本书为北京外国语学院胡文仲、杨立民等同志所编《大学英语教程》(College English)一、二、三、四册的续编,供大学英语本 科高年级阅读课使用。
进入高年级阶段,阅读课应以提高学生自学能力、利用辞典 及其它工具书独立解决语言及背景知识的难点、正确理解课文及 作者的观点为主要目的。因此,本书注释力求精简,一般只包括 在学生现有的工具书中较难查到的背景知识。有的语言或背景 知识难点是“练习”要求学生解答的,未列入“注释”。
进入高年级后,学生不可能在课上课下做许多练习,因此,只 设计了三部分:(一)侧重内容理解的是非题;(二)测验学生对语 言难点的理解;(三)部分讨论题。
本书所选文章,大部分已在北京外国语学院英语系试用过。 本书练习答案另出。
lesson one
text: rashid's school at okhla
by santha rama rau
lesson two
text: four choices for young people
lesson three
text: rock superstars:
what do they tell us about ourselves
and our society?
lesson four
text: a most forgiving ape (part one)
by alan moorehead
lesson five:
text: a most forgiving ape (part two)
lesson six:
text: a lesson in living (part one)
by maya angelou
lesson seven
text: a lesson in living (part two)
lesson eight
. text: i'd rather be black than female
by shirly chisholm
lesson nine
text: the trouble with television
lesson ten
text: on getting off to sleep
by j. b. priestley
lesson eleven
text: why i write
by george orwell
lesson twelve
text: work
by bertrand russell
lesson thirteen
text: i would like to tell you something
by john f. kerry
lesson fourteen
text: are all generalizations false?
lionel ruby
robert e. yarber
lesson fifteen
text: the beauty industry
by aldous huxley
lesson sixteen
text: miss brill
by katherine mansfield
text: rashid's school at okhla
by santha rama rau
lesson two
text: four choices for young people
lesson three
text: rock superstars:
what do they tell us about ourselves
and our society?
lesson four
text: a most forgiving ape (part one)
by alan moorehead
lesson five:
text: a most forgiving ape (part two)
lesson six:
text: a lesson in living (part one)
by maya angelou
lesson seven
text: a lesson in living (part two)
lesson eight
. text: i'd rather be black than female
by shirly chisholm
lesson nine
text: the trouble with television
lesson ten
text: on getting off to sleep
by j. b. priestley
lesson eleven
text: why i write
by george orwell
lesson twelve
text: work
by bertrand russell
lesson thirteen
text: i would like to tell you something
by john f. kerry
lesson fourteen
text: are all generalizations false?
lionel ruby
robert e. yarber
lesson fifteen
text: the beauty industry
by aldous huxley
lesson sixteen
text: miss brill
by katherine mansfield
College English book
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