From the KGB to the President 从克格勃到总统
The Mysterious Death of Rommel 隆美尔的神秘死亡
Patton's Management of Army 巴顿治军
Rise of Genghis Khan 成吉思汗的崛起
The Most Difficult Decision to MaKe 艰难的抉择
The Childhood of Tsar Peter the Great 彼得大帝的童年
BismarcK' Decisive Battle 俾斯麦的关键一战
FredericK the Great: Merciful or Merciless? 腓特烈大帝:仁慈还是无情?
Caesar First Landing in Britain 恺撒首次登陆不列颠岛
An Honorable Legend of the British Army 英军的光荣传说
“I do not Permit the Abuse of Powers.” “我绝不允许滥用职权的行为”
“I, together with My Family, will Stand with the Defense Troops to the Last.” “我和我的家庭将同守岛部队共命运”
A Portrait of Eighth Army's Commander by His ADC 副官眼中的第八集团军司令官
President from the Battlefield 战场归来的总统
The Most Valuable BooK 最有价值的书
Last Battle of the Grand Army 大军的最后一战
Visionary Commander, Unwavering Leader 有远见的指挥官,坚定的领导者
From Scotland to Downing Street: Gordon Brown 从苏格兰到唐宁街:戈登·布朗
From an Actor to the Real Star 从演员到明星领袖
The Iron Lady: Margaret Thatcher 铁娘子:玛格丽特·撒切尔
The Writer of History: Winston Churchill 书写历史的人:温斯顿·丘吉尔
The Worst President in History? 历史上最糟糕的总统?
Lee Kuan Yew, a Distinguished Leader of a Tiny Area 李光耀:小国里的大领袖
I Have a Dream 我有一个梦想
SlicK Willie—Bill Clinton “滑头威利”克林顿
Hillary Rodham Clinton—Living History 希拉里·罗德姆·克林顿——《生活纪录》
“No One Left” “一个都不能放弃”
Army from Heaven 神兵天降
JacK—The Most Beloved President in the US 杰克——最受爱戴的美国总统
The Most Famous Ball in History 历史上最著名的舞会
From the KGB to the President 从克格勃到总统
The Mysterious Death of Rommel 隆美尔的神秘死亡
Patton's Management of Army 巴顿治军
Rise of Genghis Khan 成吉思汗的崛起
The Most Difficult Decision to MaKe 艰难的抉择
The Childhood of Tsar Peter the Great 彼得大帝的童年
BismarcK' Decisive Battle 俾斯麦的关键一战
FredericK the Great: Merciful or Merciless? 腓特烈大帝:仁慈还是无情?
Caesar First Landing in Britain 恺撒首次登陆不列颠岛
An Honorable Legend of the British Army 英军的光荣传说
“I do not Permit the Abuse of Powers.” “我绝不允许滥用职权的行为”
“I, together with My Family, will Stand with the Defense Troops to the Last.” “我和我的家庭将同守岛部队共命运”
A Portrait of Eighth Army's Commander by His ADC 副官眼中的第八集团军司令官
President from the Battlefield 战场归来的总统
The Most Valuable BooK 最有价值的书
Last Battle of the Grand Army 大军的最后一战
Visionary Commander, Unwavering Leader 有远见的指挥官,坚定的领导者
From Scotland to Downing Street: Gordon Brown 从苏格兰到唐宁街:戈登·布朗
From an Actor to the Real Star 从演员到明星领袖
The Iron Lady: Margaret Thatcher 铁娘子:玛格丽特·撒切尔
The Writer of History: Winston Churchill 书写历史的人:温斯顿·丘吉尔
The Worst President in History? 历史上最糟糕的总统?
Lee Kuan Yew, a Distinguished Leader of a Tiny Area 李光耀:小国里的大领袖
I Have a Dream 我有一个梦想
SlicK Willie—Bill Clinton “滑头威利”克林顿
Hillary Rodham Clinton—Living History 希拉里·罗德姆·克林顿——《生活纪录》
“No One Left” “一个都不能放弃”
Army from Heaven 神兵天降
JacK—The Most Beloved President in the US 杰克——最受爱戴的美国总统
The Most Famous Ball in History 历史上最著名的舞会
英文共同题名:People of influence
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