unit one everyone needs a fresh start 人人需要新起色
part one warm-up activities
part two dialogues
dialogue one it's lucky we've met 有缘相见
dialogue two english learning: ways out? 英语学习有捷径吗?
dialogue three learning by doing 干中学
part three passages
passage one practice makes perfect 熟能生巧
passage two tips on how to improve your english 提高英语能力的小窍门
unit two so many countries, so many festivals 不同的国家,不同的节目
part one warm-up activities
part two dialogues
dialogue one christmas for children 孩子们的圣诞节
dialogue two christmas for adults 大人们的圣诞节
dialogue three chinese new year 春节
part three passages
passages one chinese valentine's day 中国的情人节
passages two jack-o'-lantern 杰克灯笼
unit three education: cradle of success 教育:成功的摇篮
part one warm-up activities
.part two dialogues
dialogue one a students' conversation 同学间的窃窃私语
dialogue two a new style of learning 一种新的学习方式
dialogue three i'd like to ask you a question 我想问您一个问题
part three passages
passage one education in the information age 信息时代的教育
passage two the snow ball effect 滚雪球效应
unit four every trade has its master 行行出状元
part one warm-up activities
part two dialogues
dialogue one what are they doing now? 他们都在忙些啥?
dialogue two why so depressed? 为何这般沮丧?
dialogue three at the university tutoring center 在大学家教中心
part three passages
passage one job-hopping 跳槽
passage two tips for a job interview 求职面试小知识
unit five everyone to his own taste 人各有其趣
part one warm-up activities
part two dialogues
dialogue one good old days 过去的好时光
dialogue two i don't like watching tv 我不喜欢看电视
dialogue three welcome to the show 欢迎参加我们的节目
part three passages
passage one if you can't sleep at night... 如果你晚上睡不着……
passage two example: the best teacher 榜样的力量
unit six dress up or not? 要不要打扮得漂亮点儿?
part one warm-up activities
part two dialogues
dialogue one picking up people 接人
dialogue two what did you think of him? 你觉得他怎么样?
dialogue three looking for a perfect partner 寻找最佳伴侣
part three passages
passage one choose to be beautiful 选择美丽
passage two myth of east and west 东西方之迷
unit seven sports world 体育世界,精彩无限
part one warm-up activities
part two dialogues
dialogue one fitness is a fashion 健身是时尚
dialogue two on football 大话足球
dialogue three big bucks the easy way 生财有道
part three passages
passage one who are getting crazy about football? 谁为足球疯狂?
passage two michael jordan 迈克尔·乔丹
unit eight health food brings health 吃得健康,长得健壮
part one warm-up activities
part two dialogues
dialogue one how do you like english food? 英国菜合你的口味吗?
dialogue two a new waitr 新来的服务员
dialogue three a piece of cake 小菜一碟
part three passages
passage one why are you again? 怎么又是你?
passage two table manners in u.s. fammilies 美国家庭中的餐桌礼仪
unit nine computer works wonders 电脑创造奇迹
part one warm-up activities
part two dialogues
dialogue one it's fantastic to surf the net! 上网真棒!
dialogue two everyone has his own taste 各有所好
dialogue three moblie: our new friend 手机:我们的新朋友
part three passages
passage one sending a fax 发传真
passage two it simply stops working! 它就是不工作!
unit ten perfect plan, perfect journey 完美的计划,完美的旅游
part one warm-up activities
part two dialogues
dialogue one where're you going for the summer holiday? 打算到哪儿度暑假?
dialogue two camping holiday 露营度假
dialogue three seeing is believing 眼见为实
part three passages
passage one arebuilt modern city 一座重建的现代化城市
passage two traveling style of americans 美国人的旅游风格
unit eleven health is the first wealth 健康,人生第一财富
part one warm-up activities
part two dialogues
dialogue one sart jogging today 今天就开始慢跑
dialogue two fried potatoes is your problem 别吃炸士豆条了
dialogue three how to prevent sars? 如何抗非典?
part three passages
passage one you are what you eat 吃出健康来
passage two walking and health 走出健康来
unit twelve shopping 购物
part one warm-up activities
part two dialogues
dialogue one what can i do for you? 您想买什么?
dialogue two nice shoes to match a new dress 新衣服靓鞋
dialogue three the sooner, the better. 越快越好
part three passages
passage one a shopping day 购物日
passage two your lucky day 交好运的日子
glossary 词汇?
