
57 Can I help you, madam? 393
58 A blessing in disguise? 401
59 In or out? 409
60 The future 415
61 Trouble with the Hubble 420
62 After the fire 430
63 She was not amused 438
64 The Channel Tunnel 444
65 Jumbo versus the police 450
66 Sweet as honey! 459
67 Volcanoes 468
68 Persistent 475
69 But not murder! 483
70 Red for danger 490
71 A famous clock 503
72 A car called Bluebird 507
73 The record瞙older 511
74 Out of the lime瞝ight 516
75 SOS 521
76 April Fools’ Day 526
77 A successful operation 533
78 The last one? 544
79 By air 550
80 The Crystal Palace 555
81 Escape 561
82 Monster or fish? 567
83 After the elections 574
84 On strike 580
85 Never too old to learn 586
86 Out of control 594
87 A perfect alibi 600
88 Trapped in a mine 607
89 A slip of the tongue 618
90 What’s for supper? 626
91 Three men in a basket 633
92 Asking for trouble 639
93 A noble gift 647
94 Future champions 655
95 A fantasy 662
96 The dead return 668
2 Breakfast or lunch? 6
3 Please send me a card 12
4 An exciting trip 19
5 No wrong numbers 25
6 Percy Buttons 32
7 Too late 38
8 The best and the worst 45
9 A cold welcome 53
10 Not for jazz60
11 One good turn deserves another 67
12 Goodbye and good luck 73
13 The Greenwood Boys 80
14 Do you speak English?86
15 Good news94
16 A polite request 101
17 Always young 108
18 He often does this! 115
19 Sold out 120
20 One man in a boat 126
21 Mad or not? 134
22 A glass envelope 140
23 A new house 151
24 It could be worse 157
25 Do the English speak English? 161
26 The best art critics 167
27 A wet night 172
28 No parking! 179
29 Taxi! 190
30 Football or polo? 196
31 Success story 203
32 Shopping made easy 209
33 Out of the darkness 216
34 Quick work 224
35 Stop thief! 230
36 Across the Channel 235
37 The Olympic Games 243
38 Everything except the weather 250
39 Am I all right? 259
40 Food and talk 264
41 Do you call that a hat? 270
42 Not very musical 276
43 Over the South Pole 283
44 Through the forest 291
45 A clear conscience 299
46 Expensive and uncom fortable 306
47 A thirsty ghost 320
48 Did you want to tell me something? 327
49 The end of a dream 330
50 Taken for a ride 347
51 Reward for virtue 355
52 A pretty carpet 361
53 Hot snake 367
54 Sticky fingers 374
55 Not a gold mine 380
56 Faster than sound! 387
57 Can I help you, madam? 393
58 A blessing in disguise? 401
59 In or out? 409
60 The future 415
61 Trouble with the Hubble 420
62 After the fire 430
63 She was not amused 438
64 The Channel Tunnel 444
65 Jumbo versus the police 450
66 Sweet as honey! 459
67 Volcanoes 468
68 Persistent 475
69 But not murder! 483
70 Red for danger 490
71 A famous clock 503
72 A car called Bluebird 507
73 The record瞙older 511
74 Out of the lime瞝ight 516
75 SOS 521
76 April Fools’ Day 526
77 A successful operation 533
78 The last one? 544
79 By air 550
80 The Crystal Palace 555
81 Escape 561
82 Monster or fish? 567
83 After the elections 574
84 On strike 580
85 Never too old to learn 586
86 Out of control 594
87 A perfect alibi 600
88 Trapped in a mine 607
89 A slip of the tongue 618
90 What’s for supper? 626
91 Three men in a basket 633
92 Asking for trouble 639
93 A noble gift 647
94 Future champions 655
95 A fantasy 662
96 The dead return 668
Guide to new concept English.2
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