part one warm-up activities
part two dialogues
dialogue one it's lucky we've met 有缘相见
dialogue two english learning: ways out? 英语学习有捷径吗?
dialogue three learning by doing 干中学
part three passages
passage one practice makes perfect 熟能生巧
passage two tips on how to improve your english 提高英语能力的小窍门
unit two so many countries, so many festivals 不同的国家,不同的节目
part one warm-up activities
part two dialogues
dialogue one christmas for children 孩子们的圣诞节
dialogue two christmas for adults 大人们的圣诞节
dialogue three chinese new year 春节
part three passages
passages one chinese valentine's day 中国的情人节
passages two jack-o'-lantern 杰克灯笼
unit three education: cradle of success 教育:成功的摇篮
part one warm-up activities
.part two dialogues
dialogue one a students' conversation 同学间的窃窃私语
dialogue two a new style of learning 一种新的学习方式
dialogue three i'd like to ask you a question 我想问您一个问题
part three passages
passage one education in the information age 信息时代的教育
passage two the snow ball effect 滚雪球效应
unit four every trade has its master 行行出状元
part one warm-up activities
part two dialogues
dialogue one what are they doing now? 他们都在忙些啥?
dialogue two why so depressed? 为何这般沮丧?
dialogue three at the university tutoring center 在大学家教中心
part three passages
passage one job-hopping 跳槽
passage two tips for a job interview 求职面试小知识
unit five everyone to his own taste 人各有其趣
part one warm-up activities
part two dialogues
dialogue one good old days 过去的好时光
dialogue two i don't like watching tv 我不喜欢看电视
dialogue three welcome to the show 欢迎参加我们的节目
part three passages
passage one if you can't sleep at night... 如果你晚上睡不着……
passage two example: the best teacher 榜样的力量
unit six dress up or not? 要不要打扮得漂亮点儿?
part one warm-up activities
part two dialogues
dialogue one picking up people 接人
dialogue two what did you think of him? 你觉得他怎么样?
dialogue three looking for a perfect partner 寻找最佳伴侣
part three passages
passage one choose to be beautiful 选择美丽
passage two myth of east and west 东西方之迷
unit seven sports world 体育世界,精彩无限
part one warm-up activities
part two dialogues
dialogue one fitness is a fashion 健身是时尚
dialogue two on football 大话足球
dialogue three big bucks the easy way 生财有道
part three passages
passage one who are getting crazy about football? 谁为足球疯狂?
passage two michael jordan 迈克尔·乔丹
unit eight health food brings health 吃得健康,长得健壮
part one warm-up activities
part two dialogues
dialogue one how do you like english food? 英国菜合你的口味吗?
dialogue two a new waitr 新来的服务员
dialogue three a piece of cake 小菜一碟
part three passages
passage one why are you again? 怎么又是你?
passage two table manners in u.s. fammilies 美国家庭中的餐桌礼仪
unit nine computer works wonders 电脑创造奇迹
part one warm-up activities
part two dialogues
dialogue one it's fantastic to surf the net! 上网真棒!
dialogue two everyone has his own taste 各有所好
dialogue three moblie: our new friend 手机:我们的新朋友
part three passages
passage one sending a fax 发传真
passage two it simply stops working! 它就是不工作!
unit ten perfect plan, perfect journey 完美的计划,完美的旅游
part one warm-up activities
part two dialogues
dialogue one where're you going for the summer holiday? 打算到哪儿度暑假?
dialogue two camping holiday 露营度假
dialogue three seeing is believing 眼见为实
part three passages
passage one arebuilt modern city 一座重建的现代化城市
passage two traveling style of americans 美国人的旅游风格
unit eleven health is the first wealth 健康,人生第一财富
part one warm-up activities
part two dialogues
dialogue one sart jogging today 今天就开始慢跑
dialogue two fried potatoes is your problem 别吃炸士豆条了
dialogue three how to prevent sars? 如何抗非典?
part three passages
passage one you are what you eat 吃出健康来
passage two walking and health 走出健康来
unit twelve shopping 购物
part one warm-up activities
part two dialogues
dialogue one what can i do for you? 您想买什么?
dialogue two nice shoes to match a new dress 新衣服靓鞋
dialogue three the sooner, the better. 越快越好
part three passages
passage one a shopping day 购物日
passage two your lucky day 交好运的日子
glossary 词汇?
